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An Eid prayer for the people of Kismaayo

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While we are prebaring for the upcoming Eid holiday, the city of Kismaayo is being

Shelled and bombed by war ships and Helicopters from the Kenyan army and people are once

Again fleeing the city.


It's not the first time that the people of Kismaayo fled the city. And it's not the first

Time that the city is attacked by with shells, bombs and bullets by outsiders. In the 90's

Diffrent militias fought for the control of the city and it changed hands several times.

In the last decade the city was the battlefield between islamist and goverment supported

Militias. In the last years Kismaayo became the stronghold of the extremist Al Shabab.


The city is now under attack from the Kenyan Military and diffrent Somali goverment supported clan

militias are waiting to take control of the city for their clan to establish 'Jubbaland', 'Azanialand'.

No other city in Somalia has seen so many diffrent clashes and wars, no other in Somalia changed

hands so many diffrent times, no other city in Somalia is claimed by so many diffrent clans as theirs.

Once again it's the people of Kismaayo that are the victims of these geo-regional competition for power,Driven by wrong policies, wrong clan politics,wrong militias, wrong extrmist and wrong 'foreign' invasion.


Our hart goes out to the people of Kismaayo. We turn to Allah and pray for his forgiveness, his mercy and his

kindness for the people of Kismaayo,to help remove them from their burdens, to remove their tirans and

we pray Allah to give the people of Kismaayo the long lasting peace they deserve.



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