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Riot at Karmel Mall.

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raula..aan kula kaftamee...Karamel Mall share maa ku leedahay...?:D Shakhsiyaadka leh the building ma is kasaysaan?

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^^^lol...maya walaal..but i am resident of MN dee...besides saas taajir reeraha yaga ma ahan mandhow...


MMA...Amsterdam ma saxiibtaa baa joogto maxaa uu koronto ku dhaanta :D Horta adi qof gacmo furan kugusoo dhaweynaaya iska yar qor qor bilaa liis.


Apophis..You are right but this is not entirely the case at all times. I didn't say they shouldn't make "noise" but the touching part was a bit too much. I don't know about where you live but brother in my neck of woods that could turn into something unexpected. N'ways, the brothers made their point & glad both parties's issues were resolved.

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Why can't Somalis be a bit more self dependent? I have yet to see a Somali credit union in Toronto. You would think that with the high banking fees in Canada, and importance of remittance to Somalis, they would be springing up everywhere. Same goes with real estate, and companies outside the restaurant industry. If the Somali community were as vibrant as it claims to be, they wouldn't be strong-armed by the likes of this owner.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;856935 wrote:
Kaas waardiyaha caloosha kuusan oo ismooday askari balaayo ah, waliba booto iyo hanjabaad la socoto. Ar muxuu kibir badanyahay.


Soomaalideena waa isku naqaan hal qof in uu hadlo iskuma ogalin. Meel walba toban qof Soomaali iskugu imaato ayaaba saas ah, walaa banooni la ciyaaraayo walaa meel fadhi ku dirir walaa meelahaan camal -- buuq iyo toban iska daba hadasho. Hal qof si macquul ah u hadlo looma deynaayo in uu qofkaas kaligiis u hadlo.

Runtaa, what else do you expect from "Flight 13" kids?......Waxba. Ha iska mudaaharaan, waa iska caadi.


If that chick was any smart, she would've sue them....y'know, see lacag ugu hesho. :)

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;856972 wrote:
Welcome Daa'uud, brother. We wiill welcome you open arms, unlike the little hands offered by a certain miss in Minnesota.


Rawla, awalba open hands ma rabin. Haddii la igu soo dhaweynin open (____) maba rabi.

so bood bood marka..oday biiqe :D walaahi ugali dhuunta kuu istaageyso lee ka dherjinaa -laakin ay kutubeey lee fursad kasoo qaado marka hore nooh :D & MN is a fine state by the Chimera can relocate anytime..unlike visiting TO hehehe..

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Smh @ The whole crowd trying to speak to the man all at the same. Seriously, that right there is something we need to stop. It's a universal thing that happens everywhere Somalis gather (literally) they all wanna talk at the same time.


I also didn't like the aggressive/threatening nature of the Somali dude who was leading the crowd. There's nothing assertive about pounding your chest and jumping all over the place.


Good on them though for looking out for the Sister.

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Karmel Mall is the only place I've seen where a customers has to pay a parking fee to shop there. No other business I know of makes their customers pay a parking fee in an open parking lot just to shop. I don't understand why Somali businesses do expect their customers to pay for a parking in order to do business with them.


Rumor has it carabkaan abuses and harasses Somalida that do business with him. I don't think a mere demo on a private property is gonna cut it.

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Chimera;856937 wrote:
Somali-Americans are a real community, no wonder their children are flying up the academic rankings, their businesses are flourishing and their political clout is greater than any diaspora community. They did well in protecting that
sister from harrassment and ill-treatment, yes sometimes you need to be loud to achieve your goals.


However, I remember reading about this mall in 2007, and always wondered why the premise wasn't owned by a Somali businesman or a group of Somali stakeholders. The Somali community in Minnesota purchasing power stands at $300-500 million annually, which is significant when you consider its something like 50/60% of the total
purchasing power in that state. Therefore Somalis are very much capable of buying their own space where they can make sure their rights aren't trampled upon.


If I ever decide not to return to Somalia for some reason, Minnesota or Columbus, Ohio would be the places I would settle instead.

Good points, but I lived in Minnesota before these malls were opened so purchasing such large buildings isn't that easy. You either have to have some sort collateral or great credit to get funded/investment not to mentioned Somalis being more religious and they avoided involving interests where the Sabri (owner) pays interest and bribe..

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I don't think Somalis have an issue with asserting themselves. It's the organization part that is totally lacking. If they were organized and united no one would mess with them in the first place.

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They're all brave and full of hot air but there is not one reasonable person amongst them. Heh! :D


The place was full of women and children and no reasonable man should start an argument where there are women and children (no matter the provocation or reasons). Had someone thrown a punch or the guy threatening to mace people carried his threat through, what would have become to those kids and women who would have been caught in the middle?


Standing up for your rights (dollar parking you useless peasents?) is all well and good but, before that, one needs to show signs of being a responsible and reasonable adult. Nothing in that disturbing video shows any of these ****** to be any of this.

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NGONGE;857184 wrote:
They're all brave and full of hot air but there is not one reasonable person amongst them. Heh!


The place was full of women and children and no reasonable man should start an argument where there are women and children (no matter the provocation or reasons). Had someone thrown a punch or the guy threatening to mace people carried his threat through, what would have become to those kids and women who would have been caught in the middle?


Standing up for your rights (dollar parking you useless peasents?) is all well and good but, before that, one needs to show signs of being a responsible and reasonable adult. Nothing in that disturbing video shows any of these ****** to be any of this.


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