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Riot at Karmel Mall.

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"The Karmel Management has been raking in tens of thousands of dollars yearly from the Somali community without an ounce of respect or appreciation. Can you tell me why we continue to allow this? When we have the power to bring them to their knees?"


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Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ka shaqaysta/adeegta Karmel Mall si fiican oo isku duubni ah ayey uga soo horjesteen dhibaatada iyo xaqdarada lagu hayo. Waana wax fiican in la arko Ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo isku duuban, oo hal meel danahooda uga soo wada jeestay.


Ps. waxaa fiican marka ay dadka waaweyn hadlayaan in caruurta yar yar la aamusiiyo. Oo aanay dadka waaweyn kala qayb galin dooda iyo muranka.

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Showqi-mandhow waxaad ka hadleysaa dad macquul ah..or wax garad noqon karo..there were even words being thrown out there in the vicinity of the riot-.."we don't share the same culture"...iyo bacaac. Marka showqi..seef-la-bood hadey kuu dhaleen maxaad ka sugi..its really Sad some are trying to calm the masses & reason/explain to the cops..& some are just plain adding fire to the fuel.


A..thx-I saw upto the point where the cop is talking to the gal..but couldn't finish it (meeting).

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Kudos to the young Somalis who stood up for their Somali sister. I don't know the whole story but I did not like the way one of the security guards on this video was reacting. The Arab owner tried to be smarter than them but he was busted.:D They could have been more organized but who cares at least they acheived what they wanted and I am glad that nobody was injured or no property was damaged.

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Few things stood out on that video for me.......


1. The Rent a Cop at the begining of the video, should've been bunched in his face for threatening to mace people.


2. Second, if what led to this riot was mudaharad ka dhacay suuqa karamel markii garbay somaliyed loo diiday in aay dhigato parkingka xaga kore markey ka soo weysey parking xaga hoose ayaa wardiyaha si xun oo xishmadarah ugu qeyliyey asagoo...than that's just crazy. Next i time i get disrespected, maybe i'll have people rioting for me also. Smh.


3. If you look at the video you'll see most people there are just bunch Ciyaals that probably have no idea what they are rioting about, but just saw an opportunity to do something.

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Kaas waardiyaha caloosha kuusan oo ismooday askari balaayo ah, waliba booto iyo hanjabaad la socoto. Ar muxuu kibir badanyahay.


Soomaalideena waa isku naqaan hal qof in uu hadlo iskuma ogalin. Meel walba toban qof Soomaali iskugu imaato ayaaba saas ah, walaa banooni la ciyaaraayo walaa meel fadhi ku dirir walaa meelahaan camal -- buuq iyo toban iska daba hadasho. Hal qof si macquul ah u hadlo looma deynaayo in uu qofkaas kaligiis u hadlo.

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Somali-Americans are a real community, no wonder their children are flying up the academic rankings, their businesses are flourishing and their political clout is greater than any diaspora community. They did well in protecting that beautiful sister from harrassment and ill-treatment, yes sometimes you need to be loud to achieve your goals.


However, I remember reading about this mall in 2007, and always wondered why the premise wasn't owned by a Somali businesman or a group of Somali stakeholders. The Somali community in Minnesota purchasing power stands at $300-500 million annually, which is significant when you consider its something like 50/60% of the total African purchasing power in that state. Therefore Somalis are very much capable of buying their own space where they can make sure their rights aren't trampled upon.


If I ever decide not to return to Somalia for some reason, Minnesota or Columbus, Ohio would be the places I would settle instead.

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Apophis;856920 wrote:
If they were "civilised" they would not have achieved their objective which was to get the two guards sent home. The owner was, initially, dismissive and d1ck1sh. He changed his tune when they, rightly, persisted.


Raula-watch the whole clip and you'll see they were loud but well behaved.

Apophis..well now that i did, glad the boys came out swinging for their sister..but man were they boiling...why the h*&^ do they have to surround & TOUCH & even WHISPER into someone's ear during a commotion? if someone had pulled out a gun..i think the lawyers would have looked at it as a threat & justified if any "self-defense' right was raised. OR they were that close to the cops...i betcha some of them now would be in Hennepin county jail for the night..As well, if you are asking for a resolution, you negotiate (this doesn't mean you forgo your target-i.e. get those security guards fired) but then you don't tell the other party HOW TO RUN THEIR BUSINESS? maxey inamadaan (i know some of them are well over 30+ :D) is mooden? Wale qof cadaan ah saas laguma sameeyn laheen..laakin its because they have had enough of this Sabri guy/his associates & his business model. Laakin its the somalis that have gotten him to this point.


Allow ya rag somaliyeed la murma..waaba hadey ku cunin maalin cad & you wonder why women can't be much in Parliament.


***OK, aniga waxaa igu darnaa..dumarka mesha ka qeylinaayo..koleytaba i wouldn't have been one of them..& reer-baadiye oo loo dhiibe phone-camera oo maqley Facebook/twitter/You TUBE etc

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On another note..waxaan ka baqa..that 'former' security guard..might end up pulling something like the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting or far worse..


Chimera-We Minnesotan's will wlc you w/OPEN HANDS :D Get away from those congested streets of london for a bit :D

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