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Congratulating Caydiid

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Maaddeey;856938 wrote:
Abwaan, waad qaldantahay, dadka aad la sintay lama sinna Aideed (Siad barre maahee inta kale oo la isu geeyey ma gaaraan!).

Isagu Siyaad Bare ayuu la dagaalamay (Dirty war) isaga oo aan maatada iyo maalkooda u aabo yeelin. Isagana markii dambe intii kale ayaa la dagaalantay, marka bal maxay isdhamaan kuligood waa isku mid! kii dagaalka bilaabay, kii Amxaarada keenay iyo kii waddanka iibiyeyba kuligood waa kab iyo Xaarkeed.

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Maaddeey;856945 wrote:
^Sxb, ani yaa badar i siiya!


Wixii aan sax u arko 'controversial' kasta ha ahaadeen waa sheegaa lee!.

Sow inta la igula dagaalay oo la iigu goobto ma ahan like inaan u jixin-jixayo:D. This time xaalku sidaan waa ka beddelnaa ma rabo inaan ka badbadiyo.

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AUN Caydiid, wuxu ahaa geesi,. I will not condemn Caydiid's evil deeds, while you ppl will not do the same for AY and Morgan and the rest. Jacpher and co are nothing but hypocrites. I totally agree with abwaan on this one.

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Aideed was the father of warlords, the moryaan who's whole existence is why we are here today, the destroyer of Somalia, no one needs your condemnation we already know the history. Whether it be Morgan, Siad Barre or AY they won't reach his level in anyone league table.


The man used to brag about eating soap to cleanse the inside of his body, shame he didn't finish the job. Everyone is a geesi when they start a genocide, maybe the adrenaline is pumping.

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No actually no one cares what your version of history is, you ruined our country with these men, you were the wholesale producers, that's why your whole clan, if you mention the name it has a negative connotation like a barbaric undertone.

The same with this man's name. So history is already written, but to try and drag down the rest of us with your ilk is just laughable.

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Maxaa?, dadkii isku dhiibay Caydiidaa saan yeelay, aa na xoogay kunturoow suubiyey, qof idin heysata maleh, dacwadiina sax ma ka dhigeyso waxaad sheegteen!, waase ka xunnahay kala fiiggii; kala dhunkii, dhuudhigii iwm, dhinaca kaleba dhibaatooyinkaas waa jireen (ha la kala awood badnaado, scale ka dhibkana ka kala weynaado)!, ayadoo weliba dawladeysan, meesha kuwaan mo.oryaan xaydan oo tabeebe xiran ahaayeen!. Ha la sabro, hana la iska ilaawo.

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No, this is not clan perspective, those men are not comparable to Aideed, that's what we have to leave with tonight, if a person denies this then he's the clanist.


A man whose sole intention was to kill other people is different from a man who brought foreign troops, a man who tried to stay in power and a man complying with a military order.


We have to look at intention and result.

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Somalia son, Nobody hates Aideed more than i do believe me but isn't it hypocritical to blame Aideed to be a ruthless killer and yet not mentioning the acts of Morgan who i believe aint better than Aideed, thats what i mean with clan perspectives,

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I agree, Morgan's acts were bad, so were many others even Yeey had some mistakes, and Siad Barre too, however the intention of Aideed were in a different time zone than any of the others.


As Muslims we look at intentions first.

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General caydiid was not an angel and he had his errors. But to potray him as some kind of monster.Youre hero cabdilahi yusuf wanted nothing but to be caydiids partner. But general caydiid told him there was no place for yey in caydiids admin.



If it is about war and killings than after caydiid died killings continuewho is responsible for that. Its like those people who continue toblame siad bare for all that went wrong post 1991


Somali waa is dishay qabriyey isku gurtay maxa meyd laga dul talaabsaday maxa hooyo goblantay maxaa aboo inantisa lugu hor kufsaday maxa wiilal geed lugu xidhay oo la toogtay. Maxa musheikh la laayey. All that happened not a single person is responsible for that. Its something all the so called somali leaders did. Its very easy to blame some one for all of that. While not seeing the bigger picture.

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