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Somalis out in Boston get in here

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So I'll be in Boston this fall for a bit, Cambridge to be exact. What is there to do? I been to Boston before of course, but didn't mingle with Somalis while out there.

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yeah where is resident Che?


last time i went 2004-traffic was crazy..& even worse were the drivers around the downtown zone. Food is expensive...if you like dining outside fine restuarants..& tipping is compulsory :D (I asked back then, if the friends/relatives would donate the money to my college tuition..but they said no). N'ways good luck. BTW, don't look out the window when landing...

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It really depends what AfricaOwn is into. It is collage town with cafe culture. Geographically, the city's most happening places are on the red line or Mass Ave namely Kendall, Central, Harvard and Porter squares. And there's Charles River/ Memorial Drive and North Cambridge. For young folks, Cambridge does few clubs with live music, Ryles Jazz Club and the Middle East to name couple. Also check out the comedy studio.


Places to eat are plenty but Raula said it can get expensive. For touristy and historical types, I would recommend Peabody, Longfellow, Harvard Museum of Natural History, etc.


Needless to say, Boston has more to offer than Cambridge.

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That's the only fact I know of the place. I would also go there because it is green and frosty, I don't like humid places. My cousin moved there from Sweden, I ought to go visit her.

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