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Somali olympic athlets claim asylum.

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Abwaan;856458 wrote:
Maaddeey, warkaan been waaye, they have not claimed asylum.



By any other name, this is isdhiibid. Iyagee jirtaa haddee isdhiibaan iyo haddii kale laakiin Soomaali badan waxee dhibsadeen that bogus daljecel hees of hers. Dadka dareenkooda intee kicisay ugu baxday markaas.

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Abwaan; waa ogahay ineysan weli Croydon aadin, lakin waa sii hordhigteen, calaamatul madhar fil saxaab ma la dhihinoo?, miney is dhiibi waayaan dhegta i dur.


Juxa, inaad immigration tahay aan mudaayey inaad meel ku sheegtayoo waabaan kuu soo socdaye!.


Mma, inaad waddankaaga jeceshahay inaad joogto dhexdiisa lee maaha, adoo ka maqanaad jeclaan kartaa, dadkaan chance-ka ha ka faaiideystaane dhaaf.

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It's their life. They don't have to sacrifice themselves to be considered 'patriotic'. We don't know what will happen to them if they return back, what if Al shabab kills them? It's their right to take advantage of this opportunity.

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Lol@Juxa, so you are some other thpe of lawyer? Are you a business lawyer? I might want want hou to represent me deped ing on how good you lawyer you are.:D I guess your name says all khayaanadii Juxa wax baad ka garanaysaa.:D

Juxa, I don't want them to get harmed either. Why can't we start some sort of foundation that can support them and others like them instead of them claiming asylum and then asking for benefits....we all know that they are not getting hired by some clubs and then get a decent life. There is an expectation for Somalia tomget agood government at the end of this month and a lot of people are looking closely at the situation in Somalia this time.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;856465 wrote:


By any other name, this is isdhiibid. Iyagee jirtaa haddee isdhiibaan iyo haddii kale laakiin Soomaali badan waxee dhibsadeen that bogus daljecel hees of hers. Dadka dareenkooda intee kicisay ugu baxday markaas.

MM! We cannot say it is bogus, qalbigooda annaga kuma jirno, inay run ka tagay u badi. Haddii lagu dhaho waa idin biraynaa aniga iyo adigaba ma aadneen so I don't blame them. Aniga inay is dhiibaan ma jecli balse kuma jeesjeesaayo like dadka qaarkiis. Dadka naftaada oo kale ayaa laga soo qaadaa.

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Yunis;856361 wrote:
Juxa - you’re not blaming real culprits here. It’s these St!pd fraudulent Somali Olympic committee. Its all of Somali athletics program including the Somali football federations among others with their archaic selection process, untrained, ill-equipped athletes that puts their very lives at risk. It’s deplorable that their aims are enriching themselves with the peanut donation amounts given to them by IOC, and the ngo’s at the expense of these athletes. It’s a sham and they should halt the entire Somali sports circus presented internationally or do a clean house.


In four years expect the same false pride in Rio again, the low expectation and the contentment of the Somali masses on simply seeing the flag being carried among nations, the courageous athlete who will be that flag bearer, yet finishes dead last on all events and will either be stuck in Brazil or will eventually risk it all in thousands of miles on foot towards US.

Right there, you hit the nail on the head.

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Watch the video, yes they did not go Croydon immigration office yet, but I believe [maybe] they have been pressured by Duran to wait until the closing ceremony on tomorrow so that they won't embarrass the Somali Olympic Committee, but watch the space I can tell you Zamzam and Mohamed will be at Lunar house first thing on Monday morning.

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Somalis and their hypocrisy never seize to amaze. Waryaada, maa run isku sheegno? Somalis have cheated, lied, stole and connived their way into the land of milk and honey. So why are you guys now hypocritically begrudging these young heroes for doing what most of us have done? At very least we should commiserate with their quandary (yes, this was a painful decision for them as can be gleaned from their facial expressions) and assist them however we can not scoff at them.

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We could see this coming. It was so glaringly obvious that they can't run, so there must have been another reason as to why they came. These people disgust me. Hope they don't get accepted (I would be shocked if that happened) & get sent back straight away.

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^Xasid. They have a better claim to asylum than most who came through forgery and lies. At least their stories are true. I think they should get asylum just on the basis of Mo Farah winning gold for the UK. Yo Mo - support your homies!

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Abwaan - waxaanan dhihin ha buubbuunin, I am not saying any of that; it’s actually madness that some folks are blaming these athletes, but, yes the whole process including Somali OC, vetting selection of athletes, training and the rest is just a circus.

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Can just picture a meeting of fresh Somalis in an ESOL class sharing anecdotes about "barigee aan isdhiibay". Surely, "I took part in the London Olympics" will trump any stories of high seas or mountain crossings that others may share. Heh. :D


(What will be will be).

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Garnaqsi;856495 wrote:
We could see this coming. It was so glaringly obvious that they can't run, so there must have been another reason as to why they came. These people disgust me. Hope they don't get accepted (I would be shocked if that happened) & get sent back straight away.

Well said, there should be a coordinated campaign to have them deported, sneaky bast/ards. :D

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