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الصومال نحو وداع المجاعة!

اكتشاف ثروات نفطيّة في «بونت لاند» يثير الآمال



هل يُنهي النفط الصومالي المجاعة أم يفاقمها؟ (طوني كارومبا ــ أ ف ب)


بات بإمكان الصوماليين تنفُّس الصعداء، أو على الأقل التفاؤل بالخير، فقد بدأت المساعي الجدية لاستخراج النفط من بلادهم، علّ عائداته تعود لمصلحتهم، وليس لصناديق الشركات الأجنبية وحسابات حكامهم فحسب. النفط موجود بالفعل في الصومال، وسيبدأ العمل لاستخراجه من إقليم «بونت لاند» الشمالي، أولاً قبل التوسع جنوباً. في غضون 90 يوماً، قد يبدأ الصومال بإنتاج 300 مليون برميل من «النفط الأسود». نبأ سارّ لكونه قد يؤدي إلى إنهاء مأساة المجاعة والحرب الأهلية والموت عطشاً، لكنه أيضاً يثير مخاوف من أن يفاقم المشاكل بدل حلّها، إذا ما بات وجود النفط في الصومال مادة تثير المصالح الغربية وتفاقم النزاعات الأهلية


علي عبدي حوشو



مقديشو | أعلنت شركة «هورن بتروليوم» الكندية بدء عملية حفر الآبار النفطية في مناطق تابعة لحكومة إقليم «بونت لاند» الصومالي، لذلك، تستعد الشركة حالياً لحفر البئر «شبيل 1» (النمر الأول) بعمق 3800 متر، بعد إنجاز حفرة تجريبية وصل عمقها إلى 50 متراً. وتستخدم الشركة في عمليات الحفر للآبار النفطية جهاز «سكسون 501» الذي سيؤدي دوراً مميزاً في إتمام الحلم الصومالي في مدة أقصاها 90 يوماً في منطقة وادي «طرور» من إقليم «الشرق».


وبعد نجاح العملية، سينتقل الجهاز إلى حفر بئرين أخريين في وادي «نوغال» من محافظة «نوغال». ولم تحفر في الصومال آبار نفطية منذ 20 عاماً، عاشت البلاد خلالها أزمة كبيرة أدت إلى إسقاط الحكومة المركزية عام 1991، ومنعت الشركات الأجنبية خلالها من استخراج النفط والمعادن لأسباب تتعلق بشروط الشركات حيال العقود النفطية.

وتقع البئر «شبيل 1» وعدة آبار قريبة منها، في منطقة «طرور» الشمالية. وتعمل البئر في نظام صدع العمر الجوراسي الذي هو جزء من نفس النظام الذي استخرج منه النفط في حوضي «المسيلة» و«شبوة» في اليمن، وهو الذي يحتوي على نحو 6 مليارات برميل من النفط. ويقدَّر أنه يوجد في بئر «شبيل 1» أكثر من 300 مليون برميل من النفط القابل للاستخراج، علماً أن وجود الصخور الجوراسية الغنية في عمق البئر، يخفف من التقديرات النفطية الموجودة فيا، بما أن الدراسات تفيد بأن الحجر الرملي الموجود في هذه الأراضي الصومالية وخزانات الكربونات وأنظمة الطبقات السفلى الجوراسية والطباشيرية، مشابهة لتلك الموجودة في اليمن.

وقال رئيس المجلس التنفيذي لشركة «هورن بتروليوم»، دايفيد غريلمان، إنّ بدء عمليات الحفر في وادي «طرور» سيكون معلماً رئيسياً في تقدير إمكانيات وجود النفط في شمال الصومال. وتابع «لدينا دعم قوي جداً من حكومة إقليم بونت لاند ومن المجتمع المحلي، وجميعهم حريصون على رؤية استئناف التنمية في مناطقهم بعد فترات طويلة من الصراع الداخلي». وأشار إلى أن هذه الآبار هي الأولى التي يتم حفرها في المناطق العميقة في أحواض الصدع، وسيكون لها دور رئيسي في تفجير الطاقات الهيدروكربونية التي لم تستكشف بعد.

بدورها، لفتت الناشطة الاجتماعية في مدينة «جرووي»، عاصمة سلطات «بونت لاند»، زهرة إسحاق، إلى أن استخراج النفط في مناطق شمال شرق البلاد سيكون نعمة ورفاهية لصالح جميع أبناء الشعب الصومالي. وتذكّر إسحاق بأن سبع قبائل توحّدت بعد استخراج النفط، وحُلّت جميع المشاكل العالقة في ما بينها، «لذلك نريد أن نخطو نحو هذا الاتجاه لنتوحّد من جديد».

ووقعت حكومة إقليم «بونت لاند» الصومالية، مع شركة «هورن بتروليوم» الكندية والشركات المتعاونة معها، صفقة تمنحها حصة 51 في المئة من الانتاج في مقابل عملية التنقيب، رغم معارضة بعض النواب من البرلمان الانتقالي الصومالي للاتفاقية لأنها تعطي نسبة أكبر للشركات، فيما يصرّ نواب آخرون على وقف عملية التنقيب إلى حين عودة الاستقرار لجميع أرجاء البلاد.

ودار خلاف سياسي ودستوري بين الحكومة الانتقالية الصومالية وحكومة إقليم «بونت لاند» عام 2006، بعد إبرام الأخيرة عقوداً سرية مع شركات لم توافق الحكومة المركزية عليها، علما أن قانون النفط الصومالي ينص على أنه يحق لكل حكومة إقليمية معترف بها لدى الحكومة المركزية في مقديشو، استخراج نفطها ومعادنها، وذلك بشرط موافقة البرلمان الصومالي على العقود المبرمة، وتقسيم المحصول إلى قسمين، قسم للسلطة المركزية، وقسم آخر للسلطة الإقليمية.

وأوضح رئيس حكومة إقليم «بونت لاند»، عبد الرحمن محمد محمود فرولي، أن رئيس الوزراء الصومالي عبد الولي محمد، وافق رسمياً على بدء عملية التنقيب النفطي في «بونت لاند»، ووقع في سبيل ذلك على مذكرة قبل أسبوعين في مدينة «بوصاصو» بمحافظة الشرق. وأشار إلى أن مستقبل الصومال يُظهر في الأفق ملامح انفراج لأزمة المجاعة والأمراض المعدية والحروب الأهلية. وقال فرولي، خلال افتتاح مشروع التنقيب، إن «فوائد حقول النفط في بونت لاند لن تكون محصورة بسكانه، بل إنها ستكفل التنمية والازدهار لكل البلد، ولن يكون سبباً لصراع اقتصادي بين المحافظات والقبائل الصومالية».

وفي السياق، توقعت وزارة النفط والطاقة والمعادن والمياه في حكومة «بونت لاند» أن يشهد الإقليم في الشهور القليلة المقبلة، اكتشاف المزيد من حقول النفط الجديدة. وكشفت الوزارة عن جهود مبذولة للتوسُّع في عمليات الاستكشاف النفطي، إلى جانب بناء مصانع مصفاة لزيادة الطاقة الإنتاجية النفطية. وبالفعل، بدأت عمليات التنقيب بعد توقيع اتفاقية مع «هورن بتروليوم» الكندية، وذلك بعد إجراء المسح الجيولوجي والجيوفيزيائي في مناطق مختلفة من مناطق شمال شرق البلاد.

أما وزير النفط والمعادن والطاقة والمياه للحكومة الانتقالية الصومالية عبد القادر طيمبل، فطمأن إلى أن الحكومة المركزية ستتسلم نصف المحصول النفطي لكل إقليم يتمتع بحكم ذاتي، وذلك بموجب ما ينص عليه قانون النفط الذي وافقه البرلمان الانتقالي عليه عام 2007.

واستعداداً للخوض في مجال استخراج النفط في الشمال، أكّد ضابط صومالي رفيع المستوى، رفض الكشف عن هويته، أنّ قوات عسكرية واستخبارية تابعة لسلطات إقليم «بونت لاند»، اتخذت إجراءات أمنية كافية لتشديد الرقابة على جميع المنافذ البرية لمنطقتي وادي «طرور» و«نوغال» لصدّ أي هجمات إرهابية أو قبلية محتملة.

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This forum is not dhagacas incorporated barring a few misguided souls. Please provide either a Somali or English translation.

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ElPunto;856208 wrote:
This forum is not dhagacas incorporated barring a few misguided souls. Please provide either a Somali or English translation.

Soomaali far la galiyey oo aan carabi akhrikarin waa musiibo; for you the title should be enough....

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Google Translate for anyone interested.....




Somalia's famine and farewell!

discovery of oil wealth in the «Puntland» raises hopes for Somalia's Oil Can finish or aggravated by famine? (Tony Karumba AFP) can now breathe a sigh of relief Somalis, or at least good optimism, has begun serious efforts to extract oil from their country, at the proceeds back to their own interest, not to foreign companies, funds and accounts of their rulers only. Oil is already in Somalia, which will be extracted from the territory of the «Puntland» North, first before expanding to the south. Within 90 days, you may begin Somalia produced 300 million barrels of «black oil». Good news because it may lead to end the tragedy of famine and civil war, death of thirst, but it also raises concerns that exacerbate the problems rather than resolve them, if it is the presence of oil in Somalia material give rise to Western interests and the worsening civil conflict Ali Abdi Houco Mogadishu | Company announced «Horn Petroleum» Canadian start the process of drilling oil wells in the areas of the Government of the territory of «Puntland» Somali, therefore, the company is currently preparing to drill the well «Chappelle 1» (Tiger I) a depth of 3,800 meters, after the completion of a pilot hole reached a depth of up to 50 meters. The company uses in the drilling of wells of oil a «Saxon 501», which will result in a distinct role in completing the dream of Somalia in a maximum period of 90 days in the Valley area «Toror» from the territory of «East». After the success of the process, the device will switch to drill two wells two more in the valley « Nugal »Province of« Nugal ». Did not dig in Somalia oil wells in 20 years, she lived the country in which a major crisis led to the overthrow the central government in 1991, and prevented foreign companies which extract oil and minerals for reasons related to the conditions of companies about the oil contracts. and the well is located «Chappelle 1» and several wells nearby, in the «Toror» North. And works well in the Jurassic age rift system, which is part of the same system that extracted from oil in the pelvic «tear» and «Shibuya» in Yemen, who has about 6 billion barrels of oil. It is estimated that there are in a well «Chappelle 1» more than 300 million barrels of recoverable oil, note that the presence of rocks, Jurassic rich in depth of the well, reduce the estimates of oil in Villa, since studies indicate that the sandstone found in the Somali territory and reservoirs of carbonate and regulations of the lower layers Jurassic and Cretaceous, similar to those found in Yemen. The head of the Executive Board of the company «Horn Petroleum», David Gralman, the start of drilling operations in the valley «Toror» would be a major milestone in assessing the potential presence of oil in the north of Somalia. He said «We have a very strong support from the Regional Government of Puntland and the local community, all of whom are keen to see the resumption of development in their areas after long periods of internal conflict». He pointed out that these wells are the first to be drilled in the deeper areas in the basins of the rift, and will have a major role in the bombing of potential hydrocarbons that have not explored. in turn, drew social activist in the city «Gerowi», the capital of the authorities «Puntland», flower Isaac , that the extraction of oil in areas north east of the country would be a blessing and well-being for the benefit of all the people of the Somali people. Remember, Isaac, that the seven tribes united after extracting the oil, and resolved all outstanding issues between them, «so we want to take a in this direction to unite again». signed a Regional Government «Puntland» Somali, with the company «Horn Petroleum» Canadian companies collaborating , a deal awarded by the share of 51 percent of production in exchange for the process of exploration, despite opposition from some MPs of the transitional parliament of Somalia to the Convention because it gives a greater proportion of the companies, while insisting Other MPs to stop the process of exploration until the return of stability to all parts of the country. and Dar political dispute and constitutional between Somalia's transitional government and regional government «Puntland» in 2006, after the conclusion of the last decades a secret with the companies did not agree the central government by, knowing that the oil law Somali states that the right of each regional government recognized by the central government in Mogadishu, extract oil and minerals, so subject to the approval of the Somali parliament on contracts, and the division of the crop into two parts, a section for the central authority, and another section of the Regional Authority. The President of the Regional Government «Puntland», Abdel-Rahman Mohammed Mahmoud Frola, the Somali Prime Minister Abdul Wali Muhammad, and formally agreed to begin the process of oil exploration in the «Puntland», and signed in order that a memorandum two weeks ago in the city «Bosasso» East Province. He pointed out that the future of Somalia appears on the horizon breakthrough features of the crisis of famine and infectious diseases and civil wars. He said Frola, during the opening of exploration project, said that «the benefits of the oil fields in Puntland will not be limited to its inhabitants, but it will ensure development and prosperity of each country, and will not be a cause of conflict economic between the provinces and tribes Somali». In this context, I expected the Ministry of Oil and Energy, Mines and Water Government «Puntland» to see the region in the next few months, the discovery of more new oil fields. The ministry revealed the efforts being made ​​to expand into oil exploration, as well as building factories to increase the refinery's oil production capacity. Indeed, began drilling operations after the signing of an agreement with the «Horn Petroleum» Canadian, after a geological survey and geophysical in different areas of the regions of the country's northeast. The Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Energy and Water of the Somali transitional government Abdelkader Tempel, Aftmon to the central government will receive half crop oil per province, autonomous, and under what stipulated in the oil law, which agreed with him the interim parliament was in 2007. and willing to engage in the extraction of oil in the north, officer confirmed Somali high-level, on condition of anonymity, that the military forces and intelligence belonging to the regional authorities «Puntland», has taken adequate security measures to tighten control on all ports for the wild areas of the valley «Toror» and «Nugal» repel any terrorist attacks or tribal potential.

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African Oil Corp. shares were up today (13 August) $0.23 closing at $8.30, a substantial increase of 2.85%. All its competitors' shares were down except China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., which was up for a mere 0.87%. Why? Note, it has been for almost 18 days since the company has released news.


AOC owns 45% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation which itself holds a 60% interest and operatorship in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks.


اللهم اجعله خيرا

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High Risk vs. High Reward: Oil in Somalia

Tuesday July 24, 2012, 4:15am PDT

By Adam Currie - Exclusive to Oil Investing News



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As the price of oil continues to trade at high levels, more and more explorers are expanding their geographical focus in the hope of discovering the perfect oil play [Off course Somalia's riches are in the pipeline]. Companies are having to push beyond the traditional boundaries of oil safe havens and expand their efforts into uncharted territory. Nowhere is this more evident than the surge of interest in the East African country of Somalia.[Do not doubt; come to Somalia]



In the 1860s, at the height of the colonial era, France acquired a foothold on the African east coast for what was later to become known as Somalia, or “the Horn of Africa.” A decade later, Britain proclaimed Somaliland a protectorate until 1888 when an Anglo-French agreement defined the boundary between Btritish and French possessions. Further European presence was felt in 1889 when central Somalia was set up as an Italian protectorate. The largely divided country gradually obtained independence from protectorates between 1950-1960, while a section of the country, Somaliland, declared unilateral independence in 1991, remaining a functioning, but unrecognized, independent republic ever since [Only three cities have isolated themselves from the rest of the sovereign Somalia].


Economic and geopolitical conditions


From a political aspect, Somalia is the very epitome of unsettled. Since the fall of Somalia’s pro-US president, Mohamad Siad Barre, in 1991, the country has been in a state of civil disorder. As a result of the absence of a central authority, tribal conflicts and a resurgent military has dominated the politics of the country.[Normality will be coming back in a short span of time.


After Somalia’s independence in 1960, economic growth failed to keep pace with the rise in population caused by an influx of refugees, resulting in a heavy dependence on agriculture — which is frequently affected by droughts. The country’s largest industry is processing of agricultural food products and there has been minimal industrial development. Except for tin, the country’s minerals remain under-developed, although there has been increasing interest by international companies seeking to prospect for oil.


Somalia’s political situation makes the area high-risk from an investment perspective, while on the other hand unexplored reserves could result in high reward if previous reserve estimations are proven accurate. [Fact, oil companies such Ranges Resources and African Oils Copr. have their presences in Puntland since 2002. Since that time and up to now no single hair of theirs has got hurt; they have the full protection and cooperation of the local communities]

Historical and potential exploration initiatives


WT Blanford of the Geological Survey of India wrote the earliest geological report of Somalia as far back as 1870. Since that time there have been a number of hydrocarbon studies focused on oil and gas potential.


Pro-US policy between the 1950′s and early 1990′s saw companies such as ConocoPhilips (NYSE:COP) and Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX) obtain the rights to explore Somalia in three major phases. In the early 1990’s Conoco stated that it had made “very good oil shows” — industry terminology for an exploration phase that often precedes a major discovery — however, a bloody civil war put an end to activities in the area. [American companies especially ConocoPhilips abandoned their concessions force majeure during the civil war.]


While the area is deemed high-risk, there is a high probability of large-scale oil plays. According to a 1991 World Bank study, “the geological parameters” are “conducive to the generation, expulsion and trapping of significant amounts of oil and gas.”


Possible drawbacks


Somalia’s geostrategic location and proximity to waters surrounding the Horn of Africa make the region a prime location for oil import and export. With no public infrastructure to speak of and large-scale transportation almost nonexistent, the country is far off from being able to take advantage of its hydrocarbon resources. However, some believe that with the confirmation of large-scale oil and gas plays, this could change. For this to take place, politicians and tribal leaders will need to show pragmatism and work together on a national level, as opposed to a tribal level. [The mostly populated, currently most dynamic, markets in the globe are not far off from the north-eastern most point in Somalia, China and India]


International mediation may be necessary as Kenya and Somalia are in disagreement over the location of their boundary line in the Indian Ocean. This line will dictate rights for exploration, as well as royalties earned, from any offshore discoveries. [The Somali Economic Zone is adamantly unchangeable]


From an infrastructure standpoint, many will be hesitant to invest in the region until it has established a legal framework to determine oil revenue-sharing procedures, and reduce the likelihood of corrupt practices by officials.


Exploration Opportunities


Horn Petroleum Corporation (TSXV:HRN) is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Puntland, Somalia. It holds a 60 percent interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks encompassing a Jurassic Rift Basin.


The company’s plays represents a high risk vs. high reward scenario in that it offers the opportunity to explore in a virtually untouched major oil system, with two large blocks in the Nugaal and Darin Mesozoic basins — extensions of the multi-billion barrel Marib-Shabwa and Sayun-Masila Basins of Yemen. Horn’s management structure has a superb track record in creating shareholder value (two previous companies acquired as penny stocks having been sold at valuations of over $30 per share). A drilling campaign on the project is also already underway.


African-focused Ophir Energy plc (LSE:OPHR) has oil and gas exploration assets in a number of African locations including the Berbera block in Somiland. Ophir and UAE-based Ras Al Khaimah Gas Company (RAKgas) are currently participating in the Berbera Production Sharing Agreement (Berbera PSA). Only three wells have been drilled in the original Berbera Block, two of which were located offshore. The third well, the only onshore well in the block, was a 243-meter-deep stratigraphic well. Three wells, drilled adjacent to the western edge of the block, have all encountered good oil shows.


Ophir’s current strategy is to focus upon early stage exploration projects in frontier basins and “neglected” parts of proven basins, as well as mature projects with proven or probable reserves. The company enjoys a depth of contacts and relationships with governments and oil and gas industry participants throughout Africa – a major advantage when working on African projects.


Red Emperor Resources (ASX:RMP) holds a 20 percent working interest in two licenses encompassing the highly prospective Dharoor and Nugaal valleys. These two exploration areas have been independently assessed to potentially contain over 19.9 billion barrels of oil in-place.


The company’s Shabeel North well is currently being drilled and targeting Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands, which had positive oil and gas shows in the Shabeel 1 well located slightly to the south. Petrophysical analysis of downhole electrical logs in the Shabeel -1 well indicated a potential pay zone of up to 12 to 20 meters with an average porosity of 18 to 20 percent. Red Emperor has Production Sharing Agreements (PSA’s) along with Horn Petroleum and Range Resources Limited (ASX: RRS).


Securities Disclosure: I, Adam Currie, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this articl

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Thursday August 16, 2012


Africa Oil CorpTSXV/AlphaV:AOI

$8.89 0.14 (1.60%) UP




$0.63 0.02(3.28%)



Range Resources Ltd. (RRS.AX)


$0.0740 0.00(0.00%)

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Bloomberg News


Somali PM to Focus on Economy to Rebuild Nation, End Piracy



Somalia’s new government will focus on the economy as it seeks to rebuild a nation shattered by two decades of war, Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said.


The country is in the final stages of selecting a two-tier parliament, Ali, who is a candidate to become president, said in an interview in Mogadishu, the capital, on Aug. 16. Lawmakers are scheduled to vote in a new president today, though the process may be delayed because the vetting of parliamentarians has taken longer than expected, he said.


The elections are Somalia’s latest attempt to establish a functional central administration that collapsed when the former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. The country has been mired in clan-based conflict and an insurgency led by al- Qaeda-linked militants ever since. The lack of security has allowed piracy and hostage-taking to flourish, fueled by criminals seeking ransoms. Attacks by pirates in 2011 cost the shipping industry and governments $6.9 billion, according to the Colorado-based One Earth Future Foundation.


“There’s a great deal of unemployment here, that’s why the youth are taking their luck to the high seas,” Ali said. “We need a paradigm shift, a new way of thinking, and a sound, tangible plan for competing in the global market place in the near future.”


Foreign Investors


Somalia has a $5.9 billion economy, according to the U.S. State Department. That compares with neighboring Kenya’s $32 billion economy, the region’s largest. Investors in Somalia include Africa Oil Corp. (AOI), based in Vancouver, and partners Red Emperor Resources NL (RMP) of Australia and Texas-based Range Resources Corp. (RRC), which said in March they will invest $50 million drilling two wells in Puntland, a semi-autonomous northern region of the country.


Others vying for the presidency include the incumbent, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, and parliament Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden. The winner faces challenges including tackling corruption, restoring security and reviving a moribund economy.


A United Nations report published in July says graft, fraud, and theft of public resources have “become a system of governance” in Somalia and that revenue intended for development has gone missing, including $131 million in 2009-10. Remittances from overseas workers of about $1 billion a year are its main source of revenue, according to the World Bank.


Regional Pressure


Under a so-called road map agreed upon by Somali leaders last year, the transitional federal government’s mandate from the UN was extended for 12 months to today to prepare for a new administration.


Sheikh Sharif’s government, the 15th attempt to stabilize the country, has failed to end conflict, though security has improved as African Union and government soldiers weakened the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab militia through counter- insurgency operations.


Al-Shabaab, which has waged a five-year rebellion to overthrow the government, withdrew from Mogadishu last August and a series of other towns and cities since then. The group still controls swathes of southern and central Somalia and international observers including the UN have warned that warlords may exploit a power vacuum in newly captured areas.


“The transitional government has been propped up by finances from donors abroad, and now is the chance to see if it can stand on its own feet, provide services to the rest of the country, and fill the vacuum from the movement of al-Shaabab from the rest of the country,” Ahmed Soliman, a Horn of Africa researcher with Chatham House, said in a phone interview from London on Aug. 15. “That is the real challenge, and that starts with the next president and parliament.”


‘Careful Planning’


Ali, a Somali-American economist with a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University and a PhD in economics from George Mason University, said those challenges would be met by “careful planning, adherence to good governance procedures along with support from our international partners.”


“The new federal government will claim its rightful place amongst the nations of the world, make bilateral agreements and have access to the international markets,” Ali said.


The U.S., African Union and UN this month voiced concern over reports of intimidation and corruption in the process of Somalia leaders selecting a 275-member parliament and 54 senators. Somalia’s neighbors, concerned that the continuing conflict poses a threat to regional stability, are also keeping up pressure on its leaders to end the transition and warned that attempts to disrupt the process will result in sanctions on individuals.


‘Clear Message’


“We wish to send a clear message to all those intent on derailing, undermining or manipulating the road map towards a permanent political settlement after August 2012 that Kenya will not tolerate such actions,” Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki said in an e-mailed statement on Aug. 17.


A committee overseeing the selection of Somalia’s new parliament has vetted the the “vast majority of the lawmakers, and they could being working as early as today, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia said in an e-mailed statement yesterday. The statement was endorsed by foreign observers including the African Union, European Union, the U.K. and the U.S.


To contact the reporter on this story: Sarah McGregor in Nairobi at

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Ambasador Diinaari” Waa in la joojiyaa shidaal qodista dowlada Kenya ka wado dhul badeedka Somalia





Safiirka oo arintasi sii ambaqaadayay waxa uu sheegay in lakabayada biyaha (Block) L21,L23,L24 oo ay Kenya u ogolaatay shirkad Talyaani ah oo la yiraado ENI iyadoo L22 ay Kenya Licens u siisay shirkad Fansis ah oo la yiraado Total SA ,halka Block L5 iyo Block L26 ay ka kala baarayaan shidaal shirkadaha Mareykanka ee Anadarko Petroluem Cooperation iyo Norway State Oil oo laga leeyahay Dalka Norway.


Ambassador Abdiraxmaan Diinaari wuxuu intaa ku daray in ay socoto Howl lagu baarayo Shidaal oo ujeedada laga leeyahay ay tahay in la hirgaliyo inta aanay iman Dowladd Soomaaliyeed oo la filaayo iney Dhalato Bishan Ogosto,wuxuuna safiir ugu Baaqay Madaxweynaha iyo Baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya iney u howlgalaan joojinta Baarista iyo soo saarida Shidaalka ku jira Xeebaha Soomaaliya ee ku yaala Xadka ay Soomaaliya wadaagaan Kenya,isagoo xusuusiyay in ay masuuliyad weyn ay ka saran tahay Ilaalinta Hantida Qaranka.


Safiirka wuxuu Shirkaddaha Reer Galbeedka ee sida sharcidarada ah uga baaraya amo ka soo saaraya Shidaalka Xeebaha Soomaaliya ugu baaqay iney ka waantoobaan falkaasi oo ay ilaaliyaan sumcadooda, haddii ay doonayaan iney Shidaal ka baaraan Xeebaha Soomaaliyeed ay la soo xiriiraan Dowladda Soomaaliyeed oo iyadu xaq u leh bixinta Sharciga Baarista iyo Qodista shidaalka ee Soomaaliya,isagoo hoosta ka xariiqay in Shirkaddii u hogaasami weyday Mustaqbalka aanay xaq u heli doonin iney Soomaaliya ay Baaris iyo Qodis.


Ugu Dambeyntii Ambassador Diinaari wuxuu Amaan iyo Boogaadin u diray Hay’adda The East African Energy Forum oo Kenya iyo Shirikadaha reer galbeedka uga digay iney si sharci daro ay Baaris iyo Qodaalba uga sameeyaan Xeebaha Soomaaliya ee k u yaala Xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.






Xafiiska Warqabadka

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International Oil Companies Illegally Exploiting Somali Hydrocarbons?


By. Abdillahi Mohamud

Benefit From the Latest Energy Trends and Investment Opportunities before the mainstream media and investing public are aware they even exist. The Free Energy Intelligence Report gives you this and much more. Click here to find out more.

The East African Energy Forum has issued warnings to the Kenyan Government and four international oil companies today that are illegally exploiting offshore hydrocarbon concessions off the southern coast of Somalia. The lobby group has said in its directive to the oil giants that they have engaged in a gross infringement of Somalia's offshore resources, territorial integrity and sovereignty.

"These offshore oil blocks are solely owned by the Republic of Somalia as stipulated in the 1982 UN Common Law on the Sea (UNCLOS). Kenya's move to sell these oil blocks violates international law" says Abdillahi Mohamud, the lobby's managing director.

He states that the oil blocks sold by Kenya in Somali waters are L21, L23, L24 purchased by Italy's Eni, L22 by France's Total S.A., L5 by USA's Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and Block L26 by Norway's Statoil.

The lobby group warned these companies risk being shut out of future Somali energy concessions which are estimated to hold large untapped reserves along with what he described as 'legal action' the group's lawyers would pursue.

"They should deal directly with Somalia, appropriating these blocks from the rightful owner is not in the interest of these otherwise innovative and successful oil companies."

The lobby group has stated it is planning legal action against Kenya and the oil companies.

"We are not asking for compliance on a matter of dispute, this isn't a dispute, it's a violation of Somalia's international boundaries established by an international law of which Kenya is a signatory. We will file court proceedings against those involved in the coming weeks at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany."

He continues on saying it is in Kenya and the oil company's best interest to cease allocating offshore blocks that rightfully belong to Somalia.

"We will continue to take the matter to the highest courts, any attempt at illegally exploiting Somalia's energy resources will be met with full opposition from us and our partners."

The lobby group has noted the total area of Somali offshore territory that is being illegally sold by Kenya and purchased by the four oil companies is approximately 116,000 square kilometers, an area about the size of Greece.

By. Abdillahi Mohamud :


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20 August 2012


Mr. Paolo Scaroni


CEO of Eni,


Claudio Descalzi, Gianni Di Giovanni, Erika Mandraffino, Roberto Albini, Antonio Cristodoro et al;


It has come to our attention Eni has purchased the rights to explore offshore hydrocarbon blocks L21, L23 and L24 from the Republic of Kenya. These hydrocarbon blocks are situated within Somali waters under international law.


The East African Energy Forum hereby orders the annulment of these agreement(s) with the Kenyan government. We understand Eni is interested in exploring these blocks displaying your interest in the region’s hydrocarbon potential. However, the agreement between you and Kenya violates international, Somali and Kenyan law hence their requirement of obtaining a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from Somalia. This MOU was rejected by The Federal Parliament of Somalia and by UN Security Council Resolution 1851.


The maritime border between Kenya and Somalia is long established and is declared in Kenyan, Somali and UN legislation as being perpendicular to the coast, not latitudinal and parallel to the equator as Kenya claims. Our legal counsels are currently preparing for legal action against the Republic of Kenya and are confident that Kenya’s claim will be rejected at the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany. Your company will be included in the court filings as complicit in the territorial infringement of Somali waters and any resulting court ordered compensation.


The East African Energy Forum’s mandate to pursue legal action is sanctioned by its international partners and the Government of Somalia. Your continued illegal exploration in Somali waters will damage your relationship with Somalia, a country with tremendous hydrocarbon potential. In addition to legal action, Eni and its subsidiaries hereby shall be excluded from future commercial and non-commercial Somali contracts, should this warning be disregarded, not responded to, or unheeded.


The East African Energy Forum will not pursue legal action against your company as long as it is engaged in a dialogue with us for clarification, consultation and/or negotiation on the matters mentioned in this letter. If either of these is not in progress within fourteen days of the date of this letter, legal action will commence. Contact information is provided below.


Abdillahi Mohamud

Managing Director


Said Mohamed

Public Relations Director

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