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Where did Da'wah(the call to) Salafiyah Originate?

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Kheyr bro.


you write:


" but yet this is what you are doing and you impose on others in your arguments.





Brother which Sheikh did I impose on who? all I said was that, although I pretty much subsribe and have more in common with the same Shiekhs like brother Salafi, I never talk ill on the others that I do not subscribe with, although I noted that each Alim including the ones you mentioned may have unintentional errors, likewise others also could have errors and as such we should stop demonising groups like the Tabligh, ikhwan and their Shiekhs, because they may have addressed areas in the deen that are more contemporary and addressing problems that are facing the community for which the Salafi movement has not provided answers for.


To illustrate the importance of tolerance, I personally was guided through a brother who was a Salafi in beliefs and Ikhwani in his political outlook, later, I travelled with the Tabligh and I learned things and attitude of humility and patiuence and practical daily Sunnah, that no one has taught me before, for that reason, I feel that I was lucky not being put in a box with a single agenda, I thank Allah SWT that I have mixed with the Tabligh whose members are not as learned in the Deen as the Salafi, but they did offer me practical lessons in Sunnah and of humility that will be with me forever.


Am I a Salafi, Tablighi, or Ikhwani, I would say, I have the best of them all, I am more rounded Muslim, Alhamdulillah I have read the works of Sheikh Ibn Taymia, Ibnul Qayyim, ( My Fovored writers of all), and Al Showkani and Al Sancaani,Sheilh Muhammad Ibnu Abdel Wahhab, Sheikh Utheimeen, Bin Baz, The late mufti addiyaar, Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim Al Sheikh, I have also frequently read an Arabic periodical titled " Al Salifiyah" . Likewise I read many other contemporary writers whose thoughts are pretty much in line with these authors and unfortunately labelled " Ahlul Ahwaa" by some Salafi's and ostracized and their work never read or appreciated. I read books for contemporaries like Mowlana Mowdudi, Nadwi, Ihsan ilaahi, The Qutb brothers, Fathi Yakan, Saciid Xawwa and many more.


But because I have responsibility for myself first, I read every work and weigh it against the Quraan and Sunnah, if there is a conflict, I dont take it, if it enhances Quran and Sunnah, I become sympathetic to the idea.



Wallahu min waraa il qasd




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Brother, do you know what "Jar7 wa Tade'el" is?

Because the scholars that you mentioned like Bin Baaz, Uthaymin, Ibn Ibrahim, Ibn taymiyah, Shawkani, Abdul Wahhab, etc… those who are know to be on the manhaj of the salaf, all agree that the boycotting of ahlul Bi'ah is wajib. These groups like Tableegi who claim to call to Allah when they dont even know the Usool of the deen, let alone tawheed have be refuted numerously by the scholars. Da'wah has its conditions and pillars which they fail to comprehend! The Iknwanies organization established a hizb who have made islam only a political ideology, and took their Imams those one who mocks the prophet of Allah, and speak ill of the companions,


Albani said!

Concerning the Ikhwanies:

I said in the previous lesson, the manhaj of the Ikhwaan is: 'Gather the people into an organisation, then instruct them - then nothing.' There is nothing except blind-gathering of people into an organisation, without any teaching. The proof is that close to a century has come upon the Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen, in their different lands, and they are, in military terms, in a situation of having made no gains. Why? Because this is what their manhaj brings about. They do not advance; not in knowledge, nor in 'aqeedah, nor in behaviour, they are just as they were, completely†Source: Cassette: What the People of knowledge say About 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq


These and their likes have opposed the manhaj of the companions. The scholars who represent the salafi manhaj have refuted and warned that every Muslim should distance themselves for the sake of their deen.


What BRother nur is doing is what we call "Taymee'" to have softness and tolerance for ahlul bi'ah, taking the good and leaving the bad of these groups and parties! The good that is found in their da'wah is found in the Salafi manhaj, everything we need to know about this religion has been explained to the companions, they are the Jamaca, and these groups and parties do not uphold the manhaj of the Jamaca!


Some of their actions may look good to a normal person, while in fact it’s a hazardous to ones deen! Even the khawarij have some good in them, including the shias, but their good is lost in their sea of innovation!


Mowlana Mowdudi, Nadwi, The Qutb brothers, ,

The common Muslim may views these individual as scholars, but the scholar don’t view them as such! Example if anyone reads the book “talbis Iblis..the devils deception†by Ibn Jawzeeyou would realized that the khawarij had knowledge of the quran and the Hadith, they heard the prophet speak, they were there when the revelation was send down! Yet the way they understood the kitab and the sunnah was not the way the companions understood it! The error in their manhaj was the result their exit from the deen! Did any of the companions consider these people as scholars, though they knew the book of Allah and Hadith?



To be a scholar you need to uphold the book of Allah and the Sunnah in its true essence! These organizations take part of the book and leave the rest, take this and leave that!


As for taqleed, its simple it’s to follow the ruling of a person while the sunnah and quran contradict this ruling. This person ignores the ayat of Allah and the hadith in favour for the Shaykh’ verdict! Brother nur if I made taqleed of anyone please point them out


I have no doubt that Nur is salafi in some aspects and may Allah guide all of us, but please keep this in mind,


Qâdî Abû Ya’lâ (d.333H) - rahimahullâh - said in Hijrul-ilbbtadi’ (p.32): “ There is ijmâ’ (consensus) from the Sahâbah and the Tâbi’în as regards dissociating and cutting-off from the Innovators.â€


he was from the tabee'een!


wallahi 'Alim

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Salfi Bro.


A simple question:


Can you please tell me about the extent of your knowledge of the Arabic Language? its literature ( Balaagha), Grammar ( Naxw) , in other words, How much Arabic literature were you exposed to and for how long?




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But because I have responsibility for myself first, I read every work and weigh it against the Quraan and Sunnah, if there is a conflict I dont take it,...,

akhee Umar Ibn Khatab said that the Quran can be interpretated in many Way, and so can the hadith! "may find the quote in The salafi 'dawah by Albani"


with this concept your saying that we shoul read the quran and the sunnah and we should make our own interpretation! imagine every muslim doing that! No need for scholars, we got quran and sunnah why bother even reading their works?


My arabic is not good! but its improving everyday inshallah!

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Salafi Bro.


The second part of your answer about the language is an answer for your question in the first part regarding the need for scholars to eduacating the nonscholars.


I agree with you that not all people can read the Quraan and hadeeth to find answers to their questions, but depending on the complexity of a Mas'ala, a knowlege of the Arabic language, does help, however as Muslims we will always need specialists of specific Islamic sciences who are capable in making Fatwa after getting an ajaazah in that science.


For example, in the Islamic countries, there are Colleges who offer specific programs in Islam, such as Majors like Arabic language concentration with a minor in either aqeedah or sharia or Dacwah. A Major in Dacwah, A major in Sharia, with a concentration in (Al Biyiuuc Wal Mudaarabah) Business, or a concentration in civil matters (marriages, child custody etc), or a concentration on ( al Xuquuq al jinaa'iyah) criminal law.


That track of knowledge stream offers al the way to a doctorate level after a religious student in Universities like jaamicatul imaam Sacuud, or Ummul Qurah successfully defends a unique research proposal which in most cases he becomes more knowledgeable than his own Professors due to the meticulous research he conducted.


However, there is a less regimented track of knowledge, it is more self study, and a supervision of a scholar who directs the student in finding the sources for his study, depending on how resourceful and driven a student is, one can become very knwledgeable if he focuses on a specific descipline in Islam, one such graet student who later became a great scholar was Al Qaadhi Ciyaadh, who after he was about to steal from a house heard a person in the house reading in his nightly prayers " Alam Ya'ni lilladiina aamanuu an takhshaca quluubuhum li dhikrillahi wa maa nazala minal xaqq" meaning, " isn't about time, in which believers hearts softened for the remembrance of Allah and the truth revealed"

This Thief became a great scholar after he responded to that call from Allah SWT, he pushed his way in with the scholars of his time, but his guidance began with a sound knowledge of the far reaching meaning of the Quraan, as a Native speaker of the Arabic language.




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The Muslim were KHAYR and BARAKAH before this group (the so-called Salafiyah) come the field. they created hate between the muslim they claimed that they know better despite the fact that the Salaf were proud to say fulaan knows better than me, they claimed that others are all EHLU NAAR despite the our beloved prophet RASSUL (S.A.W) said the meaning of HADITH "anyone who said the people are on the wrong way he/she is the worst one" (MAN QAALA HALAKA NAASU, FA HUWA AHALAKUHUM),

they declared war on the Muslims despite the ALLAH and his Prophet said "MULIMS ARE BROTHERS/SISTERS TO EACH OTHER ....". they started their war on the top i.e ULUMAS from the Salaf Uluma to the contemporay ones.

they never throw a stone towards the enemies of ALLAH saying first we have to fight what they called AHLUL BID'A and many other false claims.


They decieved some poor muslims but ALXAMDULILAAH all their tricks become evident when they fought each other and splitsed into many different groups each group insulting other and calling AHLUL BID'A, fulan not among the SALAFIYAH etc.



ALXAMDULILAAH their tricks returned to them and they're busy to each other, each group searching other groups books, puplishings, cassetes etc in the hope to find some accusations.


ALXAMDULILAAH again and again and again and always.


the other AYAH that ALLAH showed us this group is that they contradict themselves to all their claims such as fighting BID"A, TAQLIID, IRJAA'A. TACDHIIL and many other claims.


to give some examples:


BID'A = They created many bid'as such as this name (SALAFI) which has never mentioned neither in Kitaab nor in Sunnah.


TAQLIID= They imitated their sheikhs step by step whatever they say even if this is against KITAAB & SUNNAH claiming that they're always right, some of them were told that the SAHABA say this and you're saying this he replied Sheikh Fulan gave this Fatwa and that's it. other example is i asked many times salafi-on-line to show me any evidennce from the KITAAB & SUNNAH for calling themselves SALAFIYAH and every time he replied me Sheikh fulaan said no matter .., sheikh fulaan said no problem ...etc.


IRJAA' = they delayed the obligation of JIHAD and they said there is no JIHAD today since there is no IMAM despite the fact that the muslim land is faling one after another and despite the fact that they have BAY'A with FAHAD and they recognise him as AMIRUL MU'MINUUN .


TACDHIIL: they blocked the SHARI'A for the same claim i.e there is no IMAM .


So, their real name is CONTRADICTORS .

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There is a saying that goes like this:


“The people attend secular schools for 20 years, yet they expect to grasp the Words of Allah without a teacherâ€



The Muslim were
before this group (the so-called Salafiyah) come the field

brother Sahal you deflated your argument from the get go! Was it the salafies who cause the fitnah during the Reign of Ali(ra)? keeping in mind the salafiies are those who came after the Salaf,those who follow them in Rectitude!


Brother how can we hold true to the rest of the post when you show early signs of inaccuracies?

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Somewhere along the line this thread took a nasty turn. People please calm down or is it me getting the wrong idea.


Ad-deena- naseeXa or Salafi

Bro I believe the names Islam and Muslim are very important and desribe best what we believe in and its not good to use any other.


What I mean is, whenever some Jamaicans call me Mohammedan I always correct them and tell them we are Muslims. We are followers of Mohammed (SAW) but I don't think its right to call ourselves Mohammadan because not only are we told in the QUR'AAN to say we are Muslims and but its aslo much easier to explain the faith to others people.



" And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Apostle may be a witness for you, and ye be witness for mankind! So establish regular prayer, give regular charity, And hold fast to Allah! He is your protector ­ the best to protect and the best to help."


Quran, 22: 78



Do you agree its not good to call ourselves Mohammedans(follower of Mohammad (SAW), if so why do you think its OK to call yourself Salafi(follower of the Salaf)?

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Do you agree its not good to call ourselves Mohammedans(follower of Mohammad (SAW), if so why do you think its OK to call yourself Salafi(follower of the Salaf)?

Brother Ayub, this terminology was derived by those who worship other then Allah. It is accustom of theirs to name their religion after their idols. They refer to us Mohammedans for the simple fact that they feel we worshiped Muhammad. This thought is a crime and we free ourselves from it


Brother, for argument sake lets say for a moment that the name Muhammadan was acceptable, then anyone who attests to religion of Islam would be a Muhammadans, that would include all the 73 sects and their branches. However the salafi name is exclusive only to those who ascribe to the manhaj of the salaf !


A Salafi is a muslim who follows the Quran and sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us Salah not the khalaf and their founders! Does not this ascription hold true Brother Ayyub? If so brother, Whats with all the protest!


" And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation)]; that the Apostle may be a witness for you, and ye be witness for mankind! So establish regular prayer, give regular charity, And hold fast to Allah! He is your protector the best to protect and the best to help."

Quran, 22: 78

brother, Pertaining to this ayah, you call yourself a muslim, thats fine! however brother which muslim are you are? are you Shia ? If you say no, then my next question would be why arent you shia’s? are they not also muslims?


I Patiently await your response!

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one of this groups many contradictins is that if some Muslims do something good they say "If it's good SAHABA and TAABICIIN would do etc." and if we asked them do SAHABA and TAABICIIN called themselves SALAFIYAH they reply NO ...but according Sheikh Fulan no matter if someone call him/herself SALAFI etc.


Salafi-on-line don't manouvere as you did many times b4, just defend or accept weather my findings are right or wrong.


"BID'A = They created many bid'as such as this name (SALAFI) which has never mentioned neither in Kitaab nor in Sunnah.


TAQLIID= They imitated their sheikhs step by step whatever they say even if this is against KITAAB & SUNNAH claiming that they're always right, some of them were told that the SAHABA say this and you're saying this he replied Sheikh Fulan gave this Fatwa and that's it. other example is i asked many times salafi-on-line to show me any evidennce from the KITAAB & SUNNAH for calling themselves SALAFIYAH and every time he replied me Sheikh fulaan said no matter .., sheikh fulaan said no problem ...etc.


IRJAA' = they delayed the obligation of JIHAD and they said there is no JIHAD today since there is no IMAM despite the fact that the muslim land is faling one after another and despite the fact that they have BAY'A with FAHAD and they recognise him as AMIRUL MU'MINUUN .


TACDHIIL: they blocked the SHARI'A for the same claim i.e there is no IMAM."



Finally Salafi-on-line as i told you b4 the people here are not so naive to believe your contradictions and COPY & PASTE from your group's website.


Defend the above accusations or accept it.

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Brother I have a lot of questions to ask but it depending on how straight forward you will be



They refer to us Mohammedans for the simple fact that they feel we worshiped Muhammad.

I clearly included the meaning (followers of Mohammed SAW) in my question to avoid this sort of irrelevant reply. If they 'feel' we worshiped Mohamed then they'd probably feel you worship Salafs.



Brother, for argument sake lets say for a moment that the name Muhammadan was acceptable, then ...

I expected much better from you than that.


I have no issues with anyone who calls themselves Sunni if they mean they adhere to the Sunnah of the prophet (saw) or Haji if they've performed the Hajj or Mujaahid if they struggle if the path af AlLah because I understand their necessity.


I can even understand the names like Taliban and other movements because they don't make the sort of statements I see you make.


What I mean is these sort of sometimes contradictory statements:


"One must understand that Salafiyyah is not a newly invented group or sect. In fact, it is nothing less than the way of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah that existed from the time of our dear and beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), rather it is the pure Religion of Hanifiyyah that has existed from the time of Ibraaheem and before him from Aadam ('alayhis salaam).




"Salafiyyah is everyone who preceded us after the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahi ?alayhi wa sallam) from the Companions and all those who followed them in righteousness and piety, following the Qur?aan and the authentic Sunnah (whoever does that) then he is Salafee."


When does it start BEFORE IBRAAHIM(AS) OR AFTER THE PROPHET (SAW) and who was the first Salafi?


You say:


"As for calling Adaam a Salafi?we do not do this?.we do not call Abu Bakr(ra) or Umar(ra) or any of the companions ? salafi ??Rather we refer to them as ourSalaf ?".



.." the word "Salaf" was used by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) himself.


He said to Faatimah, " How excellent a Salaf I am for you. " (Muslim, no. 2450).


:Thus that would make Faatimah a Salafi because she followed her father who was a Salaf"



So are Abu Bakr(ra) or Umar(ra) or any of the companions are not Salafis but Fatima the daughter of the Prophet is?



A Salafi is a muslim who follows the Quran and sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us Salah

That's good thing but this is what the Prophet (saw) wanted:


"..... O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listened to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people."...






I've lots more to ask next time Ishallah.

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Salaam, It is a lot of reading and forgive me if i repeat anything. First let me say that i have never met another group in Islam more destructive to the deen and in Particular the brotherhood of Islam than the Salafiyyah. In the caribbean here they have literally drawn lines in the masjids to seperate the kufr and the mumin (Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'a), in fact pure salfi methodology does not accept the notion that they are Ahlus Sunnah wal jamaa'h- for example their aqaaid is not the same as the ahlus Saunnah which is the aqeedah drawn up by Imam Abu Ja`far al-Tahawi. Quite frankly if the founder, Imam Abdul Wahaab may Allah be pleased with him, was ousted from Arabia by the now home of "Salafiism" the true teachings of "wahabbiism" was ousted with him as well. So in point i have no beef with the salaf usuul, rather i have beef with the present day salaf who distorts the teachings to their own punitive way of thinking.

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Innalhamdulillah---Surley All praises Belongs to Allah!


I clearly included the meaning (followers of Mohammed SAW) in my question to avoid this sort of irrelevant reply. If they 'feel' we worshiped Mohamed then they'd probably feel you worship Salafs.

Brother, those who initiated this term were those who worship Christ the son of Mary(Christians) Muhammadan does not mean (followers of Muhammad) this is your own doing, rather It means the worshippers of Muhammad, because they, the worshipers of Christ named their religion after their Founder(according to them Jesus is the founder) and they took him as their God!


When does it start BEFORE IBRAAHIM(AS) OR AFTER THE PROPHET (SAW) and who was the first Salafi?

Akhee Salafiyah is Islam, as imam Ibn Tayyimah said, following the madhab of the salaf is nothing but the truth! The pure religion that Muhammad(saw) came with, without being mix with misguidance as we witness today! Question to you, did Islam start before Ibrahim? As I stated before:


“Thus WE can say Adam(as)is the first person Allah established this manhaj with! And this manhaj will remain with us until Yawmul Qiyam(day of Resurrection)â€


Akhi feelah, did you happen to miss this point when you were revised my work?


So are Abu Bakr(ra) or Umar(ra) or any of the companions are not Salafis but Fatima the daughter of the Prophet is?

brother the linguistic meaning of the word Salaf means predecessor, without doubt the messenger of Allah preceded Fatimah and the rest of the sahab in belief, Thus he is “Their†Salaf, and they follow him so they are salafies in this regard! however akhee, and NOTE, I said “We†meaning those who live in this time of ours, “We†call the Sahabs our salaf, because they are not our “salafiesâ€, they dont follow us! instead “WE†are their followers! We are the salafies and they are our Salaf, And the Messenger of Allah is our salaf and so are all the other prophets (those who preceded us ) Its like a chain of narration, we follow the Sahabs, the sahibs follow the messenger of Allah, and whatever the messenger of allah(saas) brought then all the other prophets where upon it, and this only refers to matter of beliefs, cause the prophets had different legislations but the same ‘Aqeeda!


That's good thing but this is what the Prophet (saw) wanted:

brother you cant just take a hadith and make a ruling with it! By Allah is this not the way! there are hadith that need other hadiths to explain it! and some are self explanatory!






Who's sunnah would that be? Akhee By Allah the sunnah that the Shia follow is not the same sunnah that the I follow, I believe that after the Messenger of Allah(saw) the best and most suitable person to lead the Ummah is Abu Bakr, they say Ali, they believe in the 12 imams who can see the unseen, i believe its Taghoot! the Sunnah that the Murji follows is not the same Sunnah that I follow, And by Allah the sunnah that Sufies follow is not the same sunnah that I follow. The HIzbu Taxrir don’t accept Ahad Hadith into Aqeeda, while I do, The Khawarij call muslims disbelievers due to major sins, while I don’t, the Qadariyah deny the Divine Pre-Determination, while I dont! So according to that Hadith, who is following the real Sunnah, the one that the messenger of Allah(saw) was talking about?


Quran: interpretations


The way the Ash’aries/Habashies interpret the quran is not the way I understand it, They say Allah exist without a place, I say that Allah is above the seven heavens on his throne in a matter that suits is majesty, I say Allah has hands and face, and eyes, yet they are not the same as his creatures, They say Allah has no hands or eyes or face, rather those ayahs are allegories! The sufies believe in floating death Shaykhs, and believe in shafa'h from the death, I perceive it as Shirk ! So who is following the right interpretations of the Quran Ya mr Ayub?


And Allah knows best!


wa jazakallahu khair!

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brother you cant just take a hadith and make a ruling with it! By Allah is this not the way! there are hadith that need other hadiths to explain it! and some are self explanatory!

This is one of the DOUBLE STANDARDS that your group always use against other MUSLIMS,

everyboy knows that the HEART of your groups DAWA is this Hadaith " .....and my UMMAH will split into 73 sects ....." without comparing to many other AYAS and HADITHS that may explain it, this is if we assume that this Hadith is SAHIH because some ULUMA suspect the Authencity of this Hadith since it contradicts plenty of QURAN verses like 'You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah..(2:110). ' and many HADITHS which gave us hope and strength).


Remember the highest rank that some ULUMA gave this HADITH is HASSAN not SAHIH and your group use this HADITh as there is no other QURAN and HADITH always and everywhere ignoring all other bright sides of this UMMAH.


So, why are you ordering others what yourself don't do?

Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not. (61 - 2,3)

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As any one else I was really stunned the view taken by the Salifiyah Jadiidah against other muslims that disagree with them. I have to say the words I encountered from this group began with two young men coming over to my flat and slandering sheikhs and people I hold high in my heart such as Shaikh Sharif Abdinuur, A Sheikh I learned alot of things and believe is one of the honest god fearing people Somalia has produced, may Allah forgive his sins and enter him his Jannah.


Any body's words and actions are questionable except the prophet Mohamed SAW and for that reason I gave them the benefit of the doubt that the sheikh might have done or said something wrong and as I asked why do you say the Sheikh is "Thaal Mudhil" and the words that followed were somewhat disturbing and something to be concerned. The sheikh was thaal muthil just becouse he said " Qutubi was good muslim" or something along those lines. May be I thought they did not understand the magnitude of the word "Thaal", Allah mentioned in the quran christians being the "Thaalin", people who astrayed from the path of Allah and how would a muslim could be taken same level as to the christians that believe in trinity just becouse he uttered words of compliment to some one that they dont agree with certain things!!!!


I dont have any question about following the Salaf and all that as prophet Mohamed SAW said they are the best people but since when following the salaf became to slander, vilify, and seek for the slightest errors of others. Is this the way prophet Mohamed SAW conveyed the meassage of Allah? After All this was a prophet who when he saw something wrong with some of his companions, never subjected them or done personal attcak, he would just raise the subject to all the people in the mosque and would say such and such things are bad and should not be done without naming or shaming the people who did it. I dont understand the need to talk about other people becouse even if they done or said something bad, you can disprove them by just saying the opposite of what that person has done or said and you r done your obligation. I tell you why talking other people is wrong:


It creates enemity between muslims. Preserving the unity of Muslims is Wajib As Allah subhaanahu says "Wactasimuu bixablilaahi jamiican walaa tafaraquue..." from this verse Allah commands us to cling to the robe of Allah (Islam) and not to divide ourselves into groups. In onother Ayah Allah subhannah tells us not to be like those who (christians) divided their religion into groups (shiyacan) and each of them group is happy with themselves. The need for muslims to unite is vital specially when our religion is under attack from every corner of the world. We need to make a case for the religion and defend it jointly from the Kufaars and the enemy of Allah

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