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Douchebag runs over cop, and get's owned.

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The cop is the douchebag qashin. I don't know what the kid was doing driving off in that car - maybe it was a mistake or maybe he's a moron. But the cop's reaction was completely out of line. Why is it we let the folks responsible for peace and safety in the community get away with profanity, heavy handedness and total and utter disrespect of members of society? What a waste. As if a cop's foot is holy territory and not to be infringed upon in any way. Get over it. If you're going to arrest someone - do it in a dignified way and don't make it a long winded circus that takes away from tackling real crime.

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ElPunto;855434 wrote:
The cop is the douchebag qashin. I don't know what the kid was doing driving off in that car - maybe it was a mistake or maybe he's a moron. But the cop's reaction was completely out of line. Why is it we let the folks responsible for peace and safety in the community get away with profanity, heavy handedness and total and utter disrespect of members of society? What a waste. As if a cop's foot is holy territory and not to be infringed upon in any way. Get over it. If you're going to arrest someone - do it in a dignified way and don't make it a long winded circus that takes away from tackling real crime.

I am on the cop's side on this one. If i had to guess, the reason the cop put his foot there was he didn't want the guy driving off until he wrote him the ticket (you gotta sign ur tickets). He's lucky he didn't get shot/tased for that lil stunt he pulled. Instead of just a ticket, he's now facing a more serious charge, what a dumbasss.

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ElPunto;855434 wrote:
The cop is the douchebag qashin. I don't know what the kid was doing driving off in that car - maybe it was a mistake or maybe he's a moron. But the cop's reaction was completely out of line. Why is it we let the folks responsible for peace and safety in the community get away with profanity, heavy handedness and total and utter disrespect of members of society? What a waste. As if a cop's foot is holy territory and not to be infringed upon in any way. Get over it. If you're going to arrest someone - do it in a dignified way and don't make it a long winded circus that takes away from tackling real crime.

Runtii waxaaba soo wada waday waa iiga hormartay. The only 'douchebag' aan arko waa askarigaas gardaro gaad ahaa. Baabuurka sida uu iskugu dhigaayo la yaabay, deliberately wishing in cagihiisa la marsiiyo. And when that didn't materialize, he still did what he wanted to do -- assault that poor hapless guy.


Gaariga uu wiilka yar wato uu ka maseersanaa filaa, oo wax yar qalad ku gaad ahaa. That is why askarta badankooda qashin ka buuxo oo dadka inay duliyaan kaliya u galay shaqadaas, particularly the American ones. Even though I had never dealt with an askari in my life, I know they are miserable creatures kibir badan ka buuxo, isna moodo inay awoodo shaqsiyadeed gacantooda ku jirto and do whatever they want with you.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;855497 wrote:
Runtii waxaaba soo wada waday waa iiga hormartay. The only 'douchebag' aan arko waa askarigaas gardaro gaad ahaa. Baabuurka sida uu iskugu dhigaayo la yaabay, deliberately wishing in cagihiisa la marsiiyo. And when that didn't materialize, he still did what he wanted to do -- assault that poor hapless guy.


Gaariga uu wiilka yar wato uu ka maseersanaa filaa, oo wax yar qalad ku gaad ahaa. That is why askarta badankooda qashin ka buuxo oo dadka inay duliyaan kaliya u galay shaqadaas, particularly the American ones. Even though I had never dealt with an askari in my life, I know they are miserable creatures kibir badan ka buuxo, isna moodo inay awoodo shaqsiyadeed gacantooda ku jirto and do whatever they want with you.

MMA, waxaan dhan ma dhici laheen, hadii uusan meel khalad ah uunan gaariga dhigan laheen. Dadka lacagta leh markasta waxxeey is moodaan ineey dadka kale ka fiican yihiin, eey sharciga ka koreeyaan. Markastoo aan arko qof taajir ah, that's put in his place...waan farxaa. :)

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Yaabanoow, taas in uu ku qaldanyahay muran kama taagno. Xataa inay kibir ka tahay waa laga yaabaa, laakiin askarigaas waa arkeysaa in uu gardaro gaadaaye oo wax yar ku gaadaaye. And he did it, just to humiliate him. Was that necessary? Maya iyo maya waliba.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;855502 wrote:
Yaabanoow, taas in uu ku qaldanyahay muran kama taagno. Xataa inay kibir ka tahay waa laga yaabaa, laakiin askarigaas waa arkeysaa in uu gardaro gaadaaye oo wax yar ku gaadaaye. And he did it, just to humiliate him. Was that necessary? Maya iyo maya waliba.

Runtaa, laakinse sxb, kan kale asagana ma dhaamo. Sababtoo ah, mawuxuu sugi waayey, labada daqiiqo uu askariga TICKET u qorayo? Wixiisa waxaaa waaye camal nooh, "aniga lacag ayaan leeyahay, ilama taaban karo". That's what i think.

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