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Yusuf Garaad Leaves BBC

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Back to the topic.:DApophis, you might want to watch this since you are interested in Yusuf's previous job:D. There could be some info that will be useful to you here in this video. I think this video is a pre-campaign and for get to know Yusuf outside the BBC Somali Services:D



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He's one of the worst journalist around, and for him to have been in such a position was bad. No wonder Maaddeey is deep in this thread, it's his uncle! He was a clanist unprofessional journalist who only liked Indhacade and Aweys' kind, good riddance I say, also lets pray he fails for the sake of the nation man, the nation!

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Walee waa yaab. Soomaali dhan -- walaa saqiir walaa kabiir -- haddee rabaan inay 'madaxweyne' lee mar hala dhaho maqlaan.


Yaa ismaamulaayo haddii dadweynihii dhan wada 'madaxweyne' rabaan. There is only one way to discourage something like this -- completely make the president's powers symbolic and nothing else. Also s/he should only be paid a little or nothing mushaar. Ha aragno inta isku waali doonto madaxweynimo then. Dad ayaa rabo inay maalqabeen ku noqdaan lacagtii yarayd masaakiinta loogu tala galay inay jeebkooda ku shubtaan and there is only one shortcut to that -- madaxweynimo, whether it is in dusty maamul goboleed ku sheeg or in madaxtooyada in Xamar.

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Markaasna ra'iisar wasaaranimadaa la isku dilaa sow maaha?.


Somalia, ninkaan ma faaniyey mise wax baan ka sheegay horta?.

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Maaddeey;855350 wrote:
Diinta inuusasn ku fiicnayn baan ka cabsanayaa maahee waa nin u qalma madaxtinimada Soomaaliya. Dictator-nimo yarna waa ku jirtaa sida Abwaan sheegay lakin inta badan waxa looga hor yimid isagaa igula saxan.


Meeqo af baadleedahay kaalay?, diintiisaan fiicnayn iyo madaxtinimuu u qalmaa kala saar. Indicative of your nefarious and rattling around with a hollow argument, detracting from the obvious just as the case with Indo cade or Aways discussions, the fatwa's you are too quick to judge with the rest of Somalis doesn't apply to your ilk.


wasn't Yusuf Garad's BBC who was for years now refering argagixiso kuwaad taageertid oo afka duuban?

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Af soomaaliga soo baro, duqa, erayga 'maahee' haddii jumlo la geliyo micnaha muxuu noqonayaa?. Aaway discussion aan Indhacadde ku difaacay?, mid Aways aan qabiil ku difaacayna keen. Hana cararin yaah!,

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^Ha cararin - waa maxay cararkaad sheegaysid. Sour grapes for a guy losing his cool, perhaps.

Alright Mr Af Soomali. There are plenty of threads regarding those aforementioned guys who you have deliberately falsified for them, as you seem to be doing now for yusuf garad with this vague 'mahee'. whils, suggestion he is a leader material. Given time, I'd have np excavating those from Sol database.


That said, I ask you again - and please no circular jargons again - why is't the head of BBC Somali Service who was as frontline against your group as anyone else, as far as a media propaganda warfare goes doesn’t meet the same Fatwa faith as those that have been denigrated and are condemned to the gallows being maimed and mutilated.


I have no issue with yusuf Garad, or his aspiration to become president. My quarrels are with people like you who claim to be bringing true Sharia, and yet mud slugging the faith by their disguised clan affiliations that every Islamic group has been suffering since Al-itahaad, onto their down fall.

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Yunis;855465 wrote:

That said, I ask you again - and please no circular jargons again - why is't the head of BBC Somali Service who was as frontline against your group as anyone else, as far as a media propaganda warfare goes doesn’t meet the same Fatwa faith as those that have been denigrated and are condemned to the gallows being maimed and mutilated.


. :D su'aalo adag baad dadka weydiineysaa, fatwadiisa waa soo daahday malaha, kuwa Barre Hiiraale, Qaybdiid iyo Abdiweli baa ka soo hormaray.

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^ Camiraaddii maa bilawday?, waa caadi :)

Yunis;855465 wrote:
^Ha cararin - waa maxay cararkaad sheegaysid. Sour grapes for a guy losing his cool, perhaps.

Alright Mr Af Soomali. There are plenty of threads regarding those aforementioned guys who you have deliberately falsified for them, as you seem to be doing now for yusuf garad with this vague 'mahee'. whils, suggestion he is a leader material. Given time, I'd have np excavating those from Sol database.


That said, I ask you again - and please no circular jargons again - why is't the head of BBC Somali Service who was as frontline against your group as anyone else, as far as a media propaganda warfare goes doesn’t meet the same Fatwa faith as those that have been denigrated and are condemned to the gallows being maimed and mutilated.


I have no issue with yusuf Garad, or his aspiration to become president. My quarrels are with people like you who claim to be bringing true Sharia, and yet mud slugging the faith by their disguised clan affiliations that every Islamic group has been suffering since Al-itahaad, onto their down fall.

Fatwada aad sheegeysid waa tee?, keen dad aan anigu fatwo ku riday kadibna aan qaadaa dhigno. Sol database waqti dheer ma kugu qaadaneyso, 5 minutes ama ka yar baa kugu filan!. Teeda kale Yusuf Garad, caksigaaga waxaaba lagu eedeeyaa inuu mucaaradka u janjeero, sida Abwaan kor lu sheegay, isagoo been kasta oo la faafiyona buunbuuniya ma arkin sida media'ha kale qaarkeed.

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soomaalina waa la soomanyahay ma yaqaanaan 24/7 siyaasad iyo qeylo iyo is mucaarad unbey ku jiraan war allihiina ka cabsadee 10 ki dambee ramadaan aa lagu jiraaye kitaabadiina qaata, Cowdu billah :D


Anyway Ramadan Kareem

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War Tel Baas Oo Halleysan Baa La Ii Keenay Anoo Kitaab Ii Kala Furan Yahay, Balaayada Baas Ma Xaa Ii keenay Waxaan Arkay Anigoo SOL Dhex Taagan :D


Ramadaan Kariim Saaxiib macaane

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Maalin Dhoweyd Baan Xaramka Aadoo, Anigoo Dawaaf Ku Jiro Baa Dad Badan Reer SOL Ah Niyadeyda Kusoo Dhaceen Oo Ey Ku Jiraan Maaddeey Iyo Abtiga, Saa Ilaahey Waxaan Oga Baryay Ilaahow Labadaas Isku Dhinac Isugu Duw :D Yacni, In Maaddeey Abtigiis Raaco Ama Abtigiis Maaddey Raaco Dhinaca Siyaasadda Iyo Alshabaab Naceybka/Jaceylka :D

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