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Puntland Day becomes Somali National Day as acting Constitution is passed

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The African Union Congratulates Somali People on New Constitution


Nairobi, 1 August 2012-The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia, Ambassador BoubacarDiarra has today congratulated the people of Somalia on the adoption of a provisional constitution, saying it was a major step forward on the road to national recovery.


An 825 member National Constituent Assembly, which has been sitting in Mogadishu for the last week,today approved the Provisional Constitution, which will replace the 8-year old Transitional Federal Charter and pave the way for the conclusion of the transition process on August 20.


“Today is the culmination of years of hard work by the Somali people with the support of the International community,” said Ambassador Diarra. “The adoption of a Provisional Constitution by a National Constituent Assembly, representative of the people of Somalia, will protect the gains made and provide a legal foundation for Somalia’s new institutions. In this regard I wish to emphasize that the future steps in the political process, the election of the Members of Parliament, the Speaker and his deputies and the President, should be conducted in a fair and credible manner.” he added.


He noted that much of the progress had been achieved in the last year following the ejection of the AlQaeda linked al Shabaab from Mogadishu by Somali forces with the support of troops from the African Union Mission in Somalia.


“The AMISOM mandate is to help secure the country so that all the Somali people have the chance to participate in an accountable, legitimate and transparent political process and have a say in their democratic future,” he said, noting that the newly-adopted provisional constitution would be subjected to a nationwide referendum as soon as the security situation on the ground allows.


Source: AMISOM

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Puntland had a great role in forming this constitution and it is a symbolic sign that on this day the day of Puntland the Constitution of the country Somalia has been passed. It speaks volumes.

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''Ansixinta wan soo dhoweyneynaa''


1 Aug 1, 2012


Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa maanta 1 August,2012 soo dhaweyey ansixinta dastuurka DF Somalia oo gelinki hore aqlabiyad lagu ansixiyey shirweyne afti loogu qaadayey.


Dr.Farole waxa uu mahad u soo jeediyey ergadii ka qaybgashey shirka ansixinta dastuurka isagoona muujiyey farxadiisa ku aadan dalku inuu yeesho dastuur loo dhanyahay muddo badan ka dib.


Shir saxaafadeed uu ku qabtey xarunta Madaxtoyada Garowe kadib ku dhawaaqida ansaxa dastuurka Somalia ayuu rajo wanaagsan madaxweynuhu ka muujiyey hirgelida qorshaha nabada Somalia ee dhamaystirka xiliga KMG-ah.


Faahfaahino kala duwan ayuu ka bixiyey dastuurka iyo qaabkii loo ansixiyey waxana uu raaciyey in odayaasha dhaqanku aysan wax door ah ku lahayn dastuurka balse looga fadhiyo xulida xubnaha ka qaybgalaya barlamanka afar sanno ee soo socota.


Madaxweynaha ayaa cadeeyey in Puntland kaalin mug leh ka qaadatey hawsha dastuurka Somalia maadaama ay hormuud ka ahayd qaybtiisa islamarkaasina shirarkiisi lagu qabtey Garowe iyo Galkacayo.


Dastuurka Somalia oo shirweynihiisu furmey todobaadki aynu soo dhaafney ayaa la soo gabagabeeyey waxana xigta ku dhawaaqida xildhibaanada Barlamanka Somalia si loo guda galo doorashada gudoonka barlamanka iyo weliba madaxweynaha ka hor 20-ka bishan August ee maanta dhalatay.

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Somalia: Puntland celebrates 14th anniversary


1 Aug 1, 2012


GAROWE, Somalia August 1 2012 (Garowe Online) –Across cities and districts in Puntland and worldwide, people are celebrating Puntland’s 14th anniversary, Garowe Online reports.


The festivities began early Wednesday morning with almost every major city holding events, to mark the day Puntland state formed.


In the Puntland capital, President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole accompanied by Ministers, MPs and government officials was the keynote speaker as thousands crowded Garowe’s center to take part in the celebrations.


The celebrations began with a parade which women groups, youth groups, sports teams, horseback riders, schools and universities all took part in. Puntland security forces also took part in the parade.


The crowd of thousands of excited Puntlanders, watched as the many different groups paraded including internally displaced Somalis who have sought refuge in Puntland since conflict erupted in southern Somalia.


One member of that group, who has been living in Puntland for 11 years, said that Puntland has been home away from home for him.


“I’ve been here for 10 plus years and since that time I have had three children born in Puntland, even though I spent most of my natural life in southern Somalia, I can’t see myself living anywhere else than in Puntland,” said Mohamed Ma’alimo.


President Farole at the event spoke about the great progress Puntland’s people and institutions have enjoyed and the direction Puntland is headed.


“Working together Puntland’s people have accomplished a great amount in terms of development, economic stability and security which has in turn transformed this once baron land to what it is today, thanks to Almighty God and Puntlanders’ efforts whether here or abroad. And we will continue to progress in the right direction,” said President Farole.


The celebrations which are being held across the world will extend late into the night as Puntlanders wait to celebrate after they break their fast.



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Dastuurka Somalia oo la Ansixiyay


1 Aug 1, 2012


Waxaa Muqdisho lagu ansixyay maanta [Aug, 01, 2012] Dastuurka Qabyada ah ee DF, iyadoo ay goobta ka dhacday intii aysan codeyntu bilaabay laba qarax oo ay geysteen laba ruux oo isku soo xiray waxyaabaha Qarxa.


Xubnaha codeeyay oo tiradoodu ahayd 645 ayaa waxaa haa ku codeeyay 621-qof oo noqonaysa 96% tirada guud, sidoo kale 13-qof ayaa ku codeeyay maya, taasoo noqonaysa 2% iyadoo ay ka aamuseen 11-qof noqonaysa 2%.


Mas'uuliyiintii ka hadlay goobta ayaa sheegay inay dadaal badan u galeen sidii lagu ansixin lahaa dastuurka iyagoo aan wax dhaqaale ah ka helin caalamka, waxayna ku tilmaameen Ansixinta Dastuurka guul la gaaray.


Shirka lagu ansixiyay dastuurka oo socday muddo hal Todobaad ah ah ayaa wuxuu noqonayaa kii ugu horeeyay oo lagu ansixiyo dastuur ay Soomaaliya leedahay muddo ka badan 40-sano sida ay sheegeen mas'uuliyiintii dowladda ee halkaas ka hadlay.


"Markaad isku tashato ayuu caalamku kula shaqeynayaan. Waayo lama maleynayn inaan maanta ansixin karno dastuurkeena inagoo aan wax dhaqaale ka helin," ayuu yiri wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Arimaha Feberaalka C/kariin Xaaji Cabdi Buux oo ka hadlay madasha kaddib markii codka la qaaday.


Qarax ay ku dhinteen labadii qof ee uu ku xirnaa ayaa ka dhacay xarunta Golaha uu ka socday Ansixinta Dastuurka, iyadoo labadan qof ay gudbeen koontarool ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamada DF ee ilaalinaya xarunta ka hor intii aysan qarxin.


Labadan qof aya la sheegay inay joojiyeen Ciidamadii shirka ilaalinayay waxaana ay taasi sababtay in ciidamada dowlada qaarkood ay khasaare soo gaarto, inkastoo aan la ogeyn khasaaraha inta uu le'eg yahay.


Goobta ay Qaraxyadu ka dhaceen ayaa waxaa lagu arkayay Ambulance ay leeyihiin ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliya kuwaasoo halkaas ka qaaday dadkii ku dhaawacmay qaraxyada.


Dastuurka Qabyada ah ayaa wuxuu noqonayaa mid KMG ah tan iyo inta afti guud oo Qaran looga qaadayo, waxaana madaxda DF ay sheegeen in afarta illaa shanta sano ee soo socota wax ka bedel lagu sameyn doono dastuurka, markaas kadibna loo gudbin doono shacabka Soomaaliyeed si ay cod ugu qaadaan.


Su'aashii loo codeeyay ayaa waxay ahayd: [si waddanku uga baxo xalaadda uu ku sugan yahay, looguna diyaar-garoobo dib u dhiska dalka, loona helo bulsho cadaalad ku dhisan, ma ansixinaa dastuurka KMG ah illaa inta looga ansixinayo afti Qaran].


Damaashaadyo farxado ayaa hoolka shirka hareeyay, iyadoo dadka qaarkood ay qaadayeen heeso ay ku cabirayaan guushooda, waxayna ergadu aad ugu sacab tuamayeen sida ay codeyntu u dhacday.



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Even A Shabab's heinous plots couldn't prevent the adoption of the constitution on this history day of August 1st, Day of Puntland and Day of the Adoption of the Constitution of Somalia.

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Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland oo soo dhaweeyay ansixinta Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Garowe( Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland Mudane C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa soo dhaweeyay Ansixinta dastuurka dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Madexweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in ay tahay guul umada Soomaaliyeed u soo hoyatay maadaama dastuurkii Federaalka ahaa ee dadka soomaaliyeed ay ka shaqeeyeen la ansixiyay, wuxuuna si gaar ah ugu mahadceliyay ergadii ansixinta dastuurka Fedraalka Soomaaliya.


Madexweynuhu tilmaamay in ay tahay farxad weyn maadaama Anisixinta Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya uu alle ku beegay xuskii maalinta dhalashada Maamulka Puntland ee 1-da Augusta, wuxuuna tilmaamay arrinkaasi in uu yahay mid uu alle umada Soomaaliyeed la doonay lakin aysan ahayn mid lagu talagalay oo la isku soo aadiyay.


Madexweynuhu wuxuu tilmaamay dawlada Puntland in ay kaalin mug leh ka qaadatay dadaalka anisixinta dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya taas oo qayb ka ahayd dadaalka Puntland ay ugu jirto in Wadanka Soomaaliya ay ka dhalato Dawlad dhamaystiran oo soo celisa kala dambayntii in hanaankii dawladnimo ee horay uga jiri jiray.


Madexweynuhu wuxuu sidoo kale ka hambalyeeyay Doorashada Madexweynaha maamulka Galmudug oo manta ka dhacday Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, kadib Olole iyo muran dhinacyo badan leh oo mudo ka socay ama ka taagnaa Koonfurta Gaalkacyo iyo maamulka Galmudug.


Hadalka Madexweynaha dalwada Puntland ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli maanta galinkii hore magaalada muqdisho lagu ansixiyay Dastuurkii Federaalka ahaa ee Dawlada Soomaaliya.

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In the words of the President: Madexweynuhu tilmaamay in ay tahay farxad weyn maadaama Anisixinta Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya uu alle ku beegay xuskii maalinta dhalashada Maamulka Puntland ee 1-da Augusta, wuxuuna tilmaamay arrinkaasi in uu yahay mid uu alle umada Soomaaliyeed la doonay lakin aysan ahayn mid lagu talagalay oo la isku soo aadiyay.

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