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LayZie G.

Bashiir Axmed Salaad: Women and 'Atheists' are enemies of Somalia, so says Diinta.

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According to the fake Mullah, or so called Gudoomiyaha Culumada Soomaaliyeed, his honorouble "Shiir" Bashiir Axmed Salaad says that, Atheists are not people. Women are not people.


Proposed constitution does not reaffirm the Shiir's manhood, so he wants to amend it...


His proposal is that women should be declared minors. Non-believers have no right to call themselves "Atheists".


Raamsade and Abti Johnny B war aa niiyaalo....



Guddoomiyaha Culummada Soomaaliyeed wants women's Vagina regulated...

He wants to add an amendment that states:


"Women have no right, They cannot vote, they cannot hold public office. A woman's place is in the home. In addition,

A woman's Vagina should be regulated. Men will decide when and where women are circumcised."



He adds:


" Raamsade is a Muslim. He cant leave Islam. Too bad about Raamsade, he is a minor. This is what the Diinta dictates."




For more details, read the article here:







Hay'adda Culummada Soomaaliyeed oo sheegay in Qodobbo ka mid ah Dastuurka ay ka Horimaanayaan Diinta Islaamka

Axad, July 29, 2012 (HOL) — Warsaxafadeed ay hay'adda culummada Soomaaliyeed kasoo saartay Muqdisho maanta oo Axad ah ayay ku sheegtay in dastuurka ay ku jiraan qodobbo ka horimaanaya diinta Islaamka, iyadoo codsatay in lagu asmeeyo isbedel ka hor inta aan la ansixin.


Guddoomiyaha hay'adda culummada Soomaaliyeed, Sheekh Bashiir Axmed Salaad oo wariyeyaasha la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ergada u fadhida ansixinta dastuurka ay qodobbadaas ku sameeyaan isbedel.


"Waxaan codsanaynaa in la saxo qodobbada sida tooska ah uga horimaanaya diinta Islaamka sida: qabashada dumarka dhammaan jagooyinka, gudniinka gabdhaha oo aan fircooniga ahayn oo la cambaareeyay lana reebay, ergayga caruur oo lagu qeexay wixii ka yar 18-ka sano, xorriyadda diinta oo aan xadkeedii la caddeyn, loona baahan yahay in lasoo celiyo faqraddii ahayd qofka muslimka ah kama bixi karo diintiisa," ayuu yiri Sheekh Bashiir oo warsaxaafadeedkii ay soo saareen akhrinayay.


Hay'adda culummada oo saaxiib weyn la ahayd dowladda KMG ah kuna baaqi jirtay in la taageero xilliyadii ay dagaalladu ka socdeen Muqdisho ayaa waxay haatan u muuqataa in fikirkeedu isbedelay, waxayna howlaha socda ku tilmaameen kuwo aan loo baahnayn.


"Shareeco Islaam oo lagu dhaqmo ayaan sugaynay ee maxay tahay waxa lala cararayo ee ********nimada ah... waa arrin runtii aad looga xun yahay, sida ku qoran baaqa ergada waxaan xusuusin lahayn mas'uuliyadda taariikhiga ah inay ilaahay kaga baqaan, gaar ahaan waxa kasoo horjeeda diinta islaamka iyo danta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed," ayuu yiri Sheekh Nuur Baaruud Gurxan oo ah afhayeenka hay'adda culummada Soomaaliyeed oo isaguna goobta ka hadlay.


Ugu dambeyn, hay'addu waxay ka dalbatay beesha calaamka inay fuliso laba qodob oo kala ah inay shacabka Soomaaliyeed xaq u leeyihiin inay aayahooda ka tashadaan si la mid ah sida bulshadooda kale ee caalamka iyo inaan deggenaashaha dalka lagu gaari karin afduub iyo amar ku taagleyn.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya





Courtesy of HiiraanOnline

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I didn't know Abit was an Atheist ?


Ok let me see what the Shiikh said:


"Waxaan codsanaynaa in la saxo qodobbada sida tooska ah uga horimaanaya diinta Islaamka sida:
qabashada dumarka dhammaan jagooyinka
, gudniinka gabdhaha oo aan fircooniga ahayn oo la cambaareeyay lana reebay, ergayga caruur oo lagu qeexay wixii ka yar
18-ka sano
, xorriyadda diinta oo aan
xadkeedii la caddeyn
, loona baahan yahay in lasoo celiyo faqraddii ahayd qofka muslimka ah kama bixi karo diintiisa," ayuu yiri Sheekh Bashiir oo warsaxaafadeedkii ay soo saareen akhrinayay.



I think the Skiikh has a point specially the points that I highlighted for example in Islam Women are not allowed to rule or be appointed a higher positions(can get u some Hadiths to backup if you want). The second point again in Islam a child becomes adult at the of 16.


Before all the Atheist and sympathisers hit the roof , the keyword here is in Islam and Somalia is a Muslim country so there is no issue to synchronize the countries constitution and our Islamic believes.

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Johnny B   

^There you said it Abti.

War aan yaraynaa ii yaala, on the other hand, what we've to deal with virtually online were'nt in anyway more formidable either.

you remeber Sheikh Nur's gaffe of circumcising girls to skip (among other things ) Jamaican boyfriends .


Abti , that our Somali "wadads" are on the extreme right of everything is not the problem , it's their theological education that scares me.


Your awowe and my old man , once told me that the Somali culture was held uppright by the "waranle", while the "wadads" were the weak link of if because of the indoctriniation.

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Macallinka;853386 wrote:


Before all the Atheist and sympathisers hit the roof , the keyword here is
in Islam
and Somalia is a Muslim country so there is no issue to synchronize the countries constitution and our Islamic believes.

No issue? Yet Al-Shabaab feels the need to bomb sharia law in to the hearts and minds of others. Before all of the apologists claim Al-shabaab are unislamic, ask yourself why? How are your beliefs any different?

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^ Don't take Al-shabab as an example of Muslims, alshaabaa are minority group and in no way they represent Muslims in Somalia. The Majority of Muslims in Somalia want to base their countries constitution on their holly Quran. What is the fuss about that i ask?

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Macallinka;853390 wrote:
^ Don't take Al-shabab as an example of Muslims, alshaabaa are minority group and in no way they represent Muslims in Somalia.
The Majority of Muslims in Somalia want to base their countries constitution on their holly Quran
. What is the fuss about that i ask?

Again, how is that any different than what Al-Shabaab wants? Also, if the majority of Somalis want sharia law instated in a country where millions lack food security, then I'd say there really is no future for our country.

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^loool@not gonna behead you..... classic! I guess that's good benchmark.



Shiikh Bashir is man one could work with. We atleast know what he's opposed to unlike others.

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Blackflash;853391 wrote:
Again, how is that any different than what Al-Shabaab wants? Also, if the majority of Somalis want sharia law instated in a country where millions lack food security, then I'd say there really is no future for our country.


Clan is above quran in somalia & no one dare behead anyone without eye for an eye(shabab is organized entity here with iron fist on where it controls),but the rest of somalis have always been liberal with somali women being the freest of all muslim women due to nomadic environment and still are..nothing have changed and nothing will eva change to radicalism.Look at somaliland and puntland ,life as normal as prior civil war; only where there is upheavel do these religious zealots make use of it.They lost the hearts of somali people,that's why so desperate to call fatwaa or beheading!

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^not only is he defending it, he wants to be the one in the operating table.



lol@Abti Johnny, you dont say. What is surprising abti is not that this so called Mufti is calling for his version of "Islam" to

be implemented but Raga meesha joogo are so desperate for legitimacy that they just might throw in few of his amendments and 50% discount to spice things up. They will sell their hooyo if they could, all in the name of legitimacy.


Think about it, it isn't just these silly, illiterate mufti's calling for restricting women's movement and want to roll the clock back to 13th century but this type of slaveboyn.jpg servitude goes unchecked because it is

"permissible" according to the Mufti's of Somalia and SOL's very own Macalinka.



Speaking of Macalinka, you better be careful when you are using certain nouns. For one, no comprehensive research has been

conducted that suggests what you are selling us...(majority this and that)....


Until such studies become conclusive, you and I, and anyone else here can fabricate consensus any which way we want but it is and WILL

REMAIN A LIE. Therefore, you, Mr Macalinka Lie.


Mida kale, before you start producing the versions of the sunna that support your point of view, keep in mind, you are selling unchecked,

unproven secondary sources, with specific to waxa aan meesha laga doodayo.


Instead, I recommend that you learn Arabic so that you can read the scripture yourself. Do not rely on someone to do something you

can do for yourself. Until then, may peace be upon you.




Mida kale, ya Macalin....



You said the following:

Don't take Al-shabab as an example of Muslims, alshaabaa are minority group and in no way they represent Muslims in Somalia.

You are in no position to call anyone's strict interpretation of their deen as "minority"


Waayo, your version is only espoused by "minority", so who do you think you are delegitimatizing your beloved Islamists?


....if the essential Islam propagated by some Islamist is what you are after, you better turn off the computer.


You better denounce worldly goods and find the nearest cave that can cater to your needs.


There is no such thing as "Minority", if you want people to buy your version of "Islam", you better start strapping your vest on because thats

exactly what you should believe.


There is no such thing as moderate "Islamist", there is only the Islamist of "Al-Shabaab/Taliban" version. Anyone else, need not apply.


You can not be in favour of certain values your kind propagates while you denounce enslavement of little boys, the repulsion and

condemnation of the woman via her rights, the defiling of her body, etc. (waxaas ma soconeyso)


The only thing new about this denunciation and repulsion that plays in the public discourse (as quoted by the subject of this thread)

is that your Islamist boys are using religion to justify the repulsion and condemnation, instead of modernity and reaction and rally against

political and social decay caused by two decades of assault and suffering.


This is where reading a book or two can go along way. Because you will know that its not original. LOL

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burahadeer;853414 wrote:
Clan is above quran in somalia

Indeed. Clan is above everything including God, Maxamed and the Quran. Any Somali who tells you otherwise is lying. In fact, on Somali's hierarchy of needs and priorities Islam comes a distant 21st after clan, camels, goats, sheeps, hilib (lud iyo jiir), caano geel, caano garoor, hangool, our beast of burden the donkey, horses, our hopelessly dumb but lovely women, gabay, buraanbur, ciyaar dhaqan... then comes Islam. If you disagree with me, do an experiment. Go to any decent sized Somali town calling for help in the name of Islam and in the name of clan. Note which cry for help solicits greater response. Rest assured, it won't be yaa Muslimiin call that will generate the greater response.

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Don't worry guys - it wasn't as if you're going to leave Canada or Sweden or some other western country and live in Somalistan right?

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