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Somalia, 1982:


Locals trying to beat away a shark that had attacked a boy paddling in the shallows at Mogadishu



The shark swimming off – the boy lost part of his leg







Just to keep it in persepective, Somali sharks according to my uncle were killers, once they tasted blood they went all out. This was as a result of the fish-markets dumping their waste in the sea which brought these creatures closer to the tourist spots, and a shark that tastes human blood usually becomes a 'man-eater'. I think safety nets were eventually established and the fish markets were told to dump their waste further at sea.


However look at all the Somalis jumping into the water to save that boy, in these cases people usually run away as fast as they can, but here dozens of people left the surrounding the Beach clubs and plunged into the water with sticks and bats to save one of their one.


Did this Somali characteristic die in this 'dead republic' era?

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Very interesting. Shark was always my biggest fear near the sea and I used make sure people were swimming further in the sea if I wanted to swim.. Call it sharkopio...



Good question...

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Libaaxbadeed used to attack and attack they did frequently in '80s, when going to xeebta was very popular too. One of them killed a distant relative of mine in mid '80s at xeebta Jasiira, Rabi ha u raxmadee.


Aad iyo aad ayaa loogu cabsan jiray, it was very rare any swimming people to venture that far, especially the kids.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;853116 wrote:
Libaaxbadeed used to attack and attack they did frequently in '80s, when going to xeebta was very popular too. One of them killed a distant relative of mine in mid '80s at xeebta Jasiira, Rabi ha u raxmadee.


Aad iyo aad ayaa loogu cabsan jiray, it was very rare any swimming people to venture that far, especially the kids.

Allah ha u naxariisto. a distant cousin of my was also killed by a shark in the 80's.

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MMA and Carafaat allahu naxariisto to both your relatives. I just found out the attacks increased right after the establishment of the state-of-art Soviet meat-packing plant in the late 70s, which was only a mile away from the tourist spot. In the future such foreign direct investment with a complete disregard for human welfare can't be approved and an alternative area far from the city needs to be established for such an industrial plant.

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