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Xilka Meerta ee Khatumo oo Lagu wareejiyey Madaxweyne Indhasheel - Taleex

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Xil wareejintii madxwaynaha 1aad ee khatumo state of somalia ookadhacaday magaalda taleex

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Good move insofar the transition of power is concerned. Khatumo is facing multidimensional threats chief among them: unfriendly neighbors, a nominal TFG which prefers working with periphery admins on the expense of Khatumo State, unprincipled, self-appointed leaders of which Khatumo can not do anything about it - This being the worst of all I say - but good or bad Khatumo is here to stay


Taleexi's Doctrine:


- Concentrating on strengthening government institutions in the areas that are of Khatumo's control


- Promoting development, and self-reliance


- Having a weak relationship with the central government


- Initiating dialogue with the neighbors with the exception of Somaliland so long it occupies Khatumo lands


- Recognizing at the end we've to work with PL, SL, Makhir and Ethiopia for our common interests - geopolitical reasons


- Recognizing without rights and responsibility Khatumo will be a joke (Any person can do anything against Khatumo and his kin protecting him/her should not be the norm)


In a hostile environment, Khatumo needs less enemies and more friends. Governance takes time.

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Good suggestions. Khatumo is driving on a bumpy road and hopefully it will make it through IA. The way to ride on all these surrounding hazardous elements is to build a strong army force to enforce its laws and security its territories. With the exception of few, Khatumo united its people under none other than its admin where its elders are behind Khatumo now. That is a big achievement. Let us see the coming next six month which are very crucial where it has to make tangible achievements.

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