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Leaked Monitoring group's report sheds light on widespread corruptionon by senior TFG officials

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Its timing matters, the author's credibility is shallow and questionable nevertheless, the corruption exists and remains a s-e-xy ritual in the realm of the nominal TFG.

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Abwaan;850847 wrote:
lol....Taleexi....if I wrote this I would have used SOL as one of my sources...and since we don't see that...I did not.


lol...They also listed garoweonline, mareeg, bar-kulan and many more as their sources...Why did you just choose the two that you mentioned?

Those are the ones I saw, the ones you posted are not credible either for such a report.

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Abwaan;850806 wrote:
Nimankaan will be all history soon Insha Allah. Why on earth other than qabiil baad u difaacaysaan? Haddana Oba ayaa mar dhow idinku soo darsamaya isagoo President Sharif difaacaya. Sh. Xasan wax qabiil u difaaca SOL kuma arkin.

Abwaan i dont see a reason to defend Sheik shariif in this matter this shit is true

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The more and more you read this report the more you see the cunning of Sharif Hassan and Sheikh Shariif.


How can Sheikh Shariif's Chief of Staff give a diplomatic passport to a pirate leader in Harardheere-Hobyo, Mr Afweyne? Wtf


And you have Sharif Hassan removing money from accounts that were destined for passport production company. This is after Abdullahi Yusuf did not terminate the contract with the production company like Sharif Hassan's friends wanted to, so when he got out of office, they removed the money from the account (Sharif Hassan was finance minister in '09) effectively ending the contract and making sure they have monopoly over where the next contract should go (for their own benefit).


Wow. This is the ending of the two Shariif's, no doubt about that.

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oba hiloowlow;850933 wrote:
Abwaan i dont see a reason to defend Sheik shariif in this matter this shit is true

Wow....I am glad to hear that Oba. We can be friends now.:D

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It is true Abdiweli accused him but according to some reliable sources lacagtu waa jirtaa? Horta dadkaan aniga lacagtaan igama qaadan si gaar ah ee Soomaali bay ka maqan tahay. Abwaan is a massenger who posted the report, Hiiraan's review with the link. Instead of saying adeerkeey maxaa lagu haystaa go and research and get more information as concerned citizens.


For Abdiweli it is true inuu wax wala others like Farmaajo iyo central bank u saariyey, balse taasi ka saari mayso isaga UN keliya ma ahani IRS xitaa waa sugeysaa...wax walba the Central Bank bay aadeen ku lehe, where is this Central Bank? Maxaa loo waayey? God qolkiisa hurdada ku dhexyaal miyaa?

Anigu ma lihi keligood baa wax laqay, intaan iyo ka baan inay qarsan tahayna waa laga yaabaa....sida la soo sheegay dadka aan Soomaalida ahayn ee hay'adaha u shaqeeyana qaarkood musuqmaasuq kama marna balse "mijo dhooqo, midbamar baa la saaraa".

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It's against Puntland philosophy to steal, look at our track record in the Transitional Federal Government.


Abdullahi Yusuf AUN never stole.


Omar Abdirashid set up the Anti-Corruption Committee to tackle this problem.




"Sheikh" Shariif (former wadaad) stole, and also ruined e-passport contracts and gave passport to pirates in Galmudug


Former PM Geedi, stole a lot, no need for details but a Mujahid nontheless.


Sharif Hassan - e-Passport contracts, SKA contracts, donations for military salary (Oman saga)


Farmaajo - Yet to be proven by Central Bank but we know he wanted Anti-Corruption Committee not to release report.


The proof is in. Please lets not tarnish the reputation of the Harvard-educated professor on baseless allegations, this is a moryaan trait

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Abwaan, adeer ma difaacoo sheekh do*l*f aan difaaci lahaa waad ogtahay! :) waana runtaa Somali tuugo kama dhamaato, lkn Farmaajo wax kale ku eedeeye, nin tuug ah warkiis wax aan ahayn ma haysaa?.


Somalia (magacan iska bedel), Yusuf tuug maaheyn balse tuug buu soo dhoweystay!.

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This name was nothing before me and is nothing after me, I am the core of this name. If I take it off your kind will represent it.


Your uncle Indhacade is a thief, if we are being truthful we can admit that your whole branch has produced nothing but thieves and hypocrites, the fact that Geedi turned out a thief after he was appointed to PM is not the fault of Yusuf.

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Darwiish and Xuubsireed didn't steal. Even read the report, Darwiish is preventing Sharif Hassan from ruining the e-Passport contract which he finally got to ruin after Abdullahi Yusuf resigned and he became finance minister in '09.


In mid-2008, General Darawiish travelled to Dubai to inspect JSL’s facilities.

During his visit, Ambassador Sheikhey asked General Darawiish if he would agree to be

introduced to Sharif Ahmed, and offered to organize a meeting in Sharjah’s MillenniumHotel where Darawiish was staying. During that first encounter, Sharif Ahmed informed

the General that he and his partners wanted to replace JSL and that they were in a

position to convince President Yusuf; however, in their view, the General was the only

General Darawiish terminated the meeting by informing the Ambassador and

Sharif Ahmed that the TFG had to respect its commitments to JSL and that the latter had

not committed any major breach of any of the provisions of the project agreement.31

15. A few weeks later, General Darawiish received a call from Ahmed Yusuf Ahmed

(the son of President Yusuf) asking him to come urgently to Nairobi. He informed him

that Syed Ali (his brother in law) accompanied by Ambassador Ahmed Mohamed Egal

(former TFG Ambassador to the UAE) and General Gaafow were going to meet with the

President to ask for his support in changing the ePassport contractor.32 Ambassador

Ahmed Egal denied attending such meeting.33 At that time, Mariam Yusuf Ahmed (the

daughter of the president) and her husband Syed Ali were resident in Sharjah. They were

aware of the passport project as they had previously met with Sanjivan Mukherjee in

Sharjah and offered him to assist with the project.34 Upon his return to Nairobi,

Darawiish was able to convince President Yusuf not to terminate the contract with JSL

You can't defend it. You are the perfect example of people who use religion for their personal interest.

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Monitoring group uma baahna Darwish tuugnimadiisa inay sheegaan, masaakiinta uu xabsiga u taxaabo buu madaxfurasho ka qaadan jiray, ma laguu sheegin taas?.

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