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Puntland Calling for Nationhood

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This images show that Puntland is capable of hosting the 825 delegates together with the Elders who will select those and the Parliamentarians who will then elect a new post transition leadership for Somalia.

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Somalia: TFG officials meet with elders over delays


14 Jul 14, 2012


MOGADISHU, Somalia Jul 14 2012 (Garowe Online) – Transitional Federal Government President (TFG) Sheikh Sharif Ahmed met with the traditional elders after delays in the constitutional vote, Garowe Online reports.


TFG's top ranking officials met with the traditional elders in Mogadishu, to reach a resolution on the selection of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) who will vote on the constitution.


Traditional elders at the meeting said that they selected 75% of the 825 members of the NCA which were supposed to convene on Thursday.


President Sharif was accompanied by Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, Speaker of Parliament Shairf Hassan Sharif Adan and other TFG ministers who met with elders in Mogadishu and requested that the complete the selection of the NCA.


“We requesting that the list of the NCA be submitted so the rumors that the traditional elders selected are not elders that represent the Somali clans,” said President Sharif.


There were reports that a group of the traditional elders were withholding the names of the NCA in what seems to be a political move to gain more influence in the upcoming government.


The traditional elders speaking to the press said that they would work to resolve the issues so the constitutional vote which has been delayed for a second time.


There are also unconfirmed reports saying that the NCA conference will convene by the 21st of July.



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