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Puntland Basketball Tournament Starts. PICS

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GAROOWE : Kooxda Horseed oo ku tumatey Kooxda Dawladda Hoose


July 10, 2012 4:22 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor


Garoowe:-Iyada oo uu socdo horyaalka Kubadda Koleyga ee Puntland ayaa maanta waxaa wadaca cayaarey labada Kooxood ee Horseed iyo Dawladda Hoose waxaana Kooxda Horseed ugu awood sheegetey 61 dhibcood Kooxda Dawlada Hoose oo keentey 41 dhibcood.


Ciyaartan oo ahayd mid ka dagan kana farsamo sareysey Ciyaartii shaley dhexmertey Kooxaha Rugsan iyo Nation, ayaa waxay ahayd mid xammaadsadeysan iyada oo garoonka ay soo camireen taageerayaal kala taageerayay Kooxahan.


Tartankan ayaa ah mid is arag ah oo muddo socon doona, waxaana Kooxda gasha Kaalinta kowaad ee dhanka dhibca tiriska ay ku guuleysan doonto Koobka Horyaalka ee Puntland.


Halka ka daalacyo Ciyaartii sheley dhexmertey Kooxaha Rugsan iyo Nation

Waa markii ugu horeysey ee tartan Kubadda Koleyga lagu qabto Puntland, waxaana la filayaa in Koobkan uu hormuud u noqdo kor u qaadida Kubadda Koleyga ee Puntland sida uu sheegey Guddoomiyaha Xiriirka Kubadda Koleyga ee Puntland Mr. Burci.









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