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Listen: Galayr encourages darwiish clan to attack garowe civilians and ignore farole.

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lool liban the tireless defender of galayr. this time way ku haysataa saxib iska fuji. lool.


desperate propaganda to change subject. won't work liban. wont work. galayr is caught redhanded this time.

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Mooge;849185 wrote:
lool liban the tireless defender of galayr. this time way ku haysataa saxib iska fuji. lool.


desperate propaganda to change subject. won't work liban. wont work. galayr is caught redhanded this time.

Mooge, the tireless defender of Warlord Faroole, your propaganda is not working.


For the last 3 years, Warlord Faroole was saying SSC People/KHaatumo State are enemy and "terrorists".

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puntland iyo somalilandba way cadeesteen inay dagaal kula jiraan Khaatumo. Marka maxaad ka hadli moge? you want an apology??? where is your apology for what took place recently in Tukaraq? what is your PL admins doing in Khaatumo regions??

mise it is one way, your uncles can wage war on khaatumo regions? where garowe and your cities are untouchable?..

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aaliyah, do you support what galayr is saying that people shacabka iyo admin there is no difference and they should be targeted same way. lool. please answer my question caaliyah. i don't need apology. i don't support khatumo's axmed karash attacking tukaraq i am 100% against somaliland killing people in buhodle.


as for tukaraq belongs to vice presidient Ina Cali shire's reerkiisa hoose. they lived in city for generations. when karash from xudun captures the city, cali-shire clan captured it back. if you come to his home town and attack it, why shouldn't you expect him to attack back. why don't axmed karash attack yagoori, gambadha, adhicadeye, lascanood. magaloyinkaa kuligood waxa wada haysta somaliland. meesha puntland joogto wuxu galaydh u soo aday ina fidno huriyo. waa strategy uu wato.


just like you and liibaan who belong to saaxdheer sub clan (garaad jaamac-galaydh subclan), what if saaxdheer was captured by the Ugaas clans from bocamo? you be fighting back. lol. khatumo people sado cali ba shegtay. reer puntland bay shaqo ka dhigten oo walalahod bay ka adag yihin inay cayan malin walba. waa fooxumo.

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Moge, I listened to what Cali Khalif said now. Wow, you are one big lier, who spreads lies. He said puntland and somaliland are waging war on our khaatumo cities every time. We should never attack their towns but the puntland administration has supporters in puntland. And, isn't that a fact on the ground?


Now let me ask you do you support the degrading comments Farole makes about khaatumo state of somalia? and don't try to make a random comment? I expect an answer for this question?


And, Tukaraq belongs to reer Khaatumo. Waxba ha isku dayin in aad kala soocdid reer khaatumo.Dadka khaatumo u dhashay way xoreesanayaan magaloyinkooda taa la soco. Cali shire is no different than xaabsade, he is an individual who works for another clan-state (in this case puntland). He represented no one but himself.


Bottom line, Puntland and Somaliland should stop attacking Khaatumo cities.


p.s Saado Cali been haka sameen. She never said such thing. Keen bal cadeen, mise waad ku riyootay?

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Reer Cali shire waa reer muhtarimiin ah oo tageersan maamulka khaatumo. Halkan ha dhageeso Cali Shire's older brother who supports khaatumo, here is the audio


Mudane halyey Faarax Aw-Cali Shire " Waxaan taageersanahay maamulka khaatumo shacabka Caasimada Taleex waxey Taageersanyihiin khaatumo"


Dhegayso SSCRadio oo waraysi la yeelatay Farax Aw-Cali Shire oo sheegay inay dagaal lagu qaadayo Khaatumo State oo ka yimaada Nuur Axmed ma jiri doono hana ku fekerina.


And, here in Sol we actually have representative of reer cali shire and people of Taleex and he is our own Taleexi who is a big supporter of Khaatumo. So who are you inafaroole to speak for reer cali shire?

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Runtii waxaa ayaandarro ah in 2012 middiyo la isku soofaysanayo. War reer Mudug, Waqooyi Bari, Nugaal, Sanaag iyo Tagdheeroow.dagaal qabiil hadduu faa'iido leeyahay Koofur baa wax ka keeni lahayde Ilaah ka cabsada ee odayaashaan aad subaga marinaysaan intaad iska deysaan dantiinna garta....

mooge, peasant iyo Somalia haddii aad run sheegeysaan maxaa Gallayr keliya idin tusay? Maad Faroole iyo adinkuba is aragtaan...? Gallayr iyo Reer Khaatumana waxaan dhihi lahaa waan dareemayaa in dhibaatooyin labada maamul ee la sheegay idiin geysteen ee idinkuna bahasha ha sii fogeynina oo meel aan laga soo qaban karin yeysan gaarin. Isku soo duuboo labadiinna group iyo kuwa XX horboodo intaba masuuliyad ayaa idin saaran maalinka qiyaamena Xisaabtii Ilaah way dambaysaa....Faroole, Gallayr iyo Siilaanyona idinka saari maayaan!

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Most puntlanders will always support their clan leader 100% whether his wrong or right .that has been tradition. In the case of khaatumo Faroole and his puntlanders do not have differences. That is true and that is what dr Ali khalif stated. Now most khaatumos supporters argue why should not khaatumo aggressively respond attacks coming from peaceful Garoowe and that is where I have difference with Galaydh policy on Garoowe

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