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Listen: Galayr encourages darwiish clan to attack garowe civilians and ignore farole.

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this man shamelessness continues. who helps him?. everytime he opens his mouth it is disaster.


AUDIO Don't be fooled by "our brothers" and "civilian" shekoying. they are all the same he says". loool.


waxan ya ka qabta wadanka. wuu waashay wu ka daray. loool.



“Shacabka iyo maamulka puntland way kala duwan yihiin oo shacabku waa inala dhasheen hadaladaasi yaan la’idinku beer laxawsan. maamulka iyo shacabku waa isku mid waana cadowga ***********. Arinka waa lawada dhashay yeysan CONFUSION inagu abuurin’ ali khalif galaydh July 3 2012

khaatumo yaan la’idinku beer laxawsan Maamulka puntland ayaa xun ee dadka weynu wada dhalanay, xaqiiqada jirtaa waa maamulka iyo shacabka waa isku mid, waana cadowga khaatumo, waxba yaan hadalkaa la idiku beerlaxawsan waa strategy cusub in waxaa la’inagu mashquuliyo. dadbaa idinku akhriyaya waynu wada dhalanay, war waxaa yaan la’idinku beerlaxawsan.

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He's bound to have personal issues and is in need of urgent psychological evaluation. Even his wife is from the same people he wants his base to hate.

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Mooge;849100 wrote:
this man shamelessness continues. who helps him?. everytime he opens his mouth it is disaster.




waxan ya ka qabta wadanka. wuu waashay wu ka daray. loool.

sxb don't waste your talent on that political train wretch. how in the world is his mouth his own undoing? cajiib. :confused:

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Somalia;849115 wrote:
He's bound to have personal issues and is in need of urgent psychological evaluation. Even his wife is from the same people he wants his base to hate.

His mother too is from that region! He is just a pathetic old man who pedals hate. You wonder why he does not direct his animosity towards the people who are occupying and are constantly attacking his clan's villages?

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peasant;849159 wrote:
His mother too is from that region! He is just a pathetic old man who pedals hate. You wonder why he does not direct his animosity towards the people who are occupying and are constantly attacking his clan's villages?

His Mother is from Buuhoodle [KHaatumo State of Somalia]. Warlord Faroole said KHaatumo/SSC People are "terrorists". By saying KHaatumo/SSC People are "Terrorists", that means Puntland believes SSC/KHaarumo are enemy. Not only Faroole hates KHaatumo/SSC, But also Warlord Faroole insults KHaatumo/SSC People everytime in the media.

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Mooge, stop the lies Cali Khaliif never said KHaatumo/SSC Should attack Bosaso, Garowe and Galkacyo. If you listen to the audio clip, Cali Khaliif said "I will NOT advice anyone to attack Garowe and Galkacyo because they are Somali people. Although the truth is Warlord Faroole has so much support in Bosaso, Garowe and Galkacyo"

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liibaan ciyarta naga joji. farole never said civilian hala weraro. farole considers darwish his own clan. he attacked xaglatoosiye and his ssc nairobi group and you keep eqauting farole with this useless galayr who is saying forget farole, lets attack the civilians. iska xishod ninyow.


shameless galayr must be stopped. wa oday isku darsamay. most dangerous politician in somali today is galayr. ninkani waxba ka khaldan ban u malaynaya.

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libaan, listen to audio. you are pretending again with propaganda. he is saying let us reevaluate the way we see these people. loool.


liibaan, dont cover for your uncle. everyone can hear what is saying.

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Khaliif Galayr said that there should be no confusion, and that the people are no different from the leaders whom he said are anti-Khaatumo, thus labelling them the enemy.

What's puzzling about Khaatumo movement is it's focus on Puntland which doesn't occupy any lands nor has attacked Khaatumo movement people or people of Sool (whom Khaatumo still can't represent) and even retreated not to fight for Tukaraq checkpoints to avoid all-out conflict. This while Khaatumo movement people don't want to focus on Somaliland which has taken over villages the past 20 years, inching towards Nugaal and claiming more land than ever, and is occupying Sool's capital.


It's amazing to say the least.

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Mooge;849174 wrote:
liibaan ciyarta naga joji. farole never said civilian hala weraro. farole considers darwish his own clan. he attacked xaglatoosiye and his ssc nairobi group and you keep eqauting farole with this useless galayr who is saying forget farole, lets attack the civilians. iska xishod ninyow.


shameless galayr must be stopped. wa oday isku darsamay. most dangerous politician in somali today is galayr. ninkani waxba ka khaldan ban u malaynaya.

Mooge, beenta jooji, Cali KHaliif waxa uu yidhi anuu shakhsiyan kuma talinayo in dagaal lagu qaado Garowe Iyo Galkacyo.


Warlord Faroole waa dhiigyacab, dad badan ayuu dilay Galgala, Galkacyo, Iyo Goldogob. Dagaal ayuu kusoo qaaday Shacabka Khaayumo ee Tukaraq dagan.


The mad warlord Faroole is the most dangerous Warlord in all Somalia. Warlord Faroole waxuu dagaal ku jiraa Soomaali oo dhan Shacabka Khaatumo, Shacabka Rascasayr, shacabka Soomaali galbeed, sHACABKA mAAKHIR, Shacabka Galmudug, Shacabka Galkacyo Iyo Goldogob.

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Mooge;849176 wrote:
libaan, listen to audio. you are pretending again with propaganda. he is saying let us reevaluate the way we see these people. loool.


liibaan, dont cover for your uncle. everyone can hear what is saying.

According to Warlord Faroole, SSC/KHaatumo State are "enemy". Warlord Faroole said KHaatumo/SSC are "terrorists".

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In June, Puntland attacked Khaatumo State and Tukaraq, Khaatumo people surprised Why would Puntland militia attack Khaatumo towns? when Khaatumo State doesn't occupy any PL/ ssdf lands nor has attacked Puntland/ssdf.

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Open Letter: Joint War Waged by Somaliland and Puntland Administrations On Khaatumo State of Somalia-

Lasanod Online. Thursday, June 28, 2012




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NuGaal Media: June 16th, 2012

(War Deg Deg ah)Maleeshiyada SNM oo kaashanaya Maleeshiyada SSDF ee Faroole oo la wareegay Mgaalada Tukaraq


Saaka hiirtii waaberi ayaa duulaan ay soo qaadeen Maleeshiyda Snm ay kula wareegeen Tuulada Tukaraq oo Hilaadii 60km dhanka Bari ka xigta Magaalada Laascanood.


Ciidamadii Maamulka Khaatumo ayaa uga baxay tukaraq dhanka Bari,waxana ay xiligan ku suganyihiin meel hilaadii 15 km dhanka dhoodida ka xigta magaalada tukaraq, ma jirto ilaa iyo hada wax khasaare ah oo soo gaadhay ciidamadii ka baxay Magaalada tukaraq.


Dagaalka lagu soo qaaday Tukaraq ayaa sida a sheegay ahaa qorshe ay isla ogolaayeen labada Maamul ee hargeysa iyo garoowe, waxana la sheegayaa in Wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyada ee Maamulka Faroole Cabi Qawdhan uu halaka lo yaqaano labo madax uu kula shiray Saraakiisha Maleeshiyada SNM ee galay Magaalada Tukaraq.


Maleesiyada SNM ayaa la filayaa inay dib ugu soo nqdaan fadhiisimadoodii marba haday ku guulaysteen inay Kastamki tukaraq gacanta u soo geliyaan Maamulka Faroole.

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