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Somali philosopher

Danguud Mogadishu

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This is a good program and I have respect for dhallinyarada iyo hooyooyinka Muqdisho ee sidan u dedaalay, but I DO NOT trust Tarzan, he is a selfish mini-warlord, clanist and thief. This guy had two community centers in London, which he both run, one in Camden the other in Islington. A lot of Somali youth in Camden in particular did not get the right support because of individuals like him who just wanted money and fame (This is how He became the Mayor of Mogadishu today). He does not deserve to be a mayor and Muqdisho waa loo gefey. Caddaalad buu ka hadlayaa, haddaa ma isagaa meesha caddaalad ku yimid. I heard inuusan xitaa xaafadaha Muqdisho wada xukumin ee uu Xamar-Jajab iyo agagaarkeeda ku meeraysto!

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^i agree. this guy has a questionable past (which i'm not willing to divulge on here or for the purpose of further questions relating to his past neither deny nor confirm) and this could further stain his already tainted reputation. i mean, does he even have the mental dexterity required to be a 'duuq'?

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Lol AB....good question....those who really know him well can see his manipulation. I know it is hard to see that when you do not know him because qaylo, emotion iyo calaacal buu dadka ku wareeriyaa, marka I feel sorry for those of you who do not know him and just see him on the media.

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^ Abwaan, horta why are you against everyone who everyone else thinks they are doing well? The previous Mogadishu mayors for the last 21 years did nothing for this great city and we know that at least this guy cleaned some streets, and put some street lights in some. The other day was in Germany to lobby the Germans to bring Mogadishu back to its feet..........Marka to see him do that deserves some recognition.


I don't care his hidden intention and weather he is HIV positive (some of his critiques published that news) or an alcoholist or Qabiilest. So since you live in London and you knew him could your act of criticism be personal ? just wondered ?

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Macallinka....I can ask you why are you against whatever I say to avoid your blind support for him but unlike you I understand different can hang his portriat on your neck if you want to but it is my responsibility to let others know about this guy. You know Mohamed Dheere was the best guddoomiye for Shabeellada dhexe and you know what kind of man he is....:D about the HIV you talked about that is nonesense and even if he was I would not use someone's health to criticize him! Adigaaba iga yaabiyey haddaad HIV iyo maalayacnigaas meesha soo dhigtay.


FYI mashruuca nalalka waa 50 xabbo oo sample ah rag baa u keensaday in lagu soo jiito shacabka markaasna dowladda qandaraas looga qaato inay soo iibiyaan...wixii internet laga akhriyo haddii laga iska rumaysanayo waa ayaandarro....haddii aan magaalada aan degganahay Tarzan ku casumo oo duqa magaalada la kulansiiyo oo uu idaacadda ka dhaho Soomaaliya sida Germany ayaan ka dhigayaa is that waxqabad? Cakuye laablakaca!


Wax kasta waxaa lagu halleeyey 21 years arrintaan ma dhicin, haddii kaniisaddii Muqdisho brand new iyadoo ah la dhiso oo temple laga sii ag dhiso qaar baa oranaya the best thing for 21 years....yaab badanaa! Cabbirkeenna dhan wuxuu noqday 21 years....hurdada ka kaca people!


War ninkaan waa nin Soomaali ah and I have NOTHING personal against him ee maalayacniga ayaan la i tusin. Uma diiddani inuu Soomaaliya dhinacuu rabo ka dego as a citizen ku noolaado ka ganacsado laakiin yaan Soomaalida aan ku aqoon la sirin, haddii ay dhacdana inta ogi yeysan sirtaas fiirsan ee haka hadleen!

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Abwaanka qofkii jago u balanqaadi waayo mucaarad numero uno ku noqdaa. Farmaajo koow ah, Shariifka lama,Tarsan sidi. 058.gif


War xaajiyoow, iska sug mid jago aad ka heshid waa heleysaa. Caadi waaye, meeshaas waa iska wada masuqmaasuq marka kaaga wuu imaanaa, mucaaradnimada lee iska yaree.


Inkastoo Tarsan has had some dubious past, wuxuu Xamar u qabtay ma xumo. Plus any day laga qaadi karaa jagadiisa, it is not like in uu meeshaas xoog ku joogo.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;849126 wrote:
Abwaanka qofkii jago u balanqaadi waayo mucaarad numero uno ku noqdaa. Farmaajo koow ah, Shariifka lama,Tarsan sidi.


War xaajiyoow, iska sug mid jago aad ka heshid waa heleysaa. Caadi waaye, meeshaas waa iska wada masuqmaasuq marka kaaga wuu imaanaa, mucaaradnimada lee iska yaree.


Inkastoo Tarsan has had some dubious past, wuxuu Xamar u qabtay ma xumo. Plus any day laga qaadi karaa jagadiisa, it is not like in uu meeshaas xoog ku joogo.



MMA I swear haddii aan jago rabo waa i soo maray jaanis but I never wanted inaan qabto. Sideedaba charity begins at home oo marka hore ubadkayga iyo gurigeyga ayaa xil iga saaran yahay markii aan taas ka soo baxo ayaan Soomaali u adeegi karaa.....every looser oo xitaa carruurtiiisii meel ku sheegin adinku ka daba dikriya...sidaan qabo Tarzan labadiinnaba anigaa idinka badiya, maanta haddii aan u wada tegi lahayn aniguu shaqo i siin lahaa I am sure adinkana jidka ayaad ku dareeri lahaydeen but that is not the issue...


Oba isagu wuxuu rabaa in Faroole-na la caayo Tarzan-na la ammaano:D....caddaaladdaada waan ka

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^ War sxb i dhagayso, I don't support anyone blindly in fact I was against him when he joined the TFG and supported the Ethiopian or kept quite for their atrocities while he was agains Abdullahi Yusuf. But in oder for us to move on we have to give credit to where is due otherwise we'll remain in the status quo .

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lol xataa ani waan is iri Mr Abwaan inuu sidaas qof kasta oga soo horjeesado.


Mucaaradnimo all the time is not health !

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Oba Faroole thread ma billaabaa aa ku raaxeysatide? Qabyaaladda waa laga fiican Macallika anigu SOL in la i ammaano uma imaan I just said what I think is right....adiga meel laguu raaco maba lihid I am against him iyo khudbadiisaan ka daba mashxaradayaa isku meel ma galaan!


MMA shariifkana waa tuug miyaa oo wax ma qaban Tarzan-na wax fiican buu qabtay? Yaab badanaa.

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oba hiloowlow;849135 wrote:
Abwaan lool is deji duqa dadkoo dhan maxaa wada tusay hal wax

3 qof miyaa dadkoo dhan....what ageneralization....Oba aniga waan khaldami karaa, bani''aadam ayaanahay balse waxaad ogaataa adi xitaa haddaan qaraabo nahay oo xil qabatid oo aadan u qalmin I would have said the same thing.


Does one of you three know Tarzan? Where he lived, what he did? Did you ever do By shaqo with him? Attended events, demonstration? Live in the same neighborhood? If you did not, With all due respect iska aamusa!:D

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Abwaan;849139 wrote:
Oba Faroole thread ma billaabaa aa ku raaxeysatide? Qabyaaladda waa laga fiican Macallika anigu SOL in la i ammaano uma imaan I just said what I think is right....adiga meel laguu raaco maba lihid I am against him iyo khudbadiisaan ka daba mashxaradayaa isku meel ma galaan!


MMA shariifkana waa tuug miyaa oo wax ma qaban Tarzan-na wax fiican buu qabtay? Yaab badanaa.


SXB horta wax laqoro sifiican u akhri inta aadan comment kabixin. Aan kuugu celiyo:


Waxaan ku uri waan ka soo horjeeday ficiladiisa markuu wax uu ka dhiidhiyi jiray uu asaga layimid magartay? Laakiin si looga baxo midi midi kutaaga waxaa haboon qofkii wax wanaag aha layimaado in lagu taageero ama at least looqiro wuxuu qabtay ama qabanayo in ay yihin wax wanaagsan. Mafahamtay?


Muucaarad un yaa lagu jirin , qofka si kastoo u nicibtahay markuu wax wanaagsan samaynayo yaan la mucaaradin intaa magaratay?

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