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Somaliland President Axmed Siilaanyo meets ssc rebel leader Xaglatoosiye+PICS

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A_Khadar;847556 wrote:


Xaglo jumped Khatumo ship offf a long ago and multiple times expressed his disagreement. It's very interesting what the two met and if Xagle has any power to bring the so called peace.. This peace thing is so much out of touch touch of the reality.. I am not sure what the successionists are running around like headless chicken for peace when infact is so obvious and they know they're invade to others.. Now I am coming to the conclusion that insanity is at its highest with successionists.

It's not successionists who went cap in hand to Xaglo. This individual was claiming a 'genocide' happened and now he's shaking the hands of the chief architect of the genocide. I wonder if successionists are the only insane ones in the North.

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Oodweyne;847447 wrote:


Hence, whatever else you think about Somaliland do not confused us with the likes of pirate-land, in which the only earthly goal they have is to connived for unrightfully-owned power over the others (even if they have to borrowed muscle from others).
For us in Somaliland, it's the case, that we are folks who set their compass to a direction and come high water or hell in a hand-cart, shall never change that. But what change or what will change is the tactics and the number of the diversionary stops along way in-terms of one or two port of call in which one will make.


I take it you can see the gulf that separates us when it comes to what elemental stuff each of our own is made of..




We will see if that becomes reality cause I am predicting the collapse of these talks as soon as Sheikh Shariif gets voted out.


Good luck :D

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'Liibaan';847479 wrote:
Siilaanyo WoqooyiGalbeed Xamar Buu u Wadaa

Either very naive or cunningly deceiving.

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^^^;).. Tell me that now who went to shake? That same chap of yours went to handshake Sh. Shiriif couple of days ago.. Tell me about that too.. The post you inferenced is nothing to do with chap of XT whether he went to shake your chap or vice-versat, but just that his shake makes no difference for resolving the really matter on ground..

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This crisis regarding SSC will continue until the leaders of the region starts working for the people. No help will come from anyone, including Puntland when there's no leadership to refer to.


This is why Khaatumo will destroy itself, it's simple dividing itself up like previous movements have done in the past. I think it's time there's a grand meeting regarding the issue, especially Khalif Galayr if he wants to save his legacy, there's one thing he can do, unite the people, then the support will flow in, from every direction, even Faroole!

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AYOUB;847453 wrote:
That was not your opinion of him as recent as last week. You'd make a good politician yourself. The question is; what kind of politician?


Who will be the next person shaking Mj Xaaji Axmed's hand? The Imaam? The Amir? Netanyahu?

Ayoub, my opinion is as it always was. Xaglatoosiyo can decide his future. Whether he wants to stand by his people (reer khaatumo) or work for Silanyo and his snm militia who number of times have invaded buuhodle and killed innocent people in the process.


People from Khaatumo unanimously whether they live home or abroad support their state. They support every man who will work on their behalf through their maamul Khaatumo State of Somalia. On the other hand, any man who chooses his self interest over the interest of reer khaatumo then reduces himself in the eyes of his people whether that man is Xaabsade or Xaglatoosiyo. It is pretty simple to comprehend. But, since you ,odeweyne and your likes are cheering for your one-clan state at the expense of other people’s territories and are blatantly supporting the aggression we can not reason with each other. You and your likes have the rule of the jungle mentality, and that would not take you anywhere. There is no place for such mentality in the civilized world.

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A_Khadar;847589 wrote:
.. Tell me that now who went to shake? That same chap of yours went to handshake Sh. Shiriif couple of days ago.. Tell me about that too.. The post you inferenced is nothing to do with chap of XT whether he went to shake your chap or vice-versat, but just that his shake makes no difference for resolving the really matter on ground..


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Oodweyne;847656 wrote:


But the TFG does not have the means to implement any leaps of any kind against Somaliland in the sense of boots-on-the-ground as well as any political proximity of the kind Somaliland can pull against Khatumo. And, the reason is that, as you know, Buuhoodle is stone throw away from Burco,


Hence, once the issue is resolve on a political terms, then, it most likely Somaliland can implement a policy that Somalia or TFG are unlikely to implement against Soamliland, if issues regarding Somaliland vs. TFG was at the same sense akin to situation between Somaliland and Khatumo.


Thus far, what is called somalialand is doing counterproductive by meeting those who lost the confidence of their people.. It initial started on a wrong step by trying to impose its own clan's interest and desire which is one clan trying to decide the faith of the entire region. When other stakeholders resisted, it tried invading and attacking them. So far your clan's gov hasn't changed its course while doing devil's best work by showing/calling peace yet practically violating all the known peace possibilities..


So meeting up with those against people's will has no and will not be able to make any difference as long he is unaligned with people want regardless of what, who, and where they meet with them..


My take from this is real as same as when Keyse and Xaabsade joined Somaliland wagon.. It was after they both lost their positions whoever they were with that time, ssc or p/l.. Same goes with Hagle.. The story would be totally different if this would have happened when he was in charge for SSC. This is only bad RP for him and who shaking his hand being looking fools.

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could it be your clan has no land and so is nakedly trying to appropriate other clans land under the guise of somaliland. we all know you ancestral homes are burco, hargeisa and berbera. thankfully khatumo came at the right time.

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Valenteenah.;847476 wrote:
LoL, why is Aaliyah wrong in withdrawing her support for Mr X, Ayoub? Anybody would if someone crossed to the otherside in the middle of a stand-off!.

Waa runtaa. Aaliyah has the right to withdraw her support. True, he is "just an individual" like everyone. :) But the moves of the likes of Xaqlatoos and Kayse made weakens her case and the clannish propaganda churned by the "SSC" faction. It also disheartens the diaspora donors when a cat they have fattened casually walks away barely a week after posturing and posing in front of "SSC" banners.

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A_Khadar;847567 wrote:
Before the all excitement, Anyone exactly know what the two have talked about? One thing I am very certain is that the people in Buhodle and the entire people of Khatumo will have no any effect on this.. Even if Galaydh himself meets with your old man Siiraanyo..


Khatumates only need:


1. Free of your militia from the towns

2. Self govern

3. Unity of Somalia..

This is so hard to be understood to those of our midst with fixed minds. Neither Xaglatoosiye nor Dr. Galaydh can be taken seriously if they deviate from the mission of Khaatumo. To all the haters, Khatumo ideology is thriving in its birthplace and that is what farsighted people should see.

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AYOUB;847733 wrote:
Waa runtaa. Aaliyah has the right to withdraw her support. True, he is "just an individual" like everyone.
But the moves of the likes of Xaqlatoos and Kayse made weakens her case and the clannish propaganda churned by the "SSC" faction. It also disheartens the diaspora donors when a cat they have fattened casually walks away barely a week after posturing and posing in front of "SSC" banners.

lol@ clannish propaganda, this coming from a man who supports somaliland a one-clan state.Don't go around pointing fingers at other people and claiming they are clannish, when you are far worse. You wholeheartedly support a one-clan state that is attacking and invading other clan's territories, and beyond all that you want it to secede from the rest of Somalia for the same reason "qabiil".


The hypocrisy of some people. SMH

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Taleexi;847805 wrote:
This is so hard to be understood to those of our midst with fixed minds. Neither Xaglatoosiye nor Dr. Galaydh can be taken seriously if they deviate from the mission of Khaatumo. To all the haters, Khatumo ideology is thriving in its birthplace and that is what farsighted people should see.

Taleexi abti there was a time that the garaad clan used to say not that long ago maybe a decade or so that who ever is against Puntland is a Somaliland agent now it is who ever does this doesn't represent us i think there is a lack of leadership when it comes to khatuumites. I will not say they are confused but their politicians all have different agenda's for instance ssc the movement that was called ssc Cali Sabaray joined Khatumo Xaglatoosiye was left behind Keyse and the Khusuusi guy joined Somaliland. All of the leaders went their separate ways now you should ask you're self who is to blame who is responsible for this the leaders of ssc/khatumo the supporters or the politicians or the tribal chiefs.

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