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Puntland Govt Begins Dam Project In Hafun. AUDIO

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Biyo xireeno laga hirgelinayo degmada Xaafuun


30 Jun 30, 2012 - 1:42:19 AM




Wafdi ka socda golaha dawladda Puntland ayaa ku sugan degmada Xaafuun ee gobolka Bari waxana halkaas laga bilaabay mashaaariic ay ugu wayntahay harooyin biyo qabatin oo biyaha haynaya lix bilood oo hawshoodu bilaabantay.


Wasiir ku xigeenka deegaanka Puntland Burhaan Cilmi Xirsi oo wafdigaas hogaaminaya waraysina siiyey Radio Garowe ayaa sheegay in mashruucan loogu tala-galay inay ka faa'idaystaan dadka reer guuraga ah,wuxuuna xusay in mashruuca biya xidheenka ahi uu hirgalayo bisha Octobar .


Dhinaca kele Burhaan ayaa sheegay inay halkaas ay ka bilaabayaan lacago la siinayo dadka danyarta ah ee ku nool degmada Xafuun iyo deegaanada hoostaga,waxaana dadka la siinayo soo xulaya guddiga iyo odayaasha magaalada.


Halkan ka dhageyso Burhaan oo u waramaya Cabdiqani Irbad

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Dr_Osman;846774 wrote:
Puntland Govt Begins Dam Project In Hafun.

Dotoore, next news maxaa soo wadaa "Puntland oo hirgalineysa Nuclear reactor";)


good progress.

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Yes moonlight progress is occuring. A dam project for hafun plus road connecting the town to greater Puntland. Eyl-jariban-baargaal will also recieve a new road connecting them with the rest of puntlanders. Galkayo to garowe highway has been repaired now the repair work begins on bosaso to garowe. Golis opened up in Qardho, Parliament is sitting in Garowe, This is all happening while our president is doing siyasi in dubai!!!

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MoonLight1;846789 wrote:
Dotoore, next news maxaa soo wadaa
"Puntland oo hirgalineysa Nuclear reactor"


good progress.

Not that kind of dam. :D

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XAAFUUN : Mashaariic laga hirgalinayo Xaafuun

June 30, 2012 12:00 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor


Xaafuun:-Masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Puntland ayaa waxey sheegeen in ay Mashaariic wax ku ool ah oo ay ka faa’iideysanaan dadka deegaanka ay halkaasi ka fulinayaan.


Wasiirkuxigenka Beeraha Puntland Burhaan Cilmi ayaa waxa uu sheegey in ay in ay biyo xireeno ka sameynayaan si buslhada deegaanku ay uga faai’deysato.


Waxaa kaloo uu sheegey in mashaariic kale oo dhaqaale lagu siinayo dadka aan awoodin ay ka shaqeen badda xili kasta ay ka hirgalinayaan.


Burhaan, waxa uu tilmaamey in Puntland ay dooneyso in la sameeyo mashaariic macno leh oo wax tara Ummadda Puntland.


Xaafuun, ayaa ah bariga fog ee Puntland, waxeyna caan ku tahay dhibaatadii Tsunami ee ku dhufatey deegaankaasi.

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What is occuring is multiple projects in Hafun. Road-Dam-Irrigation systems. I know that is hard for you backward savages to understand that a town can recieve multiple progress injections because you don't have it

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