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Buug Ka Hadlaya Xasuuqii iyo Xad-gudubyadii Bini’aadamnimo Ee Somaliland Laga Geystay Oo Hargeysa La

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It's just a book. Why are you guys crying about?


Xaaji where can I get this book. I also want to read it. You see history waa bahal na'as ah oo sometimes ayey iska soo noq-noqotaa.Markaa every Somaliland is urged to read about everything regarding the recent history(iyo tii Abayaasheen) Lacallahum in ay ku waayo arkaan.

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The book is selling for $60 on Amazon! At that rate it better be blood well written and a documented master documentation!! I hate reading sad depressing literature, so I'll give it a miss.

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Che IF he was my brother I would've :D Laakin I am pretty sure that neither one of my brothers wrote that!

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