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Che -Guevara

Oodweyne's Fears

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NGONGE.....It's hard to change the narrative that was being propagating for the last 21 years. Somalia was the boogeyman for many secessionists. Sitting down with the boogeyman takes away from the message. I think Siilaanyo Government needs to get ahead of this and makes sure the public is on its side.

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^^ Every one in Sl knew sooner or later the two sides would start talking so after 21 years it happened but the talks are just a beginning and we are moving forward.There is also lots of talking behind scenes as where the next talks will be held.

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Che -Guevara;846471 wrote:


NGONGE.....It's hard to change the narrative that was being propagating for the last 21 years. Somalia was the boogeyman for many secessionists. Sitting down with the boogeyman takes away from the message. I think Siilaanyo Government needs to get ahead of this and makes sure the public is on its side.

Che, the narrative about Somaliland from Somalia's politicians has changed tremendously as well. times have changed, tone has changed, and people know that to well.


I think these recent changes make only sense and will not shock the masses, but rather get support from the far majority, except for a few loud clan thinkers.

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Carafaat... Circumstances have changed but the underlying message is the same as far as Somali proper is concerned. To think that southerners despite their own mess would agree to secession is naive or that they will be willing to treat Somaliland in par with Somali Republic and hence share power equally if it comes down to that. I think Oodweyne is right in sounding the alarm but from my perspective in regards to Mogadishu, this doesn't serve Somalia well.

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Che -Guevara;846494 wrote:
Carafaat... Circumstances have changed but the underlying message is the same as far as Somali proper is concerned. To think that southerners despite their own mess would agree to secession is naive or that they will be willing to treat Somaliland in par with Somali Republic and hence share power equally if it comes down to that. I think Oodweyne is right in sounding the alarm but from my perspective in regards to Mogadishu, this doesn't serve Somalia well.

It depends on their politicians not the masses in Somalia and it depends how these talks go even-though i believe Somaliland Somalia case is the most easiest to solve. Since Koonfurians will not lose anything significant with a full fledged independent Somaliland. But than again its to early to predict how it will go since it just started.

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Che -Guevara;846494 wrote:
Carafaat... Circumstances have changed but the underlying message is the same as far as Somali proper is concerned. To think that southerners despite their own mess would agree to secession is naive or that they will be willing to treat Somaliland in par with Somali Republic and hence share power equally if it comes down to that. I think Oodweyne is right in sounding the alarm but from my perspective in regards to Mogadishu, this doesn't serve Somalia well.

says puntland....:D

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^What you doing here..? Escaped from Africa's best kept secret?


XX....Somali masses are traumitized and disempowered to make any difference at the moment hence why it's advisable for Somalis to delay this as much as possible.

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Dubai (RBC) Madaxweynaha DKMG ah Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa ka hadlay kulankii shaley uu la qaatay dhigiisa Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo.


Madaxweyne Shariif oo xaley ka qeybgalay xaflad ay jaaliyada Soomaalida ku qabtay magaalada Dubai ee dalka imaaradka carabta ayaa sheegay in kulankaas uu ahaa mid ah guul u ah immadda Soomaaliyeed, maadama uu hoosta ka xariiqay in ay la isku afgartay dhamaan qodobada lagu heshiiyay.


Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri ” Waxa aan ugu baaqayaa bulshada ku nool Somaliland in aysan isku dhejin rabitaankooda ah gooni u goosadka, maxaa yeelay dowlasdda KMG ah waxa ay diyaar u tahay xallinta waxa ay tabanayaan dadka ku nool waqooyi galbeed, Waxa aan dooneynaa in aad ka qeybqaadataan wadahadalada dhexmaraya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya si aan u soo celino Soomaali weyn”


Madaxweynaha ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay kulan xalay magaalada Dubai ee waddanka Isku tagga Imaaraadka Carabta uu kula qaatay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool waddankaas.


Dhina kale, madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa sheegay in dowladdiisu ay wax badan ka qabatay dhinacyada ammaanka, siyaasadda, dib-u-dhiska, hirgelinta qodobbadii Road-map-ka.


Wuxuu u sheegay jaaliyada Soomaaldia ee waddanka imaaradka caranta in dhawaan magaalada Muqdisho uu ka billaaban doono shirka ansixinta dastuurka, wuxuuna xusay in shirkaas kaddib ergada ay soo xuli doonaan baarlamaanka cusub, dalkana ka dhici doono doorashooyinka madaxtinnimada oo lagu wado in ay dhacdo 20-ka bisha August iyo wixii ka dambeeya.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxa kulankaas uu la qaatay jaaliyada Soomaalida ku wehlinayay wasiirka gaashaandhigga ee xukuumadda KMG ahna ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeen Xuseen Carab Ciise.


Wasiirka oo hadal ka jeediyay goobta kulanka uu ka socday ayaa ugu horreyn Jaaliyadda faahfaahin ka siiyay howlaha ay ciidamada dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM ay ka wadaan dalka, taasi oo ay ugu dambeysay howlgalkii degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeellaha dhexe lagu qabtay.


Xuseen Carab Ciise ayaa sheegay in ganacsatada iyo Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Imaaraadka Carabta looga baahan yahay in ay garab istaagaan ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed.


Si kastaba, wafdiga Somalilad ee uu hoggaaminaayay madaxweyne Siilaanyo, waxa ay iyagana kullan la qaateen jaaliyada Somaliland ee kudhaqan magaalada Dubai kuwaas oo ay uga warbixiyeen heshiiska ka dhacay halkaas.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa ku wehlinaayay kulankaas wasiiradda arrimaha dibadda iyo gaanshandhiga Somaliland, iyo madaxweynihii hore Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin iyo Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe.


RBC Radio

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;846521 wrote:

Somaliland President Silanyo, however, said his region would remain independent and would help build neighbouring Somalia’s fledgling institutions after the transitional government’s tenure expires in August 20.

Ali Ahmed, adviser to Silanyo, said Somaliland’s police forces could help train forces in Somalia. ‘‘The world community appears to be closer to accepting our status as an independent entity, with a robust political process which has brought peace to the region,’’ he said.

The agreement signed today is not about unity. It is to fight piracy and terrorism and to solve economic problems in a safe neighbourhood, Somaliland’s Foreign Minister Dr Mohammed Abdullah Omar told Khaleej Times.


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Oodweyne;846490 wrote:


Some time, I think you being a decent script and all are doing a finer job of being a
of a teeth-grating kind than your owner. Hence whatever else your fault may have been, you really are a fine fellow to rub people on the wrong way...


Which means, if you keep up at this rate, sooner or later, you will make your owner that much more of a man who should apply for his redundancy notices in here of SOL...



Adna ma waxaad ku biirtay kooxda mucaaridka igu ah. :D

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