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Che -Guevara

Somali Independence Day

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Juxa maya this is not the 26 of June celebration it's the July 1 celebration. Waa maalintii ay isu tageen Soomaali Waqooyi iyo Soomaali Koonfur together.............

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Juxa;846204 wrote:
hada maala soo xasuustay iney aheyd 26ka June?

Showqi;846217 wrote:
Juxa maya this is not the 26 of June celebration it's the July 1 celebration. Waa maalintii ay isu tageen Soomaali Waqooyi iyo Soomaali Koonfur together.............

Finally two people who actually know what they are talking about. :D


In my humble opinion - supported by the reason and logic - 26th of June is Somalis' Indepedence Day - Where as 1st of July is Somali Union Day.



BUT - ( a bigbut):D Sadly - There is neither an Indepedence nor a Union to celebrate today -

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sometimes Sayid qardho makes a complete sense to me.


Showqi, let me share a moving memory with you, habeenkii xurnimada, 26ka June, waxa la iskugu yimid taaladii daljirta dahsoon which was situated baarlamanka round-aboutkisa.


if you are coming from boondheere, taalada was bottom of a steep hill. that night, before midnight, people left their homes, the city was illuminated by feynus (it was dark night) so you could see a sea-of-feynuus, coming down from buurkii boondheere to the square. thousands of lights...people singing


abe iyo hoyo as young warriors celebrating with their friends.


indeed kaana-siib, kana saar

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Juxa;846220 wrote:
sometimes Sayid qardho makes a complete sense to me.


Showqi, let me share a moving memory with you, habeenkii xurnimada, 26ka June, waxa la iskugu yimid taaladii daljirta dahsoon which was situated baarlamanka round-aboutkisa.


if you are coming from boondheere, taalada was bottom of a steep hill. that night, before midnight, people left their homes, the city was illuminated by feynus (it was dark night) so you could see a sea-of-feynuus, coming down from buurkii boondheere to the square. thousands of lights...people singing


abe iyo hoyo as young warriors celebrating with their friends.


indeed kaana-siib, kana saar

Juxa, thank you very much for reminding us that historical moment and how all our dads and mums celebrated the independents day. It was huge when one part of Somalia got their independent in 1960. I hope that today the new generation will put their different a side and fight for a bigger Somalia, together we can achieve more,

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Sxb che, with respect, Somalia is not independent any more.


Lii, gabayga Timacadde waad ku mahadsantahay, illinaa iga soo dhow.

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Maaddeey;846252 wrote:
Sxb che, with respect, Somalia is not independent any more.

Maaddeey, inaga yuunbaa is heysanee cid inoo diiday in aynu xor ahaano ma jirto!

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^ Madeey has a point - somaali ilaa xad waa lo taliyaa. Hadana showqi waad saxsantahay adba oo haday somaali is haysan lagama faaideesteen.

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Munaasabadda 1da Luulyo oo xalay si weyn Boosaaso looga xusay


Magaalada Boosaaso waxaa xalay ka dhacday munaasabad balaaran oo lagu xusayey 1-da Luulyo oo ku beegn sanad guuradii 52-aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii ay Soomaaliya xornimadeeda qaadatay, islamarkaana ay midoobeen goboladii waqooyi iyo kuwa koonfureed oo xiligaas ka baxay gacanta gumeysteyaashii Talyaaniga iyo Ingiriiska.


Munaasabadda oo lagu qabtay xarunta maamulka degmada, waxaa kasoo qayb galay madax badan oo dowladda ka tirsan, xubno ka socdey ururada bulshada, waxgarad, haween iyo dhalinyaro.


Mas’uuliyiintii xuska 1-da Luulyo ee xalay kasoo qayb galayna waxaa kamid ahaa wasiirka dekedaha, gaadiidka badda iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda Puntland, wasiir ku xigeenka amniga, wasiir ku xigeenka kaluumaysiga, gudoomiyaha gobolka Bari iyo ku-xigeenadiisa, duqa degmada Boosaaaso iyo in badan oo kamid ah saraakiisha ciidamada.


Sidoo kale waxaa goobta joogey oo isna munaasabaaas ka hadlay Xuseen Khaliif Xaaji oo ah musharax u taagan xilka madaxtinimada ee Soomaaliya islamarkaana booqasho ku jooga magaalada Boosaaso soona maray inta badan gobolada Puntland isagoo ku jira bilowga ololihiisii doorashada.


Xafladda oo ahayd mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimey waxaa ka hadlay madax badan, waxayna bulshada Puntland iyo guud ahaan umadda Soomaaliyeedba ugu hanbalyeeyeen 1-da Luulyo oo ay sheegeen inay tahay maalin mudan in la xuso.


Goobta ay xafladu ka dhacday waxaa lagu soo bandhigay qalab badan oo ah kuwa ay Soomaalidu hidaha iyo dhaqanka u leedahay iyadoo sidoo kalena lagu soo bandhigay ciyaaro iyo heeso ka turjumaya xornimada iyo qiimaha ay leedahay.


Intaas kadib waxay madaxdu u dareen dhinaca xarunta maamulka gobolka, halkaas oo saqdii dhexe ee xalay Calanka lagu saaray, cutub ka tisan ciidamada Booliska oo uu horkacayey taliyaha qaybta Booliska Bari ayaana goobta gaada ka ciyaar ka sameeyey.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee 1-da Luulyo oo ah maalin ku weyn dhamaan umadda Soomaaliyeed waxaa xalay sidoo kale laga xusay inta badan magaalooyinka dalka iyo wadamada dibadda ee ay qurbe joogta Soomaalidu ku nool yihiin.


Horseed Media

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