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Darawiish History

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The Kacaan Fantasy and Aw Jaamac's new history from his 1976 book.




Fardhiddin waxaa ay kamid tahay goobaha ugu caansan, Fardhiddin waxaa ay kutaalaa howdka udhaxeeya Garowe iyo Laascaanood. Kolkuu Ingriisku ogaaday Daraawiish xoogeeda,hubkeeda,raga udagaalamaya geesinimadooda,iyo in ay yihiin Naftood hurayaal iyo iswada hurayaal aan il libiqsanaynin oo gobanimo ama jano mid uun ay u joogto, xoolo iyo fardo kufilana ay haystaan,wuxuu goostay in duulaan uusan waxba lahadhin qaadaa kuna weeraraa xaruntooda si loo cidhibtiraa dhaqdha qaaqooda. Xurunta Daraawiish markaa waxay kutaalaa Fardhiddin oo kutaala Garawe iyo laascaanood dhaxdooda,saan horay u soo xusnay.


Sida lawariyay ama lagaran karo,Ingiriisku dhulka ree miyigu dganyahay iyo dabeecada Soomaalida midna ma aqoon,sidaas daraadeed aadame dhuuni qaate lagama waayee waxaa hor kacaayay dad Soomaali ah oo Ingiriiska Gadh wadeen u ahaa,howdkana aad ukala yaqaan. Daraawiishu waa ka warhaysay colkaas markuu soo anba baxay. waxa lasheegay in laba dumar ah oo Soomaaliyeed Daraawiishta soo war galiyeen kolkii ay dhaqdha-qaaqa cadaowga dareemeen, Daraawishna heegan ayay sii gashay intii ciianka Ingiriisku wadada kusoo jiray.


Bishii luuliyo 16dii 1901 ayaa colkii Ingiriisku Xaruntii Daraawishta weerar ku ekeeyay, hase ahaatee habeenkii galinkisii hore ayaa Daraawiishtu meeshii ka guurtay oo maatidii iyo xoolihii ka qixiyeen,Ciidankoodiina heegan bay ka dhigeen. Laba buurood oo wadadii colka Ingiriisku soomari lahaa labada dhinac ka xiga howdna ah ayay kaynta dhaxdeedii u galeen,markii waagu dilaacay oo ay hiimamow tahay ayaa ciidankii cadawga oo raabe raabe u socda wadadii soomaray ,asagoo ku talajira in uu xarunta qabsado. Hase ahaatee dagaal bay kubilaabeen,kalana hormareen,ilaa iyo barqo dheer ayaa rasaas laysku qasaayay,kadibna gacmaha ayaa lasula tagay, inkastoo labada geesoodba geeridu ayna hayb lahayn,hadana daraawiish ayaa goobtii u hadhay,dab iyo maal wixii gaalada soo duushay wadatayna waa ay ka reebteen,iyagoo lib iyo galad toona nina ugu haynin.


Waxaa laga wariyay Darwiish dagaalkaas kujiray, oo la odhan jiray Jaamac Ismaaciil Dhoon-***********,-wuxuu yidhi gaal aanan magiciisa garnayn asay Daraawiish ubixisay Af-carbeedle,oo colka Ingiriska aad u dagaal galinaayay, ayaa Darwiish la odhanjiray Xaaji Maxamuud Dheri oo geesinimo loo ogaa kadibna dagaalkii Cagaarwayne ku shihiidaywaana isla reerkii aan soo xusnee- ayaa ku dhaartay inuu kujanatago gaalkan maslimiinta dhibay ee sheekadisuna soo caan baxaday, Xaajigii intuu Qorigiisii garabka gashaday,Seeftiina gacanta midig ku qabsaday ayuu colkii dhaxqaaday asagoon cabsi lagu arkayn ,in kastoo gaalkii Af-carbeedle ahaa xabado badaan bastoolad kaga soo riday Xaajiga , hadana dan muusan kagaline intuu gacanta oola tagay ayuu Seeftii kurka kaga jaray. Xaaji Jaamac ismaaciil Dhoon oo sheekadan wariyay wuxuu yidhi labadayda indhood waxaan ka qaaday isgoo Darwiishkaasi madixii gaalka wato oo uu luqunta faraskiisa ka laadlaadiyay. Sheekadaas Xaaji Maxamuud waxaan ka qaadanaynaa geesinimadii ay lahaayeen mujaahidiintii Daraawiish, iyo sida ay ugu adkaayeen mabda, ooda ku salaysan u hiilinta Diinta islaamka iyo Ladagaalanka Isticmaarada.


Ref: Buuggii Taariikhdii Daraawiishta iyo Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan ee uu qoray Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise (1976)

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Facts :


Afbakayle 1901


“Early next morning our patrols began coming in at intervals with prisoners, and we heard for the first time of Captain M-Neill's fight at Sanala, and the accounts they gave us turned out subsequently to be very correct. More patrols were sent out during the course of the morning, and several small skirmishes took place with stray parties of the enemy, and we secured about 20 horses. At I p.m. numerous horsemen were seen by our patrols passing along the open plains to the north, on the far side of the ridge, and evidently making for the central opening to our valley, whilst some 4,000 odd spearmen were heading for the western entrance. As The Camel Corps and Mounted Infantry were sent on ahead, whilst we proceeded with all our transport to cross the afore- mentioned nullah, which consisted of a pre- cipitous descent into a river-bed, and an equally precipitous ascent on the far side. Barely half the column was across this when the Mullah, Sultan Nur, and Hadji Sudi, with some 200 horsemen, appeared through the northern opening to the valley, and wheel- ing into two lines came straight for the rear of our column. We subsequently discovered that they were unaware of our presence, and were making for a pass which was a short cut to the Mullah's headquarters at Wayla-hed. On their dis- covering us, they immediately turned about and rode straight down the valley, upon which our rearguard fired a volley, but they were too far off for this to have much effect.


Ref: Captain McNeil : In Pursuit if the mad mullah 1903.

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Lies: Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise 1976.




Afbakayle waa goobtii ugu horysay ee dagaal ku dhaxmaray Ingiriis iyo Darawiish 1901,bishii Juun 3dii.

Afbakayle waxuu ahaa bali hilaada 43 mayl laascaanood ujira,baligaa waxaa barigii hore loo yaqaanay Afbakayle hase ahaatee maalinkii dagaalku kadhacay ilaa hada waxaa loo yaqaanaa Haradhiig.


Ciiabada ingiriiska waxaa u qorshaysnaa muda hore in ay kusoo duulaan Daraawiish hasa yeeshee dib bay udhaceen,taana waxaa sabbay xiligii roobka oo dib udhacay,waxayna ka cabsadeen in ciidanka biya-la aani ku dhacdo,arinkaasuna Daraawiish laftirkooda dan buu u ahaa,maxaa yeelay xoola lay bay ahaayeen.


Bishii abriil Sanadkii 1901 ayaa Ingiriisku col sadex madax ah soo saaray,waxaana cidmadiisa abaandoola u ahaa Gashaanle dhexe (Swayne) Waxaa tiradooda ama maamulkoodu u habaysnaayeen siduu sheegay Xoghayihii maamulka Ingriiska dalka Soomaliya Dougls jardine nooca oogu haboon ee loo diyariyo ciidan dulaaya,waxayna ka koob naayeen dhmaan qaaybaha ciidaka.Ciidankaas waxaa tiradiisa lagu sheegay in ay kor udhafayeen 4000,- tira ahaan khilaaf baa kajiree ogoow- .waxaan meesha ka madhanyn madaafiicada noocyadeeda kala duwan, -sidaas waxaa qoray Cabdizuur marzuuq,Awjaamac ,Dr mubaarak waxyaababa haku kala duwanaadeene.


Amin barqa ah sanadkuna yahay 1901 ayaa fooda laysku daray baliga layidhaahdo Haradhiig,sida caadada u ah ninka mujaahidka ah ee ilaahay dartiis udagalamaaya ,waxaa uu rumaysnaa ninka Darwiishka ah in uu laba mid noqdaa,cadawga in laga adkaado oo uu hub wanaagsan kafurto dabadeedna asagoo lib wata goobta u hadho,ama in goobta la dhigo oo ilaahay janadiisa doonto.


Dagaalkii waa bilowday ingiriisku qorigiisii, Girligaanka,ahaa wuxuu saaray buur yar oo Daraawiish korkoda ah ciidankiina afarta jahuu ukala jeediyay.Waxaa la wariyay muda gaban gudaheed in Daraawiishi cadawgii xerada ugu galeen,ayagoo aan cabsi inaba lagu ogayn,dabadeedna Ingiriis kabahaygii ma aragtay ay ka dhacday.Buug layidhaahdo “Taa,ir mina-somah” oy wada qoreen Xaaji Cabdi-raxmaan Sayid iyo Cabdi-sabuur marsuuq waxaa kuyaal in Daraawiish goobtaas 70 lagaga dilay 80 lagaga dhaawacay.

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The Battle of Taleex between tribal levies led by A.Gibb and Risaldar Haji Muse Farah Vs Dervish led by Haji Sudi and Ibrahim Buqul:


Meanwhile, to return to the Somaliland Camel

Corps and the friendlies, the latter of whom were

watching the gates of Tale, where the Mullah was

now definitely located. On the night of the 5/6th

February, in a fight outside the walls, Haji Sudi

and Ibrahim Boghl, two of the dervish leaders,

right-hand men of the Mullah, were killed. No

serious attack was made on the forts by our mounted

men, as, had they been seriously held, the Govern-

ment troops must have suffered heavy casualties ; a

most serious matter in a country like Somaliland,

owing to the lack of conveniences and difficulty of



Ref: Douglas Jardin

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Lies :


Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise's comical description of the running of the Mullah and Abshir Dhoore instead of stating simple fact he made the fleeing sexy by describing their horses how they turned them before the gallobed away running and not fighting( the entire point was not to mention the 2 SNM clan Devrish commanders who fought bravely and died at Taleex's gate) :


"Darwiish la yidhaahdo Maxmuud Xoosh, oo aanu galabtaas kula kulanay meeshaas , hadalkiisana la qaban karo, wuxuu yidhi Sayidku galabtaas wuxuu ku joogay faras la yidhaahdo(Dhibic)oo loogu talo galay inuu cadowga kaga baxsado, xoog iyo dheeraynba,Abshir Dhoore oo maalintaasi ku joogay faras la odhan jiray Shaluu-maray oo hadba gees u wiifinaaya"


loool wiifinaya

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We know you are Xaaji Xunjuf himself, ma ankii baa noo ciyaartay sheekadaadii somalinet ku waashay , Emperor iyo Khalid Ali aka gacanyare.


naxar nugaaleed aka gacanyare, wlc se ruwaayada naga daa,

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Aw Jamac lied, but the white men are telling truth.. That says all about you.. Keep ridding on it if that releases some of your stresses..

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Yes Aw Jaamac lied because he quoted the whiteman and cheery picked their books to fabricate a history for your Khaatumo clan. If the whiteman was a liar, why did your Aw Jaamac quoted them in his books, it doesn't make sense.


AK you are desprate because you know and i know you been fed lies and it hurts you to be helpless and be unable to rebut any of these facts, so you use the "gaal" card.


I was waiting for the image you claimed to debunk that too but you got scared, because you know that picture and you thought you can pull that on me , in fact i have the book and its beside me as iam writing this. The pathology that your elders have inveted for you are all lies kid, so i advice you to give it up while you have the chance.

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Your honestly the first to confuse me with anyone but I expected nothing less all of the newbies. Be that as it may, I couldn't but remember his line when I saw this futile but admirable effort to discredit the pride of the Somali people. What ever u say, the only resistance in Africa against the British colonist that they have used planes against. Wax iska falla, isku xeeshooda necaybkan somalinimo ethinku uun bu etheen daran yahay.

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Awoowe, so far what you pasted there of Aw jamac's book is accounts from the darwish individuals themselves.. Don't see where he referenced the whitemen... This tells all about you and your hate not to mention other things and unfortunately you are taking it way too much so don't get hurt on your own.. Take it easy.. I see you're here for mission which is to change the history's course and all you got to help with is the enemy’s accounts. Bring other accounts or zip up. Aw Jamaac collected his info from those who were there and fought against the imperials to free you. If you're not appreciating their sacrifice, wise advice is to shut up otherwise you're exposing yourself too much here..


I am not going to bickering with you cause that leads to personal insults and I am not here for that if that is what you're looking for, try around the marfishes.


Believe me I have the pic...

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Naxar Nugaaleed,


So if its proven that Ismaaciil Mire was nothing but a minor junior commander, and Khaliifa and Ibraahim Buqul were the real deal, and Suudi was the second man of the Dervish for 21 years and no other, to you thats a discredit???


Up to 1920 there was not a single Khaatumo person who ranked high in the Dervish movement , never mind the founding days in 1899 till 1904 Jidbaale, even during the last year of the Devrish Sir G.F.Archer issued an award for killing or capturing top Dervish , in his letter to boqor Cusmaan he ranked the most valuable Dervish as the following:


1- Mullah Mohammed Abdulle Hassaan award 10,000 Ruubiya

2- Xaaji Suudi Shabeele award 5,000 Ruubiya and up

3- Ibraahim Xasan "buqul" award ranging from 5000-down

4- Abshir Dhoore award ranging from 5000- and down


Thats real history, not Ismaaciil Mire looting the Dulmadoobe herds and composing a poem demanding the she-camel from the herds of his own looted sub-clan.


how interesting of a logic, this is reaffirmation of the real history of the Dervish, not the 1974 Kacaan version your folks worship. So stop whining and learn the facts , or prove to us through a solid argument whats wrong with it.

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Stop crying nobody is shuting up nor can you shut any body up by simply repeating shut-up. I can tell you don't even know what you are talking about any novice can tell you that Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise quoted MCneill's book and Douglas Jardin's book and even G.F.Archer and Lord Ismay's Report On Somaliland campign of 1914-1917.


Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise interviewed his own clan, thats not history thats slef-image PR, out of the 13 men he interviewed non included the Mullah's clan and family even, 11 were from Khaatumo and 2 from other Somalis .


What Aw Jaamac wrote was a make-up story fro his clan not a history.

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