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Congratulations to our neighbour Ethiopia's planned football stadium.

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You need to congratulate Puntland for digging the oil and fighting the pirates instead of the Xabashi. What is wrong with you man!!!!

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This is from todays news. Nothing to celebrate yet, sxb. But in due time when piracy is eradicated from our coast, we will congratulate the Puntland forces.


But the Xabashis are doing an amazing job sxb with these new stadiums. Atleast now we can threaten to blow up their stadium rather then empty ugly squares. but I dont want to give you any ideas. :D

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Haye walaalahaa Soomaaliyeed in tii aad caawin laheyd oo aad dhiiri galin laheyd Amxaarada ayaad ka dooratay soow ma'aha! Ciyaalka Xaafada Soomaalinimo ayaa lagu ogaa.

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Carafaat, sxb waxba kuguma heeysto anigu. Qofku marka uu wax xumeeyo in aad dhaleecayso oo khalidkiisa wax ka sheegto xaq ayaad u leedahay Laakiin marka ay wax hagaajiyaan oo ay horumar gaadhaan in la xaqiro ma fiicna. Marka intii aad Xabashida horumarkooda noo faaninlaheyd waxaa wanaagsan in aad walaalahaa Puntland horumarkooda amaanto badowyohow:P:p

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Horta, this reminds me something important! What has come of the 180,000 USD multiplex olympic stadium in Garowe?? :D :D


Back then, we said 180,000 buys 3 bedroom apartment and we expressed concern!

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Lol Carafaat Miyaad Kula Yaaban Tihiin Amxaaro Ammaan, War Dib Isugu Noqda, Ninkaan Arrintaas Wuu Caadeystaye :D

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OdaySomali;845190 wrote:
Carafaat either you are far more sly and intelligent than I had taken you for or the complete opposite is true. Which is it?

I am a modest person. so you be the judge, OdaySomali. :cool:

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Abtigiis;845130 wrote:
Horta, this reminds me something important! What has come of the 180,000 USD multiplex olympic stadium in Garowe??


Back then, we said 180,000 buys 3 bedroom apartment and we expressed concern!

Abtigiis, Ma accountanti baad tahay miyaadan waxba ilaawib PL way duushaye afkaaga ka du :)

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