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Breaking news: The new president of Egypt is......

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we are waiting for the election commission to come out in the next 5 mins and announce who the winner is


Mohammed Mursi (The Muslim brotherhood candidate) or Ahmed Shafiq (The Mubarak camp candidate).

who do you think will win?


follow it here.


will post it as soon as the winner announced

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Mursal will win easily. Egypt has past the pan-arabism of Nasser and are more conservative islam. It's unfortunately bad timing for the opposition not only is he the face of the mubarak camp but the society in general has radically changed. It's definitely a walk in the park for mursal

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There is a talk of rigging the election in favor of Shafiq since the Army who control everything post Mubarak are in favour of Shafiq camp who will keep the status quo. This could destabilize Egypt and repeat the Algerian civil war scenario in 1992 when the Islamists won a landslide election, but was canceled by the army. I hope this does not happen.

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LIVE NOW: Egypt Election Results





1400: Cara Swift BBC News producer


says crowds are listening to the election result announcement silently and patiently in Tahrir Square. Loudspeakers are playing a live feed of the election commission announcement, currently under way. Some are gathered round TV sets under tents. Some are praying.

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Mr Sultan the head of the commission is listing all the irregularities, the complaints, and attempted frauds.


Cairo seems like a city of Ghosts. Deafening Silence.

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