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Norway Rats Facts

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Other Names: Brown Rat, Gray Rat, Common Rat, House Rat, Wharf Rat, Water Rat, Barn Rat, Sewer Rat, Super Rat




These "super rats" can reach 16" in length. Each female rat can give birth to 20 pups in her lifetime. Some factors affecting rat populations in cities include continuously mild winters, weather-related disasters, and encroachment of their habitats by new urban development.








Identify Damage


Control Options




Description of the Norway Rat



Scientific Name:

Rattus Norvegicus


Usually grayish-brown, but color varies from a pure gray to a reddish brown; hard to identify by color alone


10-16 ounces; larger than Roof Rat


7-10 inches

Tail Length:

6-8 inches; shorter than the body


Heavy & thick body, blunt nose


Relatively small; close to body


Large & protruding black eyes


5 to 12 months


¾ inch long with blunt ends; dark color; found in groupings










Reproduction of the Norway Rat



Litter Size:

8-12 pups per litter

No. of Litters:

4-7 per year

Sexual Maturity:

2-3 months

Gestation Period:

22 days

Breeding Season:

Indoors: All year; Outdoors: Spring & Fall










Diet of the Norway Rat



Daily Amount:

0.5-1 ounce Norway Rat Food - Seeds - Rodent Library - Victor Norway Rat Control

Daily Water:

1-2 ounce

Daily Food:

Cereal grains, meats, seeds, cockroaches, fruits, shrimp







Habitat of the Norway Rat




Throughout the US and Canada

Nest Location:

Burrows in soil, sewers, basements, lower portion of buildings

Home Range:

25-100 ft. from nest

Active Periods:

Nocturnal; most feeding occurs 30 minutes after sunset and before sunrise

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