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Cadaado surpassing many with little means

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Samafal, adeer, goorma ayaad u ololeen doonta midnimada Galkacyo. Mise waxa la sugisa inte Sheick Shariif iyo Siilanyo wafti idiin so diraan, labada garab mideeya? :D

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^Carafaat, adiga wiil fahmad badan maad ahay baan umalaynayaa waagaa yareed. Horta Ma FAisal Ali Waraabe baa ku banaabixiey?


Galkio hada dhib badan kama jiro, dalka intiisa kale aan dhiiga daadanaya joojino horta. Adiguse, maxaa ugu ola olayn wayday inaad cidiina dhibka ka daayaan reer Laas caanood oo dhiiga qubanaya u joojin wayday?

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MoonLight1;844845 wrote:
Oday sxb if you live outside Somalia the cheese you eat, the corn flakes you munch, the council house you live in, the car you drive, all were made by foreigners for their citizens, What I mean is, a hut built in the desert of Somalia by Somalis is more valuable to us than a sky scraper that does not belong to us. These people might be in extreme poverty but you should ask your consciousness "What are you doing to help" an encouragement is the least.
Lama huraan waa cawskii jiilaal.

DayaxNuurow, you are absolutley right my brother, nothing is gonna make you happy in the West even if you have a good job, drive a nice car or own a beautiful house! it's all nothing, specially when your own country is poor, unsafe, and your own people are strafing to death everyday, All that beautiful life and achievements that you have in the West doesn't mean anything, It's Nada niente zero, it's all hal bacaad lagu lisay. All that you have created in the west is a dream and nothing is a reality. Specialty when your own country is a failed country and you can't even go on vacation to a certain area of your country. Indeed Lama huraan waa caws jilaal, back to basics people. lets start building our own county and help our own people. We have a beautiful country, why not safe our own country and build our own future......

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