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Little progress in Somaliland and Somalia talks

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so far you keep repeating the same tired mantra, without giving us any point or argument, somalia will never recognize somaliland, so whats the point?

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^^ this is just formality insisted by west.Nothing gona change .Infact it's known secret that no western country will eva pressure SL into anotha disastrous union,they want these negotiations to be a way out for somaliland in a civil manner.The last anybody need is war between thm.

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Adan jugle thats how it starts with talking Somalia finally has something that resembles a government how the hell could Somaliland get recognition from Warlords in the 90s or Abdiqasim hiding in a hotel in Mogadishu. Or Abdilahi Yusuf and the Ethiopian mercenaries or the Islamic courts union. Saaxib Somaliland didn't even try they didn't even approach Somalia i can assure you Somaliland and Somalia talks and restoring their relations as two separate independent states next to each other is the most easiest thing. But it wasn't done because Somaliland didn't approach Somalia and Somalia was busy fighting among themselves.This is the best timing there is a government now in Somalia and Somaliland is willing to talk and Somalia its self wants to come to the negotiating table there is no problem the international community will facilitate talks between the two countries or the two Presidents soon.

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