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HAG: Somalia’s Interhamwe

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Abwaan, stop this myopia. ONLF should disappear but right now their enemy is Ethiopia not other Somalis!

There is nothing wrong with having a HAG if the H are facing a persecution, by the way! I hope you can see the distinction. Let us discuss in a mature way, not the majlis way!

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Lol....Abtigiis...where does HAG fight now? Where is their base? Xoogaa waxay illoobeen inay bahasha shaati huwiyaan miyaa like many? :D Some jagodoon guys maqaayadaha kafee hakaga cabbeen balse intaas inay dhaafsiisan tahay uma malaynayo unless aadan adigu xog kale haynin! All qabiil based groups should be eliminated and we should not pick and choose....correction, ONLF also fight against Somalis who are not with them.

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Abwaan, sual aan ku weydiiyo sxb.


ONLF waa la ogyahay cida ee cadoow u aragto. Laakinse HAG yee cadow u aragtaa?

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Carafaat;844087 wrote:
Abwaan, sual aan ku weydiiyo sxb.


ONLF waa la ogyahay cida ee cadoow u aragto. Laakinse HAG yee cadow u aragtaa?

war HAG meel aan internet-ka ahayn anigu kuma arag, internet-kana qashin baa ka buuxa. Ina Salaad Gabayre hadduu xukumana trauma ayaa haysa ayaan leeyahay ee Ilaah haka daweeyo!

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Che -Guevara;844088 wrote:
^Abwaan is HAG member dee..lool

Che adiga sayntii HAG maa iska noqotid illeen meel aad raacdo ma taqaanide after Al-habaab lost. :D

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Abwaan, which clan does the ONLF fight? Bal noo sheeg!


This ONLF bashing thing you and che have started of late, if it coming from you being confused about the direction of the struggle against Ethiopian colonialsim, it is well and good. if it coming from a position of negativity against the group and the people it now represents, it is dispicable!


The Ethiopian regime is fighting the O clan. In that regard, the ONLF is right to fight back. When their fight becomes wrong is when they claim that they represent all Somalis. Haday dhulkooda iyo dadkooda difaacaan ma ceebaa? I think you do not understand teh context in that region!


Anyway, why is ONLF an issue here when we are talking about HAG? ONLF's stated enemy (as Carafaat correctly said) is ETHIOPIA. HAG's stated (in the mafrishes and tea tables where they meet in secrets) is against other somali clans, specifcially one! Are these two to be compared? Or does the filth of HAG disappear if ONLF is talked about, simply because Abtigiis raised this matter? I repeat,let us discuss like intellectuals, not Mafrish-mates!

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Abwaan;844090 wrote:
Che adiga sayntii HAG maa iska noqotid illeen meel aad raacdo ma taqaanide after Al-habaab lost.

Lost aa....I am sure AS controls more than HAG:D

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Abtigiis, first I condemn HAG iyo waxa dabada ka wata, midda kale ONLF maxaa loo ammaanayaa because magac qabiil baa xornimo lagu raadinayaa, waxaan ku weydiiyey xornimadu miyaysan Soomaalida Ethiopia oo dhan ka maqnayn? Mise hal cid bay ka maqan tahay? Abtigiis....magacyada urur-qabiileedka cayaarta hallaga daayo, oo yaan la dhihin qaarna waa lama taabtaan kuwana trash-ka aan ku darno! Anigu waxaan dhihi lahaa kulligood trash-ka hallagu daro inta suuraha nalaka daayo!

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Che -Guevara;844092 wrote:
Lost aa....I am sure AS controls more than HAG:D

then why Abtigiis u xanaaqay, if they dont even control anywhere.:D. To be honest whenever aan magacaas HAG maq

O few qowsaarro shaqo la'aan ku dhacday baa maskaxdayda ku soo dhaca.

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Kuligood trash ha lagu daro is good but just simplistic proposition. The context matters. ONLF qashin ha lagu daro can mean let us just lie down the guns and go home to live under Abyssinians tryanny. You may not have experienced it and you will probably not know about it. The ONLF should be reformed. The reality in the somali region is that other clans are not blameless. It is sad to say it but it is a fact. The enemy uses divide and rule and has targeted one community. The rest feel they are not affected. Xornimada dadka kale kama maqna waa la odhan karaa sabatoo ah mid baa shalay igu lahaa dhulka Jinacsani, Babile iyo etc etc ee la qaadanayo maxay ONLF uga hadli la'dahay. Waxaan ku idhi waa inay ka hadlaan, laakin qabiiladii meesha lahaa marka hore iyagu inay ka hadlaan soo ma aha, ileen ONLF waa urur qabiil oo waan wada ogsoonahaye!


Been in la isu sheega ma aha Abwaan! The disunion and disarray among Somalis is far more a divisive factor than the O name in ONLF. But that doesn't mean they should keep a clan name! What I want from you is not to just shout ONLF should change name, but to also ask the other somalis in the region to support their brothers in whatever way they think is possible!

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Abwaan, mostly I do not belief internet writing. But something has changed with our beloved H community. Its being going for a while now, but has intensified lately. the number of meetings as well as their depth.


And these young people are not the jobless mafrish kind. Could you place these development in a broader context. Should we see it as a form of reconciliation of reerka after being divided politicly for so long? Or is it a reaction on the clan based politics of Somaliland and Puntland and indeed opposed to certain clans?

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Carafaat;844097 wrote:
Abwaan, mostly I do not belief internet writing. But something has changed with our beloved H community. Its being going for a while now, but has intensified lately. the number of meetings as well as their depth.


And these young people are not the jobless mafrish kind. Could you place these development in a broader context. Should we see it as a form of reconciliation of reerka after being divided politicly for so long? Or is it a reaction on the clan based politics of Somaliland and Puntland and indeed opposed to certain clans?

Carafaat, I think it is the latter. Reer unity-giis meesha ma yaal, siyaasad qabiilna cidna horumar ma gaarsiinayso. The only difference is that others like PAG and SAG shaar bay huwiyeen kuwaan HAG bahashii oo qayaxan bay meela la soo istaageen.


Abtigiis, I agree with you 100% other clans are NOT blameless and Somalis should unite. One thing I wanted to note here is that you are the first Person I came across, who agrees with the name change. I mean it. That even includes my very close relatives. Amaad is tiraa Abwaan maxaa meeshan ka galay?....:D you think keligaa inaad meesha farac ku leedahay:D Believe me meeshaan aniga laftaydaa ku dhalan gaarey!

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Most O intellectuals actually believe the name O is useless and must be discarded. I got the most calls and feedback when i mounted a front attack on the the ONLF on its name and strategy! But people are still afraid of the vicious ONLF backlash! However, in the last few months, there is growing feeling that the ONLF mistakes cannot be tolerated for fear of their propaganda.

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