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Shirkii maanta ee Somaliland iyo Somalia

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Wadani;843617 wrote:
Horta reer khaatmu in taariikhda daraawishta isku keli yeelaan ma 'aha. Ninkii sayid maxamad abdalle la aasaasay daraawiishta wuxuu ahaa suldaanka H.Y., wuxuuna ku aasanyahay qalcadda takeex sidaan maqlay. La taliyaha sayidkuna wuxu ahaa nin H.J. ah. Markaa reer aan soo halgamin ma jiro ee taa ha la ogaado.

Waa sidaas. Ich bin ein Darawiish. :D

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A_Khadar;843605 wrote:
Awoowe Tan iyada ah ee Somaliland waad nagu wareerisee, bal define somaliland.. Are you talking about the clan you belong to or the colonized somaliland by British? If it's later one, common sense is before jumping to that high, let those who live their agree on this.. Hadii kale dee be specific and talk about the ONE that needs to be a NATION..

Awoowe i am talking about the people of Somaliland not about English colonizers


Awdal Borama






Togdheer burco











Ceerigaabo Sanaag








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^ do you think 2 minutes video justifies your clan's occupation in laascaanod? walahi you are more narrow minded than I thought.

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Dear Aaaliyaah i don't think the Mighty garaad clan can be occupied by qad chewing mafrishles.



Dadku wa dad is jecel adeero khatumo na walala heshiinaya ha u baqan

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^ sheeko xariir miyaad i akhrini.

What is your clan militia doing in sooljoogto? and keep attempting to take over buuhodle? failing each time but nevertheless attempting..

where does walaaltinimo and isjecel come in this?


Heshiisku wuxu imanaya markaad dhamaan khaatumo state regions ka baxdaan. Inta ka hor hishiis ma jiro. Gurigaaga nin xabad kula hortaagan kuma odhan karo nabad baan rabaa.

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The territory of somaliland is no different then so called Somalia, it has a defined borders as any colonial territory in Africa be it Nigeria or Gabon.It gained its independence as any other African nation...etc


Now for the Afweyne-loyalist who still confuse "somalia" with the Somali Rebpublic, have you people at least read articale 1 of the 1960 constitution???


The horse-clan of Taleex , Dhoodi-Meer people deny somaliland at same time they insist on using the term Somalia?? can any horse answer to the reason why?

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burahadeer;843665 wrote:
both sides are arming themselves as they aware nothing coming out of these stay tuned.

Its a long process the international community told Somaliland to talk to Somalia it doesn't mean they will agree but it shows that Somaliland is showing good will its a formality and ofcourse that the koonfurians are unreasonable when it comes to dialogue. Even if talks fail Somaliland can say they tried their best but it didn't work out, its a path Somaliland never walked talking to Somalia. But lets hope they agree on something that is beneficial to Somaliland.

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Burahadeer its just talks you don't have to take it to serious Somaliland made it clear that their hard earned independence is not negotiable the question we have to ask our selves, is it possible for Somaliland and Somalia to have relations maybe if they start talking now maybe in the future. Keep in mind Somalia is a bit insecure to be left behind that's all its not like they will be landlocked or lose fertile land. Burahadeer in Africa Somaliland and Somalia talks should be the most easiest if its done in a proper way. In Africa we had Ethiopia and Eritrea case Ethiopia ended up being landlocked we had Sudan and South sudan in 2005 they agreed to have a referendum on independence. In 2011 they gained their independence sudan losing all its oil fields.What will Somalia lose nothing much they still have enough land they still have a long sea coast they still have fertile land and other natural resources matter infact its smart to support Somalilands recognition,Somalia can be the richest country in Africa. So buarahdeer its good to talk because peaceful coexistence between the two countries is something good for both countries.

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Aadan Jugle;843680 wrote:
independence or nationhood??? watch your use of terms, independence was 1960 June 26, nationahood may 18 1991

You are right 26 June is the day Somaliland gained independence we can call 18 may nationhood or the re-independenceday of Somaliland or the day the union was dissolved.

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Think south so far hasn't realized what's at stake and when they do,yes it should be easy,if they don't, then .......

Believe they can both prosper & be great if they stay apart.

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I don't even believe we were the same nation despite 31 years of union.


1- the southerners still call the Somali Republic the southern colonial term of Somalia


2- the southerners calim "somalia" is from Raas Kambooni to Raas Casayr


3- the southerns faithfully insist that the war in "somalia" began in 1991.


Its as though we were never the same nation, now all of a sudden they argue "somalia" is one and always has been one loool note the term still used "somalia"

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