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Puntland: Political muscles made of myths

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No one – I repeat, No one, should pillory Puntland for their political creativity. It is a gift from God which the timorous Galmudug and even the refractory Somaliland cannot invoke in million years. Fully aware that no one is to be conned anymore by the baloney about the enormity of the number of the inhabitants of the Land of Punt - which is fabled to be as countless as the number of any moving black-headed sheep in the peninsula and beyond, the Punties have to find new ideas, new strategies, refined storylines that will militate against a political relegation, sure to come on account of the politics of numbers that Somalia gets by.


Their political relevance and representation must survive the tests of the times, indeed must coil through the lasting myth of their infiniteness! If not in their infinite numbers, in their infinite resources. On the grave of the myth of black sheep, a new myth of black oil must be planted, if they have to remain competitive in the politics of the day. And in baffling naivety, we all salivate to get drunk from the copious oil fields of Dharoor. We, the greenhorns of Somalia's cutthroat politics!


The dysfunctional rig planted in Dharoor by Faroole and his acolytes for political relevance must be dismantled as soon as possible, and must rather be deployed to dig for water, an equally life-saving resource. The truth hurts but there is no butter from the myriad black sheep of that land, let alone oil, in Puntland. I too was naïve in thinking there is oil in Puntland, until this old man woke me up last night from my deep sleep, shouting “nimakan Puntland ee riig aan jirin qotomiyey si loogu waabsado koonfurta maad naga qabataan! ” . Was I dreaming?

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I truly commend Puntland politicians for their creativity. This so called oil story line is made up by one man in the name of Burnt Money, filling his pocket from speculation on the Australian stock market but creativly also distracting the masses with so called stories of oil to be used as "leverage" in Somalia's politics. You have to admit the its a smart form of 'booto'.


But what amazes me more is the ignorent folks, who fall for it everytime. Don't they learn, don't they think, can't they see?

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Abuur baa wax walba uga horeysay, How could you compare a men from the noble Arab families to the Cushitic people of the horn....:D


Abtigiis Nin kuu digay kuma diline, You will lose some Reps on this post , be prepared...Somalia with his yuug and yamaanyuug will raid attacks ...

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Abtigiis;843410 wrote:
No one – I repeat, No one, should pillory Puntland for their political creativity. It is a gift from God which the timorous Galmudug and even the refractory Somaliland cannot invoke in million years. Fully aware that no one is to be conned anymore by the baloney about the enormity of the number of the inhabitants of the Land of Punt - which is fabled to be as countless as the number of any moving black-headed sheep in the peninsula and beyond, the Punties have to find new ideas, new strategies, refined storylines that will militate against a political relegation, sure to come on account of the politics of numbers that Somalia gets by.


Their political relevance and representation must survive the tests of the times, indeed must coil through the lasting myth of their infiniteness! If not in their infinite numbers, in their infinite resources. On the grave of the myth of black sheep, a new myth of black oil must be planted, if they have to remain competitive in the politics of the day. And in baffling naivety, we all salivate to get drunk from the copious oil fields of Dharoor. We, the greenhorns of Somalia's cutthroat politics!


The dysfunctional rig planted in Dharoor by Faroole and his acolytes for political relevance must be dismantled as soon as possible, and must rather be deployed to dig for water, an equally life-saving resource. The truth hurts but there is no butter from the myriad black sheep of that land, let alone oil, in Puntland. I too was naïve in thinking there is oil in Puntland, until this old man woke me up last night from my deep sleep, shouting
“nimakan Puntland ee riig aan jirin qotomiyey si loogu waabsado koonfurta maad naga qabataan! ”
. Was I dreaming?

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise". Adolf Hitler


So Abtigiis - which one are you trying to achieve? or which one are you accusing puntland of?:D

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Coofle, thanks. But my loyalty is to the people of Puntland, who are conned by ruthless and rapacious political elites. We stand in solidarity with the poor people of Puntland who eat bountifully in their dreams everyday, people who fill their stomachs through imagination!


I heard from some of the big men in Puntland. There is no oil. I believe we will all wake up to this reality very soon.


Sayid - I am not trying to achieve any of those two. You, you should have other priorities. Dream Qardho has uranium deposits and bargain. Nin rag ah iska dhig oo riyaa la isku daafee riyoo.

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Hilarious People are denying Puntland oil when it has already been confirmed. Were talking about export today not confirming Puntland oil. ******!!!! Lol People wonder why the world is flocking to Somalia today and let me tell you it isn't because they like Somalis. People love to deny the fact that $100 million has already been spent on Puntland Oil Program, but in the haters mind it is just fake monopoly money. Waa iska Maseer.


As for Puntland Population I think all somalis and even beesha calaamka are aware no puntland means no somalia. It is quite simple. No myth can fool the whole world guys. There is a reason why Bosaso today has so much assasinations happening because IT IS NOT SMALL TOWN noone know noone. Its not like cadaado or hargeisa where everyone knows everyone and peace can be maintained. There is not one wealthier city today in somalia then Bosaso not even mogadishu. That is the facts.


People are just delusional and Puntland Mightiness will continue to prevail come hail, snow or shine baby

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Abtigiis;843410 wrote:

The dysfunctional rig planted in Dharoor by Faroole and his acolytes for political relevance must be dismantled as soon as possible,

It seems Abtigiis is calling for terrorism in Puntland just like what his bankrupted ONLF Rastafarian buddies did in K5aad's oil fields while he is claiming to care for the people of the Punt. There is oil in many places in Somalia and Puntland in particular no doubt about it, but these dodgy companies can not and will not be able to extract a cup of it.

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Abtigiis;843420 wrote:
Coofle, thanks. But my loyalty is to the people of Puntland, who are conned by ruthless and rapacious political elites. We stand in solidarity with the poor people of Puntland who eat bountifully in their dreams everyday, people who fill their stomachs through imagination!


I heard from some of the big men in Puntland. There is no oil. I believe we will all wake up to this reality very soon.


Sayid - I am not trying to achieve any of those two. You, you should have other priorities. Dream Qardho has uranium deposits and bargain. Nin rag ah iska dhig oo riyaa la isku daafee riyoo.

Like Duke's loyalty was with the people of Somaliland when he was defending them from the muggings of Riyaale?


As for my dreams - i am afraid if i share them here - they would be stolen like my avatar :D

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MoonLight1;843426 wrote:
I...There is oil in many places in Somalia and Puntland in particular no doubt about it, but
these dodgy companies
can not and will not be able to extract a cup of it.

The real problem is not dodgy companies. Companies want profit and could not wait to extract what is there. The real problem is dodgy puntland politicians, who provide fake geological survey documents to companies and pilfer some dollars.

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Qardo guys mostly gave me the honour of calling me a Puntland hater when I opposed federalism. But now they give Abtigiis the highest Honourary position one can attain by comparing him with Hitler.All because he spilled the strategy of using "oil" as Leverage in Somalias politics.


I should have earned that title. Now Abtigiis gets all the credit. :-(

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Dr_Osman;843422 wrote:
Hilarious People are denying Puntland oil when it has already been confirmed. Were talking about export today not confirming Puntland oil. ******!!!! Lol People wonder why the world is flocking to Somalia today and let me tell you it isn't because they like Somalis. People love to deny the fact that $100 million has already been spent on Puntland Oil Program, but in the haters mind it is just fake monopoly money. Waa iska Maseer.


As for Puntland Population I think all somalis and even beesha calaamka are aware no puntland means no somalia. It is quite simple. No myth can fool the whole world guys. There is a reason why Bosaso today has so much assasinations happening because IT IS NOT SMALL TOWN noone know noone. Its not like cadaado or hargeisa where everyone knows everyone and peace can be maintained. There is not one wealthier city today in somalia then Bosaso not even mogadishu. That is the facts.


People are just delusional and Puntland Mightiness will continue to prevail come hail, snow or shine baby

Datoore have you heard of "Adhiyu laahi baraar"..never mind..


Somalia will not limp for one region, Hangaraarac lug uma dhutiyo, But the one who needs to leech on Somalia is Puntland, Except for the sheeko xariiro of Shidaal baa laga helay puntilayn no other source of economy is found in this blessed region.


nin iyo naagtiisu nabadna maaha col-na maaha, same goes for puntland, Koonfurta iyo puntland colna maaha nabadna maaha, Ilaahay baa isku kiin qadaray..

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