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Mahiga: Faroole is one of the 4 main spoilers

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Augustine Mahiga: There are four categories of spoilers in Somalia [iNTERVIEW]



UN Special Representative for Somalia Augustine P. Mahiga gives interview to RBC Radio in Mogadishu, 13 June 2012/ photo credit by Raxanreeb


Mogadishu (RBC) The United Nations Special Representative for Somalia Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga has declared that there are four inter-related groups of the spoilers in Somalia who are willing to undermine the process of the roadmap before the end of the transition period in August.


In a special interview on Wednesday in Mogadishu, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga reiterated that the international community is watching carefully on the movements of the spoilers and will be ready to react any kind bad influence by the spoilers.

Here is the full transcript of Ambassador Augustine Mahiga’s interview.


RBC Radio: Mr. Ambassador what could you tell us of the achievements done yet on the implementing of the roadmap which was signed in September last year?


Mahiga: The roadmap has had three stages; the first stage was to define the tasks at the same time to make the process as inclusive as possible. It begun in September last tear when we signed the roadmap to end the transition by bringing all the major stake holders as signatories, we also engaged the civil society in a meeting the following month that endorsed the roadmap- that is stage number one;

Then we have stage number two which was to revise and prioritize the objectives and targets of the roadmap, this was done in the meetings in ‘Garowe 1′ and ‘Garowe 2′- not only to prioritize but also to define the institutions which were needed in order to end the transition [period]. The Garowe principles were consultative outcome among the signatories and with the main stakeholders and constituencies of Somali people and That was the beginning of understanding the new institutions that we will need to end the transition.

We are now in the third stage of the roadmap, we have less than 65 days to end the transition and in this last stage, there are important tasks [that need] to be performed. To bring the traditional elders to Mogadishu and they will be engaged in the selection process of the members of the constituency assembly. The constituency assembly will be the body that will approve the professional constitution that has been going through a drafting period for the past seven years and now it is being finalized as interim draft document which will be presented to the constituency assembly at the beginning of next month.


RBC Radio: Mr ambassador, on the matter of the meeting of the traditional elders we have been knowing great disputes between the elders as some say that a notorious traditional elders were ignored and some new ones were fabricated, so could not we sat this is another obstacle to the implementing of the roadmap?

Mahiga: The elders who are here are already in Mogadishu, representing a cross-section of the clans, sub-clans and sub-sub clans, they are the source of legitimacy and in the absence if direct elections they are the most representatives of the Somali people. They will give us a constituency assembly .. also they will give us a new parliament [then] the new parliament will give a [new] president who will give us a new government.

There is some difficulties in who is who as a traditional elder. We have established an arbitration committee to establish these are authentic elders because some elders have been manufactured by some politicians or some elders have dispute on who is authentic representative.., it can be really just a clan or family dispute and they need to resolve it and some elders were not able to come because of they afraid of Al-Shabaab.


RBC Radio: Some people say that there is clear influence to the elders by local politicians including the warlords who are willing to be included into the next parliament, do you see it a risk?


Mahiga: I see this as a GREAT risk and this needs to be addressed very quickly. We must move very quickly to be with the elders almost everyday to make them busy and that is why we are moving very quickly to establish the technical selection committee that will be working with the traditional elders. We also have to give a secretariat that will be upon running very soon in coming days to help them prepare the selection process.

The technical committee is very important because it will be monitoring the criteria we have established in Garowe of all these members- whether it is the constituency assembly or the parliamentarians. And we are watching very carefully that these people are not unduly influence. Any kind of unduly influence or attempt… to undermine the process or try to influence badl

y the elders will be seriously dealt with.. and it will act of spoilers.


RBC Radio: OK, the question is now, some people still confuse who are spoilers, who are who? Are they the members of previous parliament who are still willing to be back to the next parliament or they are the warlords?


Mahiga: I agree with you. There are four categories of spoilers; Category number one are “Institutional spoilers” who are embedded in the institutions of the TFIs [Transitional Federal Institutions] or even the region and trying to undermine the process in order to maintain the status quo by extending it or even just by obstructing.


Secondly, there are “opportunistic spoilers” who are not in the institutions but are out and looking for the best advantage of a chaotic situation in a weak government so that they can continue to maintain the benefits which derive from this situation- it can be a taxi-breaks, it can be some favours or it can be some influences.


The third group are “strategic spoilers”; by strategic spoilers I meanly the former ‘warlords’ who are even ready to use violence and to use arms in order to go back- not only the status quo but to the previous influences and they are ready, they may want to reactivate their militias, they may want to use their influences to try to gain or control and maintain. They are definitely against the new criteria of leadership we have established.


Then there is the fourth category of spoilers who are not in Somalia; They are in the “diaspora”. These are more sinister and sometimes even more dangerous because they are spoiling and poisoning the minds of the Somali people either through websites or through writings or any kind of…. sophisticated ways of tilting , misguiding, misinforming, caricaturing, masquerading as freedom of expression sometimes but actually they are in disguise, trying to spoil the peace process.

These are four categories,they are no watertight, some of them can be found across the categories…..


RBC Radio: So as international community what is your reaction to them [spoilers]?

Mahiga: We have sent a warning, we know who they are but they have to be investigated. The Somalia/Eritrean United Nations Sanctions Monitoring Group [sEMG] has been tasked with this.. of looking and investigating and very soon if this continues we shall not only give a general warning but we shall inform them that we know what they are doing,.. but fortunately after the general warning there has been considerable subsiding of those kinds of activities.


*Interviewed by Abdalle Ahmed in Mogadishu.

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=Carafaat; the region trying to undermine the process in order to maintain the status quo by extending it or even just by

Hard for you to read the writings on the wall? To hell with the blind dream of the secessionists, eh! It has been disassembling the mechanism of their perceptive powers for the outer world for the last 21 years. Look, my friend Mr. Mahiga while not scaring away the prey is indirectly warning Hargeisa’s regional players headed by Siilaayo of the wrath to come if they don’t stop their discrete wickedness of trying not to abide by the rules of the Road Map. Twisting facts; isn’t it silly? The warnings carried by this article are not directed to President Faroole coz Mr. Mahiga is poetically repeating the need to implement Garowe Principles I and II by all communal regions of Somali Republic; GP I &II are the brainchild of oil tycoon Faroole......:(

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Carafaat;842228 wrote:
Mahiga: Faroole is one of the 4 main spoilers


Carafaat;842228 wrote:

Mahiga: I agree with you.
There are four categories of spoilers; Category number one are “Institutional spoilers” who are embedded in the institutions of the TFIs [Transitional Federal Institutions] or even the region and trying to undermine the process in order to maintain the status quo by extending it or even just by obstructing.


A very misleading title.

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What a disgraceful title by the original poster. Your a disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself to say Puntland president is spoiling Somalia's best chance at becoming a nation state again. Your article is waffle and all in your head

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Maaddeey;842321 wrote:
The title is very misleading!, it should read: Faroole is the biggest of all spoilers....


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Hard for you to read the writings on the wall? Look' date=' my friend Mr. Mahiga while not scaring away the prey is indirectly warning Hargeisa’s regional players headed by Siilaayo of the wrath to come if they don’t stop their discrete wickedness of trying not to abide by the rules of the Road Map. ']



what road map? It's for you not hargeisa...are you not gona be someone if somaliland don't come along? tough it out my friend & put your house in order...hargeisa is gone, samir iyo imaan.

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GaadhHaye;842290 wrote:
Hard for you to read the writings on the wall? To hell with the blind dream of the secessionists, eh! It has been disassembling the mechanism of their perceptive powers for the outer world for the last 21 years. Look, my friend Mr. Mahiga while not scaring away the prey is indirectly warning Hargeisa’s regional players headed by Siilaayo of the wrath to come if they don’t stop their discrete wickedness of trying not to abide by the rules of the Road Map. Twisting facts; isn’t it silly? The warnings carried by this article are not directed to President Faroole coz Mr. Mahiga is poetically repeating the need to implement Garowe Principles I and II by all communal regions of Somali Republic; GP I &II are the brainchild of oil tycoon Faroole......

But "Hargeisa’s regional players headed by Siilaayo" as you like to call are not embedded in TFI and even they didn't take part roadmap from Kampala to Garowe. Keep that in your mind and read again this sentence who is he talking about??


“Institutional spoilers” who are embedded in the institutions of the TFIs [Transitional Federal Institutions] or even the region and trying to undermine the process in order to maintain the status quo by extending it or even just by obstructing.


Who is embedded with TFG????

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Dr_Osman;842301 wrote:
This is Puntland


This is exactelly what Mahiga is talking about "Dastuur" embedded in to "TFG dastuur" in make.


Ka go ama ku adkayso ha noqon beerka jecli xaydha jecli!!!!

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uchi;842395 wrote:
Did he mention Amin Amir as a spoiler at the end?

Then there is the fourth category of spoilers who are not in Somalia; They are in the “diaspora”. These are more sinister and sometimes even more dangerous because they are spoiling and poisoning the minds of the Somali people either through websites or through writings or any kind of…. sophisticated ways of tilting , misguiding, misinforming, caricaturing,
masquerading as freedom of expression
sometimes but actually they are in disguise, trying to spoil the peace process.

These are four categories,they are no watertight, some of them can be found across the categories….






I came to the same conclusion as well.


And quite possibly Prof. Abdi Ismail Samatar with that critical opinion piece.

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How come my posts don't show up on the thread? They mysteriously disappear through the interwebs. Waa iska xaal aduunyo not-tagged-smiley-10306.gif

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