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The reason why Barbaarta had a considerable support

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What's remarkable is how people who were considered neglected minorities are speaking out and claiming lands.


Do you remember the Banadiri man claiming Mogadishu as his own, and that the Banadir state belongs to him, that is the remarkable thing, never could this have been done.

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All Somalis are majority and minority depending which area you look at and how many square kilometers you count in. :D

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Kuwaan waaye. Nadara ayaa loo haystaa iyo waxa taleefishin soo fariisiyey markii horeba! Labadooduba waxba isma dhaamaan, midna annagaa iska leh oo sida Yurub baan dadka u qaabili jirney buu ku doodayaa. Kan kalena khabiir baan ahay iyo Kornayl hore iyo weliba xagga amniga degaankana waan ka soo jeedaa oo waan ka shaqeeyey buu ku faanaya, tirada degmooyinkana wuu khalday.:D Intuu markii hore 5 degmo ku dooday buu haddana markii lagu qabtay 7 miyey ahayd dhahay.:D

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MMA - barbaarta didn't do anything to change this mentality - no one could speak out but it didn't mean people's perceptions or attitudes changed. The argument of these men is tired and old. All over the world people sort out the issue of governance through the ballot box. At the end it doesn't matter who the majority is or isn't - what matters is whether the majority is given the chance to elect whom they want.

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The so-called expert and former colonel is the same guy that owns this website and also the same guy that wrote this article:


Marka khabiirnimada laga sugayo nin sidaas u fikiraya is beyond me.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;841220 wrote:
And do pray tell, who are the 'neglected minorities?'

I am talking about people who were done bad in dagaaladii sokeeye, not that they are minorities in reality, but were considered so by others. Do you understand what I mean? Could this claim have been done before hand? It means stability is coming back, and we are now using not the gun, but simply history.

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Sabab kale:


Ciidanka DKMG oo boobay mucaawino loo waday dad dhibaataysan


Wararka Degmada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose laga helayo waxay sheegayaan maanta in ciidamo katirsan Dowlad dhac ay ugaysteen raashin mucaawina ah oo loo qaybin lahaa dadka danyarta ah.


Ciidamada Dowlada ayaa gawaaridaan oo katimid dhanka Muqdisho waxay kuleexsadeen gudaha degmada Afgooye ee gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose kuwaa oo ahaa labo gaari oo mucaawino saarnayd.


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay dhaca loogaystay mucaawinada loo waday dadka dhibaataysan ee kunool Shabeelaha Hoose.


Saraakiisha Dowlada Soomaaliya ee degmada Afgooye waxay sheegeen inay kudaba joogaan Ciidamadii leexsaday labada gaari ee cunada macaawinada waday.


Boobka ciidamadan katirsan Dowlada ay u gaysteen cunadaan ayaa waxay imaanaysaa xili qoysas badan ay gaajo iyo rafaad uu kuhaysto Shabeelaha Hoose.


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Hawlo badanoo lagu taageero ay qabteen barbaarta, waxaana caawiyey kuwaan wuxuushta ah ee dadkii inay difaacaan la rabay hagardaameynaya!.

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