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Somalia: Puntland warns against further setbacks

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Somalia: Puntland warns against further setbacks


10 Jun 10, 2012




GAROWE, Somalia Jun 10 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Puntland government has said that it will not be responsible for any setbacks to the end of the transitional government in August, Garowe Online reports.


In a press release on Sunday the Puntland government said that the finalized Somalia draft constitution which was amended by signatories after the Addis Ababa should not be scrutinized any further.



“Speculation over IFCC claim is a non-issue that is poor justification for more delay and setback, which Somalia cannot afford at this critical time,” read the press release.


The Independent Federal Constitution Committee (IFCC) submitted the draft constitution in April, and was expected to be voted on by the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) in May. However due to unclear articles in the constitution the process was delayed by signatories until later this month.


The signatories met in Addis Ababa last month and agreed to amend the articles in question and set up a technical committee. The committee would incorporate the amendments agreed on in Ethiopia and produce the draft constitution to the NCA who will vote to adopt the constitution.


According to local sources the IFCC who were overseeing the constitutional process, have began adjusting the draft constitution after leaders had agreed on a technical committee.


In a press conference held in Garowe, Minister of Finance Farah Ali Shire said that Addis Ababa agreement was signed by leaders and the IFCC should adhere to the agreement.


“The technical committee which TFG State minister for the constitution will chair and was set up by signatories is mandated to include the submissions of the signatories so the draft constitution can be presented to the NCA,” said Minister Shire.


Puntland was deemed by some as hindering the constitutional process after it suggested that signatories meet before the NCA voted on the constitution last month. Puntland officials say it was necessary to ensure that a clear and decisive constitution was presented to the NCA.


However, Puntland officials say further revisions by the IFCC on the constitution could further delay the end of the transitional government in August, which Puntland says will not be held responsible for.



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Puntland Government Warns Against Derailing the Peace Process in Somalia

10 Jun 10, 2012 - 6:58:53 AM


Puntland State of Somalia



10 June 2012


Puntland Government Warns Against Derailing the Peace Process in Somalia


Since there are signals that different interest groups are attempting to derail the ongoing peace process in Somalia, Puntland Government will not be responsible for any more mishaps and hurdles that could jeopardize the Roadmap process. The finalized Draft Federal Constitution of Somalia incorporates the list of revised articles signed by Somali Principals on 23 May 2012 at the Addis Ababa Meeting. Speculation over IFCC claim is a non-issue that is poor justification for more delay and setback, which Somalia cannot afford at this critical time.



Puntland Officials during Press Conference in Garowe(Garowe Online)

Puntland Government calls upon Roadmap Signatories and international partners to support completion of the remaining benchmarks of the Roadmap process and to hold accountable whoever threatens to derail the ongoing peace process in Somalia.


Puntland Government has been a strong advocate for the restoration of a legitimate national government in Somalia under a federal system. Puntland supports the Roadmap peace process as a viable way of ending the transition on time on 20 August 2012, and establishing national government institutions under a new Somali Federal Constitution:


• Having seen the established benchmarks and timelines of the Roadmap Agreement signed in Mogadishu by Somali stakeholders on 6 September 2011;


• Having valued the 1st and 2nd Somali National Constitutional Conferences, hosted by the Puntland Government in Garowe, in December 2011 and February 2012, respectively;


• Having recognized signed agreements at the Somali Principals Meetings in Galkayo and Addis Ababa, in March 2012 and May 2012, respectively; and


• Having considered finalization of the Draft Federal Constitution after incorporation of the Signatories’ harmonized submissions;


Puntland Government acknowledges that, since IFCC and COE jointly presented to the Roadmap Signatories the final draft copy of the Draft Federal Constitution on 30 April 2012, and the Signatories reviewed the draft copy and signed an agreed list of revised articles to be incorporated into the finalized Draft Federal Constitution, as noted in the Addis Agreement of 23 May 2012, and that the Technical Committee chaired by the TFG Constitution Minister will be responsible solely for incorporating the harmonized submissions of the Signatories to constitute the final draft of the Somali Draft Federal Constitution for presentation to the National Constituent Assembly for a yes-or-no vote.


--- END ---

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GAROOWE: Dowlada Puntland oo ka digtay in la dhinac maro barnaamijka Road Map- ka


June 10, 2012


Garoowe: (pp)- Shir saxaafadeed ay dowlada Puntland ka soo saartay aqalka madaxtooyada Puntland ayey kaga hadashay barnaamijka Road map-ka, kaddib markii ay Puntland soo gaareen in la wado qorshe lagu carqaladaynayo barnaamijka Roadmap-ka oo ay Puntland qayb tahay.


Puntland oo ka digtay in la dhinac maro barnaamijka Road map-ka

Kulanka maanta ka dhacay aqalka madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa guddiga dhowaan madaxweynaha Puntland u magacaabey dib u eegida dastuurka oo isugu jirey wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan dowladda, kuwaas oo soo saaray warsaxaafadeed ku aadan barnaamijka road map-ka haddii la dhinac maro.


Warsaxaafadeedkaas ayaa waxaa saxaafada u akhriyey Wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland Faarax Cali Shire oo sheegay in kooxo dano-gaar ah wata ay doonayaan inay leexiyaan barnaamijka road map-ka ee horay loogu heshiiyey. Wasiirka ayaa yiri ‘’Dowladda Puntland masuul kama noqoneyso wax kasta oo is hortaag iyo caqabad ku noqon kara dhamaystirka xiliga kala guurka ,dhamaystirka qabyo qoraalka dastuurka DF.


Wasiirku wuxuu tilmaamay in haddii dib u eegis lagu sameeyo dastuurka qabyada ah uu dib dhac iyo wakhti lumis ku yahay geedi socodka nabada .


‘’Puntland waxay aqoonsantahay in wixii dastuurka isbedel lagu sameynayo ay u idmanyihiin guddiga farsamada ee Addis Ababa la isku raacey uuna gudoomiye u yahay mar welibana goob joog uu ka yahay wasiirka dastuurka DF Somalia’’ ayuu ku adkeeyey hadalkiisa Faarax Cali Shire.


Puntland ayuu Wasiirku ka dhawaajiyey inay u heelantahay dib u dhiska dowladd Soomaliyeed oo ku dhisan nidaamka federaalka ,isagoona ku celiyey taageerida Puntland qorshaha looga baxay KMGnimada iyo shirarkii saxiixayaashu isugu tageen Muqdisho ,Garowe ,Galkacayo iyo Addis Ababa. Ugu danbeyntii ayaa wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey in Puntland diyaar u yihiin xubnihii u ansixin lahaa dastuurka DF Somalia iyo weliba xildhibaanadii qaybta ka noqon lahaa barlamanka DF Somalia oo soo socda.


Dowlada Puntland ayaa marar badan ka digtay in lagu tunto shaciyada ay ku heshiiska ku yihiin Saxiixayaashii barnaamijka Road Mapka, iyadoo Puntland marar badan ay hor istaagtay carqalayn badan oo la doonayey in lagu majaxaabiyo barnaamijka Road mapka oo qeexaya siddii ay Soomaaliya noqon lahayd mustaqbalka.



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Puntland: “Dad dano gaar ah leh ayaa ku howlan carqaladeynta Roadmapka”


Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta oo axad ah sheegtay inay ka digeyso qorshe ay dad gaar ahi wataan kaas oo la doonayo in lagu carqaladeeyo barnaamijka geedi socodka nabadda ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Shir ay maanta magaalada Garoowe si wada jir ah saxaafadda ugu qabteen guddi gaar ah oo dhowaan uu madaxweynaha Puntland u saaray dib u eegista dastuurka ayaa warkan laga sheegay.


Wasiirka maaliyadaa Faarax Cali Shire oo isagu qoraal ay gudigaasi soo saareen saxaafadda u akhriyey ayaa sheegay in Puntland aysan u dulqaadan doonin in majaraha geedi socodka la habaabiyo si looga dib dhigo wakhtii horay loogu heshiiyey.


Wuxuunai ntaas ku diray in Puntland aysan rabin inay ishortaag ku samayso howlaha socda haseyeeshee ay jiraan dad dano gaar ah leh kuwaasoo ku howlan sidi ay wax uga bedeli lahaayeen heshiisyadii dhamaystirka geedi socodka nabadda ku aadanaa ee dhowaan Addis-ababa lagu soo kala saxiixday.


“Dowladda Puntland masuul kama noqoneyso wax kasta oo is hortaag iyo caqabad ku noqon kara dhamaystirka xiliga kala guurka ,dhamaystirka qabyo qoraalka dastuurka DF Somalia” qoraalka ayaa sidaas lagu yiri.


Shekiga ay Puntland ka muujisay qaabka ay howlaha dhamaystirka Roadmapka la xiriira u socdaan ayaa imaanaya xilli dhowaan uu magaalada Addis-ababa kusoo gaba gaboobey shir is afgarad lagaga gaarey cabashooyin ay Puntland horay u soo jeedisey.




Horseed Media

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Puntland oo ka digtey Wax ka badelka heshiisyadii Soomaalida ee Adis ababa


June 10, 2012


Shir jaraaid oo ay xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland ku qabteen qaar ka mid ah golaha wasiirada Puntland Waxay dhaliil kaga muujiyeen shaqsiyaad aysan carabaabin oo ay sheegeen in ay qorsheynayaan waxkabedelid ay ku sameeyaan heshiiskii Addis ababa ee dhinacyada Soomaalidu ku wada gaareen sidii looga bixilahaa xiliga kumeelgaarka iyo heshiisyadii ka horeeyey ee garoowe iyo Muqdisho.


Faarax Cali Shire wasiirka maaliyada Puntland oo warfidiyeenada u aqriyay warsaxaafadeedka ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay ogaatay in la wado qorshe wax looga bedelayo heshiiskii Addis Ababa iyo kuwii ka horeeyay Puntlana ay ka digeyso.


“Puntland Waxay ka digeysaa in geedi socodka Nabada Soomaaliya laga leexiyo wadadiisi, waxaa soo baxaya Muuqaalo kala duwan oo muujinaya in kooxo dano gaara leh ay isku dayayaan in ay wadada ka leexiyaan geedi socodka Nabadda Soomaaliya” ayaa hadaladiisii ka mid ahaa Wasiirka Maaliyada Puntland.


Waxa uu carabka ku adkeeyay Wasiirku in Dowlada Puntland aysan Masuul ka noqondoonin wax walba oo is hortaag iyo carqalad ku noqonkara dhameystirka Xiliga kala guurka, Dastuurka iyo Arimo badan oo wadada ka leexin kara geedi socodka Nabadka Soomaaliya.


Dhanka kale waxa uu sheegay Wasiirku in Puntland ay diyaarisay Ergooyinkii uga qeyn qaadan lahaa Ansixinta Dastuurka Soomaaliya iyo xubnihii ka mid noqon lahaa Baarlamanka Cusub ee Soomaaliya.


Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ay Puntland dhaliil u jeediso dhinacyada Soomaalida waxayna ku soo beegmeysaa xili dhowaan dhinacyada Soomaalida ay heshiis lagaga gudbayo xiliga Kumeergaarnimada ku saxiixdeen dalka Itoobiya .


Maxamed Siciid

SBC International Garoowe

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Excellent reminder - This is good move by the state of Puntland, we must remind each other to stay on course.


Somalidu waxay kuheshiiyaan ama qortaan kuma dhaqmaan - this time must be different.

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