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Shocking! what happened to our culture

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of not kissing? :D





Caruuska Fanaan Saxardiid iyo Caruusad Fanaanad ikraan Caraale ayaa Shacabkamedia soo gaarsiiyay Sawir ay naga dalbadeen inaan u gudbino taageerayaashooda dhinaca Fanka,sawirkan ayaa muujinaya Fanaaniintan oo Arooskoodii Hargeysa ka-dhacay sida Gaaladii Afka iska-dhuuqaya.


Hadabba sidee u aragtaa Sawirkan,ka dhiibo aragtidaada oo nagala soo xiriir: ama

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Dhaqanku waa dhaqan markii la rabo baa docda laga tuuri kara qofku waa in uu diin leeyahay. Laakin dhib saa u sii ridan maba arko labada qof way is gursadeen somaha. Ka edabta daran waa kaso sawirtay iyo ka sol kuso dhajiyay. Aaway dhaqankaagi markaad waxano kale lasooshir tagasid mr carafaat?

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Aaliyah, markaan gabar helo oo aan jeclaado, kadibna guursado, meel kasta waa ku shumin. ha la arko, jeceelka yaan la qarin.

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horta, why the 'shoq-ke-eed'. the only questions we should be asking each other is 'is ikran experienced as a tongue-wrestler?'


p.s 'dhuuqay' WTF!


this was certainly created by Somaliland-diid.

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dont be ridiciolous obie, this young thang is off 'real ethnic or failing that new-born somalilander' stock lol, ya hear me bro? her huzy is a personal and close friend and of the tolka, ya dig? ask arafat to confirm tho lol.


mind you, this might not seem as bad as the time i claimed hassan adan samatar as a ethnic somalilander. who knows and who cares????? not me brov. i just wish them a happy and lustful marriage dee.

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