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Puntland Uses Aerial Assault In Ballidhidhin. AUDIO

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Puntland oo sheegatay duqayntii degmada Ballidhidin [Dhagayso]


June 8, 2012 // Warar Somaali


Dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegatay inay fulisay duqaymo xagga cirka loo adeegsaday oo laba diyaaradood ay Arbacdii lasoo dhaafayka fuliyeen degmada Ballidhidin ee gobolka Bari.


Wasiirka dekedaha iyo gaadiidka badda Puntland Eng. Saciid Maxamed Raagge oo ka qaybgalay barnaamij ardayda jaamacadaha Boosaaso ay su’aallo ku weydiinayeen oo ka baxay idaacadda Daljir ayaa sheegay duqaymaha xagga cirka ah ee ka dhacday degmada Ballidhidin inay u adeegsadeen laba diyaaradood oo helicopter ah,waxaa uuna beeniyay duqaynta inay waxyeelo kasoo gaartay shacabka degmada Ballidhidin.


Waxaa uu tilmaamay duqaynta qorshaheedu inuu ahaa gurri ay ku jireen kooxo burcadbadeed ah, islamarkaana ay ku burburiyeen gaadiid aylahaayeen burcaddda, waxaana intaasi uu raaciyay in horay dowladdu ay uga baaraan dagtay duqaynta inaysan khasaaro kasoo gaarin shacabka deegaanka.


Dhowaan ayay ahayd markii duqaymo ay ka dhaceen beriga degmada Ballidhidin, dadka deegaanka oo hadlay ayaa sheegay duqaymaha inay waxyeello kasoo gaartay dad shacab ah.




Dhagayso Wasiirka oo sharaxaya duqaynta diyaaradeed oo ay fuliyeen

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Official: Somali pirate leader targeted in helicopter attack


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By Associated Press,


MOGADISHU, Somalia — An official from the autonomous Somali region of Puntland says its forces launched an aerial attack targeting a pirate leader in Somalia.


The official said Wednesday that forces in a helicopter fired on a house in the village of Bali Dhidid where the pirate was believed to be, possibly wounding him. The official asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the press.


The official said three vehicles were destroyed by the bombardment but the pirate boss identified as Issa Yuluh managed to escape.


The attack comes a day after the Puntland’s troops launched a raid on the pirate infested town of the Bargal.


Attacks by Somali pirates off the Somali coast have reduced sharply in the first quarter of this year following a concerted international effort to eradicate piracy.


Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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I knew puntland had helicopters. I told you guys. They have at least 6 of them but what I didnt know is they are armed with missiles



So excelent we got AN26's and Armed Helicopters. A capable airforce with it's capable marine institute at QAW. What we need to see now only is the seagoing vessels. I think it is quite important we also modernize our armed forces in particularly the darawish. But we will get there. Puntland keep doing what you do best take the game to the next level in Somalia

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