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Aadan Jugle

The Origin of Taleex fort and the Devrish tombs. National Geographics 1931.

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Moon....And burahadeer with his genocidal tendencies praying for war so he could wipe out people. Now, he's his on mission of Somali revivalism though motivated by anti-Arab sentiments.


loool..see already our new friend is full of buuto faan badan iyo feer ironically qualities found in new Pland kids.


Aadan...there's no subject to be discussed. You are talking from place of anger-hard to rationalize and engage someone fuming and blowing off steam.

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Adan is right you can't be a secessionist if Somalia was never the mother country of Somaliland , Somaliland and Somalia merged to form the Somali republic as two equal entities. Now if hiiraan or Jubaland or Puntland wants to leave Somalia you can call them secessionist but not Somaliland.Its like a company when the company is sinking each stakeholder takes his shares and leaves, that's what happened. Che Anigu dad socda waan arkay oo shukumaankooda iyo shandadooda qaata iyo cadaygooda ileen Somalidu wa nomads eh , laakin ma arkin anigu dhul guuuraya adigu ma aragtay:D

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Mario B   

^^ I think I had this debate with Xaaji Xaanjuf on numerous occassions, I can't be bothered this time around to start another circular argument with another secessionist i.e Adan Jugle, especially one who believes in his own skewered reality. :D

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You have nothing to debate cause you are clueless when it comes to such subjects, the Kacaan was not about knowledge and debate and discusion , the Kacaan was a factory of lies and indoctornations, you were massivly reporduced like like coco-colas, there is notthing in that thick skull of yours that can debate.

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loool@Xaaji adiga iyo aniga isfahaney laakiin baptize secessionist newbies before they start posting angry threads.


Aadan....Your obsession with Kacaanka proves my point and your assumption of those disagree with you were indoctrinated by kacaanka don't leave lot of room for discussion. You already made your mind and want to just vent.

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Che -Guevara;839419 wrote:
..And burahadeer with his genocidal tendencies praying for war so he could wipe out people. Now, he's his on mission of Somali revivalism though motivated by anti-Arab sentiments


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You came to this thread spewing gibbrish about Somaliland, which this thread isn't even about, now there is no rule in the forum that says "thou shall not offend the Kacaan" , thus iam free to discuss the Kacaan and its ills, if you oppose somaliland and have a pathological hate for the people of Somaliland, your hate will not change the facts, so why not just stick with the threads you like and leave my thread alone , simple as that, don't come whining to me about Somaliland cause iam an ardent supporter of somaliland and no amount of SCC and Khaatumo "newly discovered soomaalinimo" will change my stand.

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^I came here to point out certain pattern of behavior that new secessionists on site exhibit and from the looks of it, you fit that profile to the letter. And the rest of the stuff you said is just cantarabaqash.

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Bal hal mashruuc oo uu kacaanka Hargeysa dhisay hanoo sheego.


all the ports, airports, highways, prisons, public schools, Hospitals were built by the 1969 Kacaanka or before Kacaanka, bal inoo faahfaahi Kacaanka cusubee hargeysa wuxuu dhisay? all the developments in SL are private properties, private schools, private factories and so on built by local businessmen, diaspora or international NGOs.

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Hargaysa hospital was built by the British and in fact when UFO intellectuals rose up in 1981 and were arrested by the Kacaan they were protesting the condition of Hargaysa hospital which had the same beds the British provided pre-1959.


Regardless the ills of the Kacaan are many, by 1981 a father and his 12 sons were all Generals in the army, the Kacaan was a social welfare state for your people, its about time you people atone for your sin.

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Mario B   

@ Moon- Not long ago SL minister's wages were being paid by mothers on welfare in London, Cardiff and the wider Europe!

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Aadan Jugle;839430 wrote:


Hargaysa hospital was built by the British and in fact when UFO intellectuals rose up in 1981 and were arrested by the Kacaan they were protesting the condition of Hargaysa hospital which had the same beds the British provided pre-1959.


Regardless the ills of the Kacaan are many, by 1981 a father and his 12 sons were all Generals in the army, the Kacaan was a social welfare state for your people, its about time you people atone for your sin.

I asked you to name one social infrastructure project built by the new Kacaan, I did not ask you what the British built.


Yes the Kacaan had many ills, but hey every admin in the world do have illnesses. But be fair guys, give the Kacaan what it deserves, A gratitude.

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I know what the Kacaan have done for you and thats how things should be compared not 1 school here and there. The Kacaan have made a social welfare for your people, the entire somali republic wealth was treated as a saving account of your clan, the Kacaan have made history for your people aand altered the old one, built statues for your people even named schools after old dead nomdas such as Wiil-waal and Raage Ugaas. 90% of all power was alloted to your kind out of sheer clanism, even new somali regions were created for you case in point Gedo and Sool in 1984.


Who should be gratefull me or you?

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Hey leave the new guy alone guys, we need more SL supporters. XX and JB are getting too old.


We need new blood ~

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