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They hate us! The cheap Somali (clan) Politics based on ignorence.

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They hate us! Is the most used sentence by the Somali hate ideologist who trade in fear and the cheap politics based on divide and rule. When they inject 'they hate us' ideology, they are for sure of suppoty and never have to argument, never have explain, never have to rationalize, never have to give accountability nor come with an alternative. as long as they keep injecting they hate us ideology in to the people. Somalis have experienced the result of this hate ideology, which has been injected for decades in to the society.


How often do I have to explain to people that nobody hates their sub-clan, clan, enclave or has hate for Somalis or Somalia. There are not many people in the world who wake up in the morning and think 'I hate them'. Children are not born filled with hate or fear, they are injected by adults with fear and the 'they hate us' ideology.


This ideology is based on ignorence, hate and fear and goes against our religion Islaam and against our own interest.

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Mario not online in real life after Friday prayers sometimes i like to piss off Some people an older man around the age of 60, When ever he sees me waxan haysta mafaatixdayda wuxu ku xidhanyahay Koor yar oo Somaliland ku qorantahay. Mar Alaale mar ku arko bu yidhi waryaa Landta xita Misaajidka ma la so gasha, and i tell him Landta xita maad ka fakirta xita markaynu ilaahay baryano oo aynu gurigi ilaahay joogno. Alla maxaan odayga dhiiga ku kiciyaa, wanu qarxin uun:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf, adeer, nobody hates us or our sub/clan, entire clan, duriyada, Somaliland, Hargeysa, Somalis nor Somalia.

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we need to spread love between the peoples. Politics based on Love and mutual understanding. say no to those who trade in hate and fear, they are our real enemy.

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Carafaat, Hate is very important for the existence of a nation or a group of people...Without hate no group could keep the bonds between them strong. Hate is natural and physiologic process. But what Somalis Have missed is the proper management and directing the hate towards correct agendas. Even a Muslim needs to hate Kufaar! .. We need hate as much as we need love.


For Somalia people should rise above hating other Somalis for the sake Tribe or clan. We should teach the younger generation to Hate ideas to hate discrimination to hate everyone who is against Pan-Somalism. :D


Take our Beloved Somaliland for instance, Although we deny it, what kept the nation hold together for so long is the common rancor we have for the previous regime, Jacaylbaro could start his bacaac, and Xaaj Xunjuf could come with other defense mechanism but it is the undeniable fact "Runtu ma fantaa"....

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Coofle;837987 wrote:
Carafaat, Hate is very important for the existence of a nation or a group of people...Without hate no group could keep the bonds between them strong. Hate is natural and physiologic process. But what Somalis Have missed is the proper management and directing the hate towards correct agendas. Even a Muslim needs to hate Kufaar! ..
We need hate as much as we need love.


For Somalia people should rise above hating other Somalis for the sake Tribe or clan. We should teach the younger generation to Hate ideas to hate discrimination to hate everyone who is against Pan-Somalism.


Take our Beloved Somaliland for instance, Although we deny it, what kept the nation hold together for so long is the common rancor we have for the previous regime, Jacaylbaro could start his bacaac, and Xaaj Xunjuf could come with other defense mechanism but it is the undeniable fact "
Runtu ma fantaa"

I disagree, the notion that every generation must have an enemy they hate is what drives ignorance in the world .The fall of communism, followed by the disappointment of a non hostile China has led some westerners to fabricate an elaborate plot involving Muslims taking over western nations.


As corny as it sounds, Somalis need hope of a better future,that's the only way groups like Al-Shabaab will be defeated.

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I agree with Blackflash here the idea that every generation is binded together by hate is ignorent and above all it's ineffective. Certainly in our case were our common hate has led to the distruction of our society and to our eternal division, now symbolised by the idea of 'federatiions'. As is our people our enable to live together as many here state.


A generation or nation is binded together by common values and common ideals.


I refuse to hate anyone, even Ethiopian people. Love and common understanding must be our answer and our driving force.

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