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The Ethiopian people are our brothers, time for a fresh start

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Somalia;838205 wrote:
Though your argument is flawed, you are still too progressive for these folks.

Somalia, explain yourself. How so is my argument flawed?

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Che -Guevara;838212 wrote: is it waterproof?

The logic (compared to your pictures of burnt women) is not bad. Carafaat, as the starter of this thread, put down the terms of reference for this dicussion and carried on the argument along those lines, I see nothing wrong with his logic thus far. Do YOU, really?

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Carafaat;838211 wrote:
Somalia, explain yourself. How so is my argument flawed?

You say the pan-Somalism is dead, yet you want unity with the rest of Somalia. Is this you waking up a secessionist?


But the view of regarding Ethiopia as the sole arch-enemy of Somalia is based on ignorance, there are more factors involved, it's more complex than 'they want us dead'. Ethiopia is made up of several people, and the ones you regard as the most evil, Meles Zenawi and the Tigray have far more in interest with Somali policies than that of Oromo people. Instead of working with him in dominating the ones that can turn out to be far more troublesome i.e Oromo, Somalis in those regions have weakened themselves through infighting.


So Meles Zenawi logically takes advantage of this and wants to weaken Somalia while he's at it. But if they did what is in their interests, making peace, building themselves up and challenging the EPRDF when they have leverage, they could have been somewhere today. The policy makers in the Somali regions of Ethiopia have done no one any good.


I think it's time people start treating Ethiopia as a factor out of many, though an important one. Meles Zenawi's policies toward Somalis are not as bad as people believe, it's mostly a myth that he wants to do us all harm, he has taken advantage of what we've done to ourselves.

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Check the new constitution. No mentioning of Djibouti, NFD or Western Somalia neither of the citizens of those regions. So territorial Pan Somalism as we knew it, is officially dead. this requires a new approach towards the neighbouring countries, cq public diplomacy. No longer can one consider these countries or its people to be the enemy.

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Carafaat;838554 wrote:
Check the new constitution. No mentioning of Djibouti, NFD or Western Somalia neither of the citizens of those regions. So territorial Pan Somalism as we knew it, is officially dead. this requires a new approach towards the neighbouring countries, cq public diplomacy. No longer can one consider these countries or its people to be the enemy.

Actually the new constitution hardly mentions the Somali borders.

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