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The Ethiopian people are our brothers, time for a fresh start

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The old ideology of Pan-Somalism is dead. The new constitution only regards the former British and Italian parts as Somalia and the ideology and ambition of greater Somalia is completely removed from the new constitution. There is no more reason to see the Ethiopian people as our sole enemy, lets start a new beginning and recongnize that the Ethiopian people are our brothers. Melez Zenawi is a dictator, and he does not only obstruct Somalia, the rights of the Somali people in the Somali region but he mainly obstructs the will, rights and aspirations of the Ethiopian people.


He is therefor the enemy of the Ethiopians themselves. Therefor his actions should not be regarded as that of the Ethiopians. Regions and cities like Dire Dawa and Harar are inhabited by Somali and Ethiopian people, they live together, intermarry and speak eachothers language. Hundred of thousands of Somali's live in Oromo region and have fully assimilated in to the Oromo family, just like hundred thousands have integrated with Somali society.


Therefor I say, lets start a fresh beginning and welcome the Ethiopian people as our brothers who we share some painfull history with.

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Xaaji and Che, are denying the fact that Somali and Ethiopians live together, intermarry and even speak eachothers languages in regions like Dire Dawa?

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The old ideology of Pan-Somalism is dead.

Markaa inta ka bilowday joojiye inaa sii aqriyo. Aad, aad, aad, aad, aad iyo aad ugu xumahay inaa saan u fikirtid.


Soomaaliweyn ma dhiman, mana dhiboon. Wey nooshahay waliba wey jirtaa. It is more vibrant now than it ever was since '50s/60s. Soomaalida wey iska warqabaan, kan Gaarisa joogo iyo tan Jabuuti joogto maanta waxa ka dhacaayo wey iska warqabaan and all thanks to warbaahinta satellite ah. This is a start.

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MMA, ina si akhrisid eheed. I am talking about the old form Pan-Somalism, as bringing together all Somalis under one State. Not the connection, link, cooperation and solidarity that exist between the Somali people.


aero, seeing Ethiopians as our enemy ama naga fog aint logic either.


Chimera, Dabrow, why should we still regard the Ethiopian people as our enemy?

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Xaaji, which people hate us? Koonfurions? Oromo's, Hererians, Amhara's or the small Tigrey tribe? be specific on who hates us. :D


Xaaji, there are dozens of Somali clans living within Ethiopian people's territory. May I remind you Ali A...?

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Carfafaat the Somalis in Somali galbeed if given a chance to leave Ethiopia they would but they are occupied you think they are there because they like Ethiopians, is this some kind of Joke kulaha jacayl ba la isku ag degenyahay lol balayo ku kala walaaleysey xabashi. Ethiopians are the same to me oromos gurages gembeele sidamo oromos want to land grab Somalis.The Amhaaras we were waging a Jihaad against these people since the 15 century killing their Emperors and forced them to eat raw meat. Remember in 2006 when they invaded Somalia shelling Mogadishu ila ay Masaajidyadi ay galeen. Waxay ahayd aar gudasho cad inamadi yar yara eeh anu abayashood ku leyney dagaalki 77 ayaa lugu yidhi Somalida abihin laayeey soo aar guta. Carafaat give it a rest dadkanu wa dad cadaw soo jireen ah boqolaal sanadood.

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There is no such thing as 'old' pan-Soomaalinimo. Soomaaliweyn is alive and kicking, still. Dhiigeena ku jirtaa. Dhul la heysto anaga uguma horeynin. Dad ayaa laga heystay dhulkooda boqolaal sano, waliba si silicsan. Marka inaa isniyadjabisid ama ka quusatid waa ayaandarro.


Do you even know, in NFD, the real "border" starts after you pass Gaarisa, markaa soo dhaaftid dhulka Soomaalida? That is where the real border control starts at. Before Gaarisa waa Soomaaliya, Kenyaatiga ayaaba aaminsan saas.

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MMA, its right thing to adress the bad and criminal policies of the goverments of Ethiopia, Kenya and even Somalia. And its even correct to hate or oppose the regime of Melez Zenawi, because he is a dictator.


But its another to assume our neighbours and by that I mean the people have ill intentions or hate us like XX and many others say and keep repeating.


On the issue of Pan Somalism. I have sait it before, we have to redefine the concept of pan/somalism,


Invading neighbours now or in the future and claiming back ´our land´ is not the right way nor the right prospect to build a country on. For sure it will only create constant animosity between us and our neighours. Havent we learned anything by now from 1977. One does not invade countries without paying a price for it.

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The World Chronicler’s (in Somali, Waayo Sheegaha Aduunka), Roving Editor, Mr. Truce Digger (In Somali, Md. Mashqac Ku-Baadhe) and Investigative Reporter, Mr. Blunt Bothersome (in Somali, Md. Meel Xun Abaare) recently caught up with a senior official of the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry in Addis Ababa. TWC agreed to the official’s condition of remaining anonymous in granting this interview—The Managing Editor


Somalis are Somalis. Never mind whether they are Somalians or Somalilanders or those residing in my country or in fraternal Kenya or in that hellish place called Djibouti—it is the name of their capital city too—or in wherever. As such, Somalis are our eternal enemies.


Listen guys, this ‘eternal enemies’ thing is strictly confidential; like what you journalists call it in your particular lingo—yes, that is right, you call it “off the record”, don’t you? I know we agreed that I’ll stay anonymous in this interview and presumably that would be enough to protect me, but still this bit about eternal enemies is off the record. You see, I’m a diplomat and diplomats don’t talk about eternal enemies. They, by the nature of their profession, talk about eternal friendships and friends, even as they’re designing your demise. This eternal enemies bit is off the record; it that clear, guys?


I see you’re silent about my little request regarding this little eternal-enemies thing. But wasn’t silence said to denote consent? Thus, I take your silence means your consent to my little request.


I was saying as our eternal enemies, a safe Somali is a …… I wouldn’t go as far as to say a dead one—no, no, that wouldn’t be a decent and humane thing to say; though, come to think of it, if a Somali died, I wouldn’t be the first or even the second person to shed tears on account of his misfortune. If I did, Somalis would characterize my tears as crocodile tears anyway! See, neither Somalis nor we don’t appreciate shedding tears on account of each other’s demises or other misfortunes.


No, no, I wouldn’t go as far as to say that, but I’d say that a safe Somali is a weak one. One who is eternally under our mercy; a Somali who is always under our peck and call; one into whose land and home we can always have an easy excess, nay, we can always invade whether or not he likes that.


How any Somali would possibly like us to invade his country, you asking me? You say that my last statement alluded to as much. Well, well, looks like you guys don’t know a great deal about Somalis! I can’t blame you, since you haven’t been living as their neighbor as we Ethiopians, by no choice of ours—if it were our choice, we’d have said “Thanks, but no thanks”—well by no choice of ours have been destined to live as their neighbors.


So I wouldn’t blame you for your ignorance of the Somali ways, but to answer your question, yes, definitely yes, some Somalis really like us invading their country. As a matter of fact their governments officially beseech us to invade their country now and then. Remember their first real ‘president’, that old sage, Abdillahi Yusuf, now deceased, I believe—well, remember that good ‘president’ of theirs, no less, literally begged us to invade his country back in late 2006! And we obliged him (what else could we have done; we’d literally feared for the old sage’s sanity if we didn’t oblige him?). From then on, the beseeching from their governments to invade their country never stopped.


To be honest with you, it sometimes gets rather tedious, the beseeching from the Somali leaders’ to invade their country, that is. But we do what we can to oblige them in consideration of the leaders’ sanity and even, at times, their very survival. As a matter of fact, as I speak now, our army is heavily involved in several different operations deep inside their country and only praise is what we’re getting from their leaders as well as others.


You saying that we routinely have a heavy hand in molding their leaderships and governments and therefore they could do no less than beseeching us to invade their country now and then and praise us when we oblige them? Listen guys! That is a preposterous thing to say to me! “A heavy hand”?! “A heavy hand”, you say?! That is entirely not true. We categorically deny it. I’m telling you that, guys.


You see, guys, as the Somalis’ best neighbors and African brethren; and as the Somalis amongst themselves couldn’t agree on constituting their own effective governments and good leaders for decades; and as an effective government with good leaders is to the best interests of all concerned i.e. to them as no country cannot be without an effective government for so long; to us as their best neighbors and African brethren; to you as your country is so concerned of terrorism and piracy and what not; to Dick, to Harry, to all and sundry for whatever reason—well, in light of all the foregoing, we have an obligation to do what we can to help them in establishing an effective government with good leaders in their country, haven’t we?


In this regard, we might have had a lithe finger or, at a maximum, an easy touch or a slow hand in their governmental and leadership selection efforts, but never, ever a heavy hand as you have so impertinently and disrespectfully accused us. And one more thing: It is not only Ethiopia that lends the Somalis a lithe finger or an easy touch or a slow hand in such matters. Other caring countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Djibouti … do it. I suspect even you guys’, own country, the US, and do it in a kind of roundabout way. Even some Arab countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and suchlike do it, though the Arabs, true to their inherent awkwardness and incompetence, aren’t as good at it as others are. Organizations like the UN, the AU, the IGAD and others do it.


So what is the problem if we, Ethiopians, likewise do it? I can even say, without naming names, that some of the others use poking fingers or rough touches or clumsy hands, which we never do and I never heard anybody blaming them. So I’m puzzled why Ethiopia is blamed when we so discreetly use only the lithest of fingers or the easiest of touches or the slowest of hands of them all!


But, speaking of blame apportioning and name calling, where you journalists are concerned, it is always ‘damn if you do and damn if you don’t! I’m certain that you’d have still blamed us if we—as their best neighbors and African brethren—didn’t do the right thing by the Somalis and failed to employ occasionally as well as discreetly a lithe finger or an easy touch or a slow hand on their good behalf.


Anyway, before you popped your annoying question, I was in the midst of an important thing. Jesus! Where was I? I thought that in this interview I’d just read from my well prepared and well thought over notes and that’d be that. But you somehow derail me and I blab-blab about things I didn’t prepare well or thought over properly prior to the blab-blabbing.


Anyway, where was I? Yes, yes, now I remember, Thank Heavens! I was talking about who a good Somali should be, wasn’t I? I was saying that a good Somali is a weak Somali, one whose assets are ours; one who would never collude with a fellow Somali to ever put up any meaningful resistance to whatever we’d like to do to him or with him. Is that clear, guys?


You’re saying ‘Yes’? Thank you, guys. Good that for once you’d understand rather than derail me from my course. You should be smart enough to know how to treat a Somali. Of course we expect no less from you, Americans, who are our eternal friends and who always see things our way as far as matters pertaining to Somalis are concerned.


So I was saying this Somali should be kept in perpetual turmoil and, when we are extraordinarily nice to him, in timeless limbo. I’ll explain what I mean by ‘timeless limbo’ later; but let me first elaborate a bit on the ‘perpetual turmoil’ part.


For this ‘perpetual turmoil’ purpose, it’s fine with us that the Somalians (meaning those from Somalia) continue to slaughter each other. If an effective government, in the conventional sense of government as understood by everybody else save a Somalian, has eluded them for so long, well, that too is, eerie … fine with us as long as it is fine with them. And twenty years on, who doubts that this situation is perfectly fine with them? Some say that we are behind this “no-effective-government” business, but then, isn’t everybody entitled to his opinion?! Suffices to say that any “president” in Villa Somalia is a brother and should behave like a brother. If he isn’t a brother and doesn’t behave like one, then all we can say is to wish good luck. But whatever happens to him after that is none of our business.


We’ve been exceptionally nice to them. Remember, our army has been to their very capital and beyond—all the way to Kismayo and the Kenyan border. And didn’t we withdraw our troops after we helped them liberate themselves of that ignoble Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) terrorist gang and in its place installed their astute “president” Abdillahi Yusuf in Villa Somalia? Others might’ve colonized Somalia and kept their occupation forces in their country for centuries, but we’re not others; we’re their best neighbors and African brethren

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