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Caqabad soo food saartay qodista shidaalka Puntland


May 31, 2012


Shirkada Range Resouces ayaa u muuqato in ay soo afjarayso howlihii maal gashigeedii iyo sahaminta shidaalka ay ka waday deegaamada Puntland.


Peter Landau ayaa sheegaya in Range Resources qorsheyneyso in ay u wareegeyso Trinidad iyo Colombia. Isagana baxdo howsha shidaal sahmin ee ay ka wado Puntland.


Madaxa shirkadda Range Resources, oo la hadlayey ganacsato ka tirsan Suuqa Ganacsiga Australia (ASX) oo uu kula kulmay Hong Kong ayuu u sheegay in shirkadiisu maal gashigeeda ka wareejineyso Puntland, islamarkaasna xoogeeda isu geyneyso shidaal sahaminta dalalka Trinidad iyo Colombia, sidaas waxaa Arbacadii May 30, 2012 qortay jariidada The Australian.


Mr. Landau waxa uu yiri “Waxaan aragnay in aan qiimayn la siinayn Trinidad sababtoo xoogga ay Range Resources saartay Puntland. Sidaas daraadeed aan ka baxno Puntland (aan meesha ka saarno Puntland), oo markaas maalgashadayaasha Range aan siino saamiyada (free stock), islamarkaasna aan diiwaan gaar ah uga samaynayno suuqa ganacsiga London.”


* “What we’ve seen is Trinidad doesn’t get valued because all the punters trade Range on Puntland. So let’s take Puntland out, give (Range investors) the free stock, and have a separate AIM-listed stock,” he said.


Range Resources waxay Puntland markii ugu horesey timid sannadkii 2005. kolkaas oo uu Puntland ku soo dhoweeyey Gen. Cade Muuse Xirsi.


Jariidadda The Australia waxay sheegtay in shirkadda Range Resources ay saami wadaag xagga sahaminta Shidaalka Puntland kula jirto shirkaddaha kale Horn Petroleum iyo Red Emperor Resources kuwaas oo shidaal qodis ka wada Puntland.


Waxaa durbadiiba shalay (May 30, 2012) hoos u dhacay (-8.33%) samiyadda shirkadda Range Resources ee Suuqa Ganacsiga ee Australia (ASX).


Hadalkan kasoo baxay shirkada ayaa niyad jab ku noqon kara malaayiin Soomaali ah, oo mar un doonayey inay markhaati ka noqdaan Soomalia oo heshay Shidaal looga baxo gaajada, macluusha, iyo colaadaha 22 Somalia soo daashatay.

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Wow, so all the talk about Puntland oil was a complete Hoax. Shame on U Faroole. Well it is the trait of Puntland folks to hype up anything that is Puntland. They are pretty good. Where is Dr Osman and his Puntland fever when u need a news spin off.

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aawaye dadkii inoogu sheekeyn jiray nimanka budhcadda ah baa shidaal ka qodaya Puntland, I was warning about them for weeks and now it seems they are packing up for good.

all their hype and publicity was about falsely over valuing their company share valuation, and they succeeded on their task by beefing up their bogus company profile and attracting new naive investors who believed their hot air scam. Now lets bring well known credible oil companies like Shell, BP. Exxorn, or Elf.

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