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The Istanbul Conference will go on and they should shift their attention only to the South

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Mario B   

Qandalawi, no body hates PL, we just don't like it's many ugly manifestations and certainly it's a trait shared in all Somali regions. Also Faroole can't throw a strop every other week.

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"they will do everything they can to convince Faroole and eventually bring him on board." Instead turks doing that why people like you not doing that and save time and energy for everybody else including the turk.

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^Lol, don't get too excited Adeer. The whole shenanigan is part of the political process and Turkey knows it, SL did it before and now its not only Punltland but all the other Somali political wings except the TFG. Stop the exaggerations and the melodrama, this is a small issue that will be solved in due time.


For those who wish to pick on Puntland and Faroole, continue and get on with your dramatic remarks

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Qandalawi;835333 wrote:
^Lol, don't get too excited Adeer. The whole shenanigan is part of the political process and Turkey knows it, SL did it before and now its not only Punltland but all the other Somali political wings except the TFG. Stop the exaggerations and the melodrama, this is a small issue that will be solved in due time.


For those who wish to pick on Puntland and Faroole, continue and get on with your dramatic remarks

What this confreres has to do Political process. So you mean this is how stakeholders and relevant groups act, when they want see some change. the confreres is second day and few more days left, better get there before too late

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^Aah waxbaba lama socotid and you still come across very cocky. Xoogaa odayaashaa shaah lasii siinayaa hada but the real Somalia conference will start in June in which all Somali stakeholders will attend including Somaliland, I believe June 20 ayuu bilaabanayaa.

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It's true, many things are unsolved, it's believed over 1000 people have left for this Turkish conference, many irrelevant people indeed, and some that don't even represent the stakeholders.

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Qandalawi;835363 wrote:
^Aah waxbaba lama socotid and you still come across very cocky. Xoogaa odayaashaa shaah lasii siinayaa hada but the real Somalia conference will start in June in which all Somali stakeholders will attend including Somaliland, I believe June 20 ayuu bilaabanayaa.

waad kadartey. odayaasha iyo waxgaradka kale waa dadka hada laga bilaabo gacanta kuhaya majaraha siyaasada soomaaliya ilaa dowlad cusub laga soo dooranayo. june 20 waa marka dastuurka la ansixinayo. Boowe faroole wuxuu joogaa addis, warkiisa waad maqashay iska naso

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According to mr faroole the only relevant people among Somalis are his the people he selects to represent the state of Puntland. Everything has been ironed out as for as ending the transition and the draft constitution. What does he have to fear from this conference?

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Qandalawi;835272 wrote:
The wishful thinking of PL haters group. Turkey is an influential nation with huge interest in Somalia, they will not pick and choose one Somali group or region over the other and they don't want to be seen siding with groups and neglecting others, nor will they fall for the low level thinking of Somalis. Turkey's agenda for Somalia is conclusive and holistic, it has a strategic agenda and alliance with Somalia for the long haul, and willl not be tricked to be sucked into the dirty clanish Somali politics. For that reason, they will do everything they can to convince Faroole and eventually bring him on board.


PL is too big and massive Somali constituency to be ignored yaa Dabrow. You must know that.

You think I hate puntland? I agree Puntland is part of Somalia, just like others regions, Puntland should cut the BS and work with other somalis for whats best for Somalia and not pursue different political paths. My point was if Puntland wants to play ball then we should give them the ball and recover our capital first and then the south.

We dont have time for nonsense.

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