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Xaaji Xunjuf

Ahlsuna wal jamaca is not attending the Turkey Conference.

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Warsaxaafadeed— Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca waxa u hakiyay ka qaybgalka Shirka Istanbul

Posted by Pi on May 28th, 2012

Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca waxaa uu hakiyay ka qaybgalka shirka Magaalada Istabuul ee wadanka Turkiga ka dhacaya 31 may ila 1 june 2012. Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca ee wadanka Somalia waxay go’ansaden in ay hakiyaan ka qaybgalka shirka ka dhacaya wadanka Turkiga sababha waxaad ka akhrisaa Warsaxaafadeedka oo dhamaystiran saxiixana, wuxuuna warsaxafadeedkaan soo gaarey warbaahinta maanta.


Riix halkaan si aad u akhrisato warsaxafadeedka oo dhamaystiran oona saxiixan

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Mario B   

If it's true, then it shows Zenawi's hand. Puntland, Galmuduug and ASWJ are just dancing to their masters tune.:D

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This is now more than a boycott, its what I call Turkish fever, Ahlul Sunna catches the fever.


Its an organised rebellion against Turkey's involvement in Somalia it seems, perhaps something big that we don't know is cooking up, any gamblers?

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