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This topic is for brother Khayr and brother Qaac Qaac

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Brother Khayr and Qaac.. first and foremost let me commend your inspiring Islamic conscious. your sincerity in defending Islam coupled with your efforts in correcting the nomads who have misperception of some particular issues of Deen didnt go unnoticed. Without Daaciyas like you people would fall into ignorance and hypocrites will lead them into Muxaramaat.

Although am fully supportive to your noble mission I would like to hereby attract your kind attention to a point that would help you spread the good deeds around SOL more effectively and positively.

this point is the method you guys are using in extending the message of allah. Brothers khayr and Qaac I have noticed that you were becoming a little harsh and redundant in approaching the nomads with fallacies of our Islamic teachings.

you have to understand that their realities and lifestyle or perhaps upbringing was probably different than yours, they may have never had a chance to learn about Aqeedah, Fiqah and Tawxiid of which you are quite knowledgeable of. Their concerns, most of the time, stems from a mere lack of knowledge that needs to be corrected in a very kind and friendly manner. The last thing that would help them back on the right path is a fruitless toe-to-toe arguments and insults which will only worsen their delusion and astray them even further into Muxarmaat. So to have them take your dacwah you must build a friendship relation with them and make them feel you are genuinely concerned about them. And try not to force your viewpoint (which may well be true) on them.

Please check this Aayah of which Allah is educating his prophet PBUH on how to call to Allah..





and this is the translation of the Above aaya (in red)




even thought the Prophet, the best of mankind and the best Daaciyah ever, would have failed as Allah has told us, without being kind and gentle. subxaan alaaah


And these are tow more Aayas educating us on how approach people when you are calling them to the path of allah




and this is the translation of the Above aaya (in red)








and this is the translation of the Above aaya (in red)





So Please do not alienate yourselves and be more social, friendly, kind, and gentel when making a Dacwah…



I love you for the sake of allah, and I hope you don’t take this as a hating criticism..


Your brother


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Thank You for the naseeha.

'Silence is Golden'

So inshallah I'll try to invest in some of that.

Once again thank you and inshallah I don't think

that I'll be posting anything on SOL for the next little while ( at least) cause

I'm coming off like an old man with a wooden stick.


I apologize to the nomads for all that I might have shared with you. It was very uncharacteristing of me to do so b/c I often observe silence in most matters with people in my daily interactions with them and speak 'trivial' things to them.


Once again I didn't mean to get this 'TRIBUTE'

when the 'TRIBUTE' could have been done through

a simple 'PM' but the point is made CLEAR, alhamdulillah.


'GO WITH THE FLOW and not against the CURRENT'

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Qac Qaac   

brother thanks for giving us this beautiful naseehah or advice.


i agree with you, but i also think, we shouldn't be so passive that for the sake of us trying to be friends with them, that we let them do or say something against islam. but i see what u saying, and i respected.


khayrul amuuri awsaduhaa. so we both should come in the middle path.

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Brother Khayr and Qaac, I m very happy we came to terms to this very important issue, just remember that when I am not with you I am not necessarily against you.. people are different and are bound to have different views..


Sister caramel.. please feel free to pitch in with your tow cents smile.gif

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