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Puntland and Galmudug Withdraw Participation at Istanbul Conference II on Somalia Joint Statement

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Honestly, What is the point of this conference, I don't genuinely get it?


And why on earth would elders go to Istanbul? Could it be a heath check up?

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Somalia: TFG criticize selection of civil society meeting in Turkey


29 May 29, 2012


MOGADISHU, Somalia May 29 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) released a statement disapproving the ‘self-selected’ Somali civil society who are currently holding meetings in Istanbul, Radio Garowe reports.


There were 165 people from the Somali civil society and 135 traditional elders from Somalia, invited to the 6 day Somali Civil Society meeting in Istanbul. TFG Constitutional Minister Abdirahman Hoosh Jibril, in press release on Monday said that meeting did not include “mainstream civil society groups.”


Minister Hoosh added, that Turkey did not consult with the TFG or regional governments about the selection of the Somali civil society at the conference, which according to the meeting’s agenda brought together Somalis “from all walks of life”.


“We register our displeasure that an unrepresentative self-selected group within the pre-conference attendees have hijacked and thus politicized an integral part of the process…” said Minister Hoosh.


The TFG said in the press statement the Somali civil society conference could possibly undermine the integrity of all other agreements signed by leaders of Somalia.


In addition Minister Hoosh reminded the international partners on the urgency of completing the transition period by August. “The Somali government and its international partners ought to show a unity of purpose so that we can end the transition as expeditiously as outlined under the Roadmap agreements.”


The Somali civil society meeting will coincide with the 2nd Somalia conference. The Somali civil society conference has been labeled as a non-inclusive meeting by the TFG and regional governments. Officials say the meeting left out many large civil society groups who have worked extensively in Somalia.


The TFG asked the Turkish government to make an urgent review of the concerns raised about the selection of the Somali civil society. Turkey has not yet responded to the TFG’s request to review the Somali civil society members.



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Samafal;835720 wrote:
Honestly, What is the point of this conference, I don't genuinely get it?


And why on earth would elders go to Istanbul? Could it be a heath check up?

Waa iska health check up ee maxaa looga qaylinayaa?:D Meeshaan hadda dowlad lagu soo dhisi maayo, dadka ku kulmay ee civil society-ga ahna waxba kama duwana shirarkii Lund, Sweden iyo Kampala ee CRD qabanqaabin jirtey, waxaan la yaabanahay qaylada iyo sawaxanka lala daba taagan yahay. Soomaaliya dowlad waa loo soo dhisi insha Allaah, warlords-ka iyo maamul-beeleedyada Soomaaliya ka jira haddii ay iska waayaan liiska madaxda waxay sameeyaan amase samayn karaan baan sugeynaa. Ilaah baa awood leh, balse dowlado iyo dadyow uu awood siiyey ayaa shaxdan wata ee kuwa qaylinayaa oo runtii danohooda keliya daba joogaa waxba kama qaban karaan. ama SOL hallagu baroorto, ama idaacad Muqdisho hallaga hadlo amase odayaal suul ku saxiixa bayaan halla dhaho, Insha Allaah sheekooyinnkaas socon maayaan, markaan Soomaaliya waa dhaqaaqday. Malla is weydiiyey Muuse Suudi, Indhacadde iyo Qanyare meeshay ka bexeen waa yaabe? Marna maka fekerteen waxa aamusiyey? Mar dhow Faroole iyo inta dhimanna jidkaas ayay raaci! Cayaarta iska fiirsada un. Dad xitaa hadda aamusan oo iyana sida Faroole qaylin waa la arki insha Allaah.

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The whole thing was a stitch up, I don't know how Shariif Hotel pulled this one, waar ninku waaba magician bilaash ayaa loo underestimate garaynaayay. Loool :D



Malaha wuu sixray intii kale ayagoo soo jeeda, afkee qaylo wada furteeen :D



But the whole thing is a joke.

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Qandalawi;835873 wrote:
The whole thing was a stitch up, I don't know how Shariif Hotel pulled this one, waar ninku waaba magician bilaash ayaa loo underestimate garaynaayay. Loool



Malaha wuu sixray intii kale ayagoo soo jeeda, afkee qaylo wada furteeen



But the whole thing is a joke.

Qandalaawi, Sharif Siyaasi ma ahan ninkii dhaha been dheh. Intaad meelaha Hotel ku hayseen buu idinka yaabsaday haye? Runtii waa siyaasi culus, balse mid ku bishaarayso Sharif ma soo noqonayo insha Allaah. Haddii uu soo noqonayo dhibkaan dhan lama mareen ee waa loo kordhin lahaa, waa sii socdaa ee yaan laga xanaajin. U sug ha farxine, Faroole iyo Cabdiwelina ka hari maayaane.:D

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Abwaan all is set for Sharif to come back. Sending elders to Istanbul is bribe, like they af wax cunay xishoo

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Samafal;835881 wrote:
Abwaan all is set for Sharif to come back. Sending elders to Istanbul is bribe, like they af wax cunay xishoo

Samafal anigu prediction-kayga iyo xogtaan hayo taasi ma dhacayso insha Allaah. Waa dhab in rag Aala-Shiikh ahi shax ciyaarayaan laakiin midda Faroole waxba kama duwana, labaduba shaqayn maayaan insha Allaah. Yaan la is dhiibin, yaanan la kala raacin dadkaan ee danta ummadda iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed halla fiiriyo...Bal meeshan fiiri heerka dadkeennii marayo:

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Lool @ Abwaan, you are right, the man was underestimated, I must give it to him on how he outmaneuvered only one, two but all. Even I heard Shariif Sakiin is pissed off :D


That he pulled this off shows the man is canny and calculating, but still I doubt the man did it on his own, I think bahasha idinkaa kawaalay oo yiri kagaarsii oo invitation cards isdaba mari, I know ragiina meelahaa ayaa lataliye u ah including you. Waar Somalia shidada kadaaya nimanyahow sidaan faa'ido nooguma jirtee.

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Qandalawi;835886 wrote:
Lool @ Abwaan, you are right, the man was underestimated, I must give it to him on how he outmaneuvered only one, two but all. Even I heard Shariif Sakiin is pissed off


That he pulled this off shows the man is canny and calculating, but still I doubt the man did it on his own, I think bahasha idinkaa kawaalay oo yiri kagaarsii oo invitation cards isdaba mari, I know ragiina meelahaa ayaa lataliye u ah including you. Waar Somalia shidada kadaaya nimanyahow sidaan faa'ido nooguma jirtee.

lol@Qandalaawi. Soomaaliya shidadeeda ma in siyaasaddii lagaa badiyaa? If I was somebody's advisor meeshaan kama wada hadalneen this time ee I would be in Istanbul. I am not denying that I met with the president back in 2009 not in Somalia though, support him and respect him but I think that he should go this time. Again, waxani waa maaweelo ee iska sug August insha Allaah.

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^Waar ninyahow you speak with an aura of confidence, what do you know that you are not willing to share with us.



Waaban shakiyay anigu, do you work for MOSAD or perhaps you are a member of the Freemasons. Spill the beans, taadu CIA operative xataa waa ka wayntahay.

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In fact both the Turkish and gulf Arabs want him (Shareef) back, it's the Europeans, Africans, and Americans that want him out. So let's see which way it will go. As for this conference, it's clear it has been mismanaged, but will the Turkish who are still figuring out Somalis complicated politics learn something from this? Time will tell.

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Qandalawi;835897 wrote:
^Waar ninyahow you speak with an aura of confidence, what do you know that you are not willing to share with us.


Waaban shakiyay anigu, do you work for MOSAD or perhaps you are a member of the Freemasons. Spill the beans, taadu CIA operative xataa waa ka wayntahay.




Gheelle.T;835906 wrote:
In fact both the Turkish and gulf Arabs want him (Shareef) back, it's the Europeans, Africans, and Americans that want him out. So let's see which way it will go. As for this conference, it's clear it has been mismanaged, but will the Turkish who are still figuring out Somalis complicated politics learn something from this? Time will tell.

Waa kan rag siyaasadda si fiican ula socda.

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Prof.Gaas: “Shirka Istanbul looma dhama”


Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Prof. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali, ayaa ka hadlay go’aanka ay Puntland iyo Galmudug ka qaateen shirka odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada rayidka ah ee Soomaaliyeed uga socda magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga.


Wuxuuna sheegay in xukuumaddiisu ay dadaal ugu jirto sidii arintaas xal loogu heli lahaa, islamarkaana sida ugu dhaqsaha badan wax looga qaban lahaa cabashooyinka ay Puntland iyo Galmudug soo jeediyeen.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo warkan sheegay mar uu u waramayey laanta afka Soomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC wuxuu tilmaamay in dowladda KMG ahi ay u garaabeyso labadaas maamul maadaama ay si cad u muuqdaan in badan oo kamid ah waxyaabaha ay saluugeen isagoo taas ka hadlaya waxaa Cabdiweli Gaas hadaladisii kamid ahaa.


“Ururada bulshada rayidka ah ee maashaas isugu yimid ma ahan kuwo loo dhan yahay, waxad moodaa ilaa iyo xad in arintaas si khaldan loo maamulay waanan ka garawnay”.


Dhinaca kale Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa beeniyey in shirka Istanbul uu yahay mid la doonayo in wax lagaga bedelo heshiisyadii Roadmapka, wuxuuna sheegay in Roadmapku uu u fuli doono sidii horay loogu heshiiyey, waxna aan laga bedeli doonin.


“Roadmapku gaba gabo ayuu joogaa, wax hada laga bedelayaana ma jiraan, ciddii wax ku biirinaysa oo ra’yi keeneysa waan soo dhoweyneynaa” Prof Cabdiweli ayaa yiri.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha iyo wefdi uu horkacayo waxay gelinkii danbe ee shalay gaareen magaalada Istanbul oo ah caasimadda 2-aad ee Turkiga, halkaasoo uu maalintii 4-aad shir uga socdo madaxda dhaqanka iyo xubno ka tirsan bulshada rayidka ah ee Soomaalida.


Horseed Media

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