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27th May 1988

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A relative from Burco who came to Hargeisa for a short trip was trapped and could not go back that day. He later on died in our house when a missile landed on us. I was sitting next to him and was covered with his blood.


Allah yarxamah

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Moonlight, are you trying to deny history? Ninyahow sidaa horey ugu socon hadii wixi dhacay meel aana iska dhigin oo wali ka murmisid?

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Carafaat;834668 wrote:
Moonlight, are you trying to deny history? Ninyahow sidaa horey ugu socon hadii wixi dhacay meel aana iska dhigin oo wali ka murmisid?

I don't deny what happened, but I hate commercializing it and glamorizing killers. and for your info my uncle was murdered in Burco cold bloodily by the SNM, just because of his tribe.

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Abwaan;834592 wrote:
It is also a day that civilians seyladda Burco xoolo ku iibinayey lagu xasuuqay iyadoo loogu marmarsiiyoonayo inay koofurta ka soo jeedaan. Taariikhda qaarna yaan laga tegin qaarna yaan la xusin, mise waa collateral damage baa lagu marmarsiiyoon. Ilaah intii dhimatay oo dhanba ha u naxariisto.

Abwaan inta qudh ee aan isku haysano SNM saw intaas uun maaha....

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Markay sii marqamaana waxay oran stenger baan diyaarado kusoo daadinay hadaad tiraahdo war meeshaasu afghanistan bay ahayde amaad wax kale aragtay? laga yaabee inuu yiraahdo waan arkay ayadoo geed saaran waa iska taariikh marqaan

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Jacaylbaro;834662 wrote:
A relative from Burco who came to Hargeisa for a short trip was trapped and could not go back that day. He later on died in our house when a missile landed on us. I was sitting next to him and was covered with his blood.


Allah yarxamah

Ilaahay ha uu naxariisto, dagaal bilaa macno dhibkaas ay leedahay

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MoonLight1;834672 wrote:
I don't deny what happened, but I hate commercializing it and glamorizing killers. and for your info my uncle was murdered in Burco cold bloodily by the SNM, just because of his tribe.


Sorry but was ur uncle captain faalso

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Xaaji Xunjuf;834782 wrote:
Sorry but was ur uncle captain faalso



he was a teacher and was living in the city more than 20 years with a local wife, but that didn't save him.

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Qabiil tensions were very high back then, some families had to hide / vouch to protect relatives from the other qabiil. It was a horrid period for everyone in the region. May Allah have mercy on those who passed away.

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Waar qolooyinkan meesha ka qayl-qaylyaya laba arimood midna kuma heshiinkaro Sayid Maxamed iyo SNM waayo nin walba midbuu geesiyaal iyo mujaahid u arkaan. Laakiin ta qudha ee ay ku kala duwanyahiin waa, midina wuu guulaysaty (SNM) midina isagoo qaxaya oo la eryanayo ayuu dhintay (sayidka).

Dagaalka xaqa ah iyo ka aan xaqa ahayn farqiga qudha eeu dhaxeeyaa waa guusha!! (Intaad xaq-raadis tahay ee aad dulmi diid tahay waad guulaysanaysaa)

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MoonLight1;834784 wrote:


he was a teacher and was living in the city more than 20 years with a local wife, but that didn't save him.

Ok waan gartay AUN to ur uncle lots of bad things happened in the past ilaahy samir iyo imaan ha inaga wada siiyo

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There is a small minority of people in Somaliland who hail from all tribes of the north that directly benefited from the dictatorship of Siad Barre. Though the great majority came from certain well known tribes not least of all the MOD alliance. For these folks life under that totalitarian regime and personality cult is something to feel nostalgic about. They had an easy life, there husband brought home insane amounts of money for doing nothing. The public treasury was there personal bank account with no withdrawal limits. They became so comfortable with this lifestyle that they assume till this very day that is how life should be. They have a false sense of entitlement to a life of privilege that is long gone and will never materialize again, some even confuse this lifestyle with patriotism and all that was good about 'Somalia'. Alot of these folks were simpletons, just sheep being lead one way or another, so when you hear them speak today and all the venom that comes out of their mouth about Somaliland and the long disbanded SNM I almost feel pity for them. It is understandable they should feed their children tall tales of being innocent and equally wronged as all other members of society but what is particularly disdainful is when you see avg young Somalilanders who did not hail from these former centers of influence today being apologetic to these kacaan leftovers on sites like this. Know your own damn history and don't let shameless folk on this site feed you non-sense. The regime declared collective punishment on one tribe associated with a rebel group and other neighbouring tribes in Somaliland went along with the government line, that is an undeniable fact of what was the war in the north. Thousands of young men many only teenagers fought in an existential war for you to have the privilege to go back home unmolested, own property without the threat of being dis-possessed and live in relative freedom. You should be proud that the SNM as soon as they gained control declared that no tribal vendettas were to be settled as an official policy and shortly there after called a conference to bring together the tribes in the hopes of mending fences. Some folks who were on the side that whipped out thousands of people indiscriminately and resorted to collective punishment, have the audacity to shed crocodile tears and try to pass isolated incidents as common place occurrences against them. Nevermind that that there tribal tulos were spared the brunt of the killings and that the SNM executives decided to ban all forms of revenge which for a rebel group that had a fairly decentralized leadership was phenomenal. It spared all of Somaliland the faith that awaited the rest of the Somalis in the civil war and the inter-tribal and intra-tribal fighting that followed. Ilaahey ha u naxaristoo dadkii dhintay o dhan, Mujahidiinti SNM-ta Ilaahey janadaa ha galiyo o danbigoga ha ka saamaxo. Keep in mind the bigger picture in the context of those bloody days and please do not allow their sacrifices and there memory to be surplanted by the shocking tales of personal loss and libel coming from certain corners.

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