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27th May 1988

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Today in 1988 ..... Burco was on the news. It is when the SNM heroes stormed the city and teach the Somali army an unforgetable lessons.


That was the beginning of the end of the Somali regime. The end of the second strongest army in Africa. The end of the dictatorship & Socialism in Somaliland and Somalia.

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It is also a day that civilians seyladda Burco xoolo ku iibinayey lagu xasuuqay iyadoo loogu marmarsiiyoonayo inay koofurta ka soo jeedaan. Taariikhda qaarna yaan laga tegin qaarna yaan la xusin, mise waa collateral damage baa lagu marmarsiiyoon. Ilaah intii dhimatay oo dhanba ha u naxariisto.

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Abwaan;834592 wrote:
It is also a day that civilians seyladda Burco xoolo ku iibinayey lagu xasuuqay iyadoo loogu marmarsiiyoonayo inay koofurta ka soo jeedaan. Taariikhda qaarna yaan laga tegin qaarna yaan la xusin, mise waa collateral damage baa lagu marmarsiiyoon. Ilaah intii dhimatay oo dhanba ha u naxariisto.

On that day, people did not even have the capacity to kill anyone on sight. The target was only those with Military uniforms regardless of their type, Military, police, ect. It is probably the other way round and those were killed by the government thinking they are the rebels. All I know was that they were killing indiscriminately.

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Jacaylbaro;834584 wrote:

That was the beginning of the end of the Somali regime. The end of the second strongest army in Africa. The end of the dictatorship & Socialism in Somaliland and Somalia.

and "The death of 50.000 ppl".


JB I shouldn't remind you your favorite digits.


Blessed;834584 wrote:
beginning of the worst period of my childhood...

You should sue Siilaanyo for damages.

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No, Che. I was with hooyo in Jeddah for a short visit, we were actually supposed to go back home that week. My siblings were back home with my beloved habar yar and her children..

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